Sunday, September 25, 2022

Quick Reviews returns: Dirty Pictures, Fantastic Four, Mickey Mouse, Space Boy, McCay, Aimee de Jongh, and Orner's Smahtguy least that's what I think I used to headline short review columns.

I caught covid for the first time this past week, probably at work where other people did, and I had just been transferred to the home office from a satellite one where I was one of two people showing up daily. I'm fine, that's fine, the disease is endemic now, and we've got vaccines to make sure most of us don't suffer badly from it, just like I haven't.

But it did mean that I ended up with some free time - at least 5 days in which I had to skip the events I had this weekend, which included a poker game, 2 comic book signings at Fantom Comics, a Pixar Inside Out exhibit preview at the Children's Museum, and a story-telling party. Instead I've been reading some of the graphic novels that came my way.

Dirty Pictures: How an Underground Network of Nerds, Feminists, Misfits,Geniuses, Bikers, Potheads, Printers, Intellectuals, and Art School Rebels Revolutionized Art and Invented Comix
by Brian Doherty, Abrams, 2022 - This isn't a graphic novel. Instead it's a dense history with no pictures which is why I haven't finished reading it yet. Reason magazine editor Doherty's produced a readable, comprehensive history of who knew who, who was sleeping with who, and who was drawing with who, why, and when. This is not for the uninitiated, as it has no images and assumes a familiarity with the field that's a step beyond basic. As such, I'm enjoying it and learning from it, but at times it reads like a Who's Who of underground comix - that's not a bad thing, especially as the cartoonists themselves either died young or are dying now (Diane Noomin within the past month). It does mean that it can be a bit of a struggle to keep people straight, or honestly to pick it up again after putting it down. I've been trying to read a chapter at a time, no more or less, which works for me, but I'm not a major fan of the undergrounds in spite of being dedicated to comics history. If you're similarly dedicated, you should buy this.

Fantastic Four: Full Circle by Alex Ross, Abrams, 2022 - I got a pdf of this from the publisher (who's been very kind about sending me material), and then was gifted a copy by my buddies at Big Planet Comics so it was clear the universe was telling me to read it. I also love the classic FF. Ross' hyper-realistic paintings have set a standard in superhero depiction for a couple of decades now, but he hasn't done a comic book in years. This time, he did it all including the writing, but not as a painted book. The story leaps off a plot point from FF #51, a Kirby-Lee story in which (here's the Kirby part) a minor character succeeds in copying the Thing's body exactly, fooling Mr. Fantastic into taking him into the Negative Zone, and then sacrificing himself to save Reed Richards. At 64 pages, this is exactly a story that could have been an FF annual in the 1960s. Ross's art is competent, being redolent of Kirby without descending into pastiche (Ross draws a photo-collage rather than making one as Kirby was doing at the time), and is steeped in FF history with respect. (Except for an unnecessary gag about Reed and Sue having sex, and Sue running out naked when the Baxter Building is breached by the negative zone, but hey, it's not 1968 anymore). The plot makes no more or less sense than Lee's ever did, and the hyperbole is cut back for modern audiences. I enjoyed this just fine, but it's a loving salute to a long-gone era. Although Ross does explain Captain Marvel / Rick Jones' nega bands which swapped their bodies in and out of the negative zone in the 1970s for longtime fans. As the first original comic book published by Abrams via licensing from Marvel, I'm sure it was a smart choice due to Ross's fans, but I don't think it'll bring any readers over to the FF.*

Mickey Mouse: Zombie Coffee by Regis Loisel, Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2022 - For years, Fantagraphics has been publishing the adult Disney material that has appeared in the European market. Greg Bennett of Big Planet Comics Bethesda makes a point of keeping me up on it. Loisel first made his mark with a bawdy retelling of Peter Pan - now many years later, he's doing licensed work. This story replicates the feel of Floyd Gottfredson's adventurous Mickey with simulated comic strips set during the Depression. Mouseton is seeing a real-estate speculator trying to buy up a bunch of lower middle class homes to build a golf course, and Mickey, Minnie, Horace, and Clarabelle are in the front of the resistance while Goofy, Pluto, and Donald make minor appearances. The two main villains are the traditional lawyer Sylvester and Pegleg Pete, often seen in the early comic strips. Like the previous book, the story doesn't make a lot of sense and you just need to go along and enjoy the madcap corny and violent story for what it is. The mind-control agents, such as the zombie coffee and 25-cent hamburgers, are typical of the days of the comics in which someone would build a 5-story robot to knock over a convenience store for $25. Loisel did a good job in capturing the feel of the 1930s strip, and I recommend this to those who like the early adventurous goofball Mickey.

Stephen McCranie's Space Boy Volume 13 by Stephen McCranie, Dark Horse, 2022 - I've been enjoying these manga-influenced webcomics collections since the middle of the pandemic when someone at Fantom Comics recommended them to me. It's an American reworking of Astro Boy for the most part, but as will happen with longer-running strips, it's become something of its own too, although this issue returns to a Pinocchio-plot point that can't really be avoided without the book becoming a horror novel. One definitely can't start with this issue, which opens in the middle of a murder investigation and leads to more injuries via exploding roboot, but his art is very assured by this point and I'm enjoying the unfolding of the story in chunks, rather than reading it on the web.

McCay by Thierry Smolderen and Jean-Philippe Bramanti, London: Titan Books, 2018 - somebody recommended this recently and while I don't remember who it was, I respected them enough to pick up a copy. A French work, written by a distinguished historian and comics writer, this is an alternate biography of the ground-breaking cartoonist Winsor McCay, and proposes that he can turn himself into a fourth-dimension (not time) where a version of Slumberland can be built from his dreams. Silas, McCay's pen-name for some strips, is a real person with the same ability, who's an anarcho-Communist determined to kill people he thinks deserve it. The story makes no sense at all, just like McCay's own works, but is lovely - Bramanti wisely doesn't try to emulate McCay and uses a much sparer, yet still lush style. It's a fun read and homage to a master cartoonist.

Aimee de Jongh was at SPX last weekend, and spoke at the Library of Congress about her newest book, which led me to seek her out at the SelfMade Hero table and buy all 3 that she had at the show. 

Blossoms in Autumn, words by Zidrou and art by Aimée de Jongh, translated by Matt Madden - a slice of life story about two older (I wrote elderly until I realized the man is only 2 years older than I am) people - a laid-off furniture mover and a cheese store owner who meet each other, and fall in love. It's not a major work, but a perfectly good read and a pleasant couple to spend an hour with.

The Return of the Honey Buzzard,
by Aimée de Jongh, translated by Michele Hutchison - this one was a bit more confusing because there's some magic realism going on in this and it takes a while to clue into it. On the other hand, it's been made into a movie, so perhaps I was just slow to pick up on the plot. Simon is about to lose his inherited bookstore, and won't go along with any of his wife's suggestions to sell and save what they can, when he witnesses the second suicide of someone around him. In his confusion, he meets a Lolita-like young woman (girl? her age is hard to tell) who needs assistance with school projects, we see the true story behind the first suicide, and begin to wonder if he'll make it to the end of the book. Oh, and the honey buzzard's return is a nature metaphor, not something you need to be watching out for in the corner of your eye.

Days of Sand by Aimée de Jongh, 2022 - her current book, researched here in DC, is off all things for a Dutch cartoonist to do, a story of the 1930s American dustbowl environmental disaster in Oklahoma, told through the lens (hah!) of a Farm Security Administration photographer from New York City. As she noted at the Library of Congress, this story is generally completely unknown in Europe, and largely forgotten here in America except by Steinbeck and Springsteen fans. de Jongh uses real government photos to lead into each chapter, and it's a moving account of a photographer 'going native' as it used to be phrased and becoming more sympathetic to the subjects of his camera than to his employers. The art is fantastic. The story is fine. The main character... a bit under-developed with daddy issues. Still, I'd recommend picking this up.

Smahtguy: The Life and Times of Barney Frank by Eric Orner, 2022 - I really liked this book. I didn't particularly expect to because it's a partial biography of a gay former-Congressman (by one of his former staffers) and I don't usually read political biographies, although I've been interested in gay cartoonists since moving to DC in 1983 and discovering that such a thing existed at all in the pages of the Washington Blade (back in print but no comics) and the Lambda Rising bookstore (long-closed but a new gay bookstore just opened this year). I was sheltered in 1970s New Jersey, sometimes for the good, and others not [full disclosure: I'm not gay, but didn't meet out people until I arrived at GWU].  Anyway, Orner was signing his book this summer at Solid State Books on H Street, I went, along with many of his former Hill colleagues, and was very impressed by the book. It took me a while to sit down and read it ... it's still a political biography... but it's well-worth reading to see how America has changed from those 1970s and how people like Barney Frank shepherded that change, sometimes by not leading from the front. I recommend this - enough that I interviewed the cartoonist a shamefully long time ago.

That's it for today - let me know if you want to see my trying to get my writing chops back with more.

Still to come - an hour and a half long interview with Eric Orner that's taking me a ridiculously long time to edit.  In my defense, I've been moving an archive for work all summer and it wears one out. This photo is part of the post-move, pre-rebuilding state of it last week, pre-covid. Sigh.

*9/26 - Rodrigo Baeza sent me a note about this comics' history with permission to reprint it -

I read an Alex Ross interview today (from Back Issue #118; February 2020), which happens to be related to the Fantastic Four book you read. In the interview, Ross relates that he decided (on his own initiative, without being asked by Marvel) to prepare a Fantastic Four pitch in early 2017, back when the title was in limbo and in anticipation of Marvel clearing up the rights' situation with Fox Studios.

He came up with a drawing style inspired by two sources: one was a British "Fantastic Four" album from the late '60s that was recolored in "bizarre Day-Glo colors", and the other was the work of Spanish artist ACO on a Nick Fury miniseries done with James Robinson (some of that art can be seen here: The idea was to "translate Kirby's work into a '60s pop-art graphic", combined with Ross's realistic rendering. He also decided to base Reed and Sue on the likenesses of two actors from the "Land of the Giants" TV show (Gary Conway and Deanna Lund), and use the logo of the "Fantastic Voyage" movie as inspiration for a new element.

The pitch he presented to Marvel (via editor Tom Brevoort) was mostly focused on the visual elements (with no storylines defined), with the hopes that this would not only lead to a comic-book series (with guest artists like Bill Sienkiewicz and Steve Rude, and maybe Mark Waid as a writer developing Ross's concepts) but that this visual redesign be used in future movies as well (Ross makes the complaint that too many elements of the Marvel movies are based on the Ultimate comics versions rather than the Jack Kirby comics).

Marvel unsurprisingly didn't go for the pitch, getting Dan Slott to write the comic instead. But from what I can see, Ross eventually ended up using all of this conceptual work in the "Full Circle" graphic novel that has now been published by Abrams (even the logo inspired by "Fantastic Voyage").

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Local part-time cartoonist Sarah Boxer reviews photo exhibits

Sarah's multi-talented and it was a pleasure to see her at SPX this weekend. I'm looking forward to reading this.

The Photographic Search for True West

In two new shows, Robert Adams and Georgia O'Keeffe take different approaches to a land of loss.

That darn “Frank and Ernest”, Brodner and Flashbacks

Standardized tests are not indicative of potential [ "Frank and Ernest" letter]

Andrew Ryu

Big kudos to the 'big lie' essay [Brodner]

Bob Latham

This educational comic strip will be missed ["Flashbacks"]

Cavna on the slow strangulation of the newspaper comic strip

Comics Research Bibliography citations update, 9/23/22

Gus Arriola and Gordo, agents of Mexican culture

By Joan Boudreau,

National Museum of American History's Oh Say Can You See blog November 17, 2021


Jen Troy Talks CW Supergirl TV and Her new Graphic Novel

  Aug 26, 2022



Joe Illidge Talks Heavy Metal DC and More

Aug 25, 2022



Rob Hart and Alex Segura's Crime Comic Blood Oath

Sep 21, 2022



ROSEMARY MOSCO for EXPEDITION BACKYARD — Sept 2022 Kids' Club Selection

  Sep 18, 2022

Comix Experience


NICK DRAGOTTA for GHOST CAGE — Sept 2022 Graphic Novel Club Selection

  Sep 21, 2022

Comix Experience


Off Panel #367: Cool World with Ryan Stegman

David Harper

Sep 19, 2022


Ep. 77 – MOB PSYCHO 100, by ONE

David Brothers et al


September 21, 2022


The Raymond Briggs Interview by Paul Gravett

September 23, 2022

From The Comics Journal #250 (February 2003)


Rob Liefeld Vs. Don Simpson Round Two – The Splitting Image Years

September 22, 2022

by Rich Johnston


Dynamite Doubles Or Triples Orders At FOC With Diamond Comics

 September 22, 2022

by Rich Johnston


Slipgate Complex – This Week's Links

Clark Burscough | September 23, 2022


Animation Is Film Festival Announces Competition Lineup

'Little Nicholas' and 'My Father's Dragon' are among the films in competition. 'Wendell & Wild' will open the fest with its U.S. premiere.

Carolyn Giardina

September 22, 2022


Reviews - TUKI: Fight for Family [Jeff Smith].

Irene Velentzas | September 22, 2022


Reviews - Keeping Two [Jordan Crane]

Lane Yates | September 20, 2022


'Count Crowley': Actor/Writer David Dastmalchian Talks The Future His Retro & Subversive Horror Comic

Josh Weiss

Sep 15, 2022


Political Discourse and Ideological Polarisation (sic) in the Narrative of the Tintin Comics

Abhay Shetty

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-7, Issue-4; Jul-Aug, 2022


Diane Noomin, the underground cartoonist behind DiDi Glitz, dies at 75 [in print as Artist behind DiDi Glitz challenged boys club of underground cartoonists]

By Terence McArdle

Washington Post September 23 2022

online at


The Daily Heller: The Blues in Black & White [Tony Mostrom]

By Steven Heller

September 16, 2022

 The Daily Heller


The Brexit Effect: Part 1 – Comics Self-Publishers on the Significant Impact on Income After the UK's Departure from the EU

by Andy Oliver

September 12, 2022


The Brexit Effect: Part 2 – Comics Publishers on the Loss of Vital Revenue Streams and Markets, and the Ever Rising Production Costs Post-Brexit

by Andy Oliver

September 20, 2022


SCARRED BATMAN: ALAN BRENNERT's Surprising, Lasting Contribution to Superhero Mythos

Dan Greenfield on Sep 20, 2022


Smash Pages Q&A | Mike Dawson

The creator of 'Troop 142,' 'Angie Bongiolatti' and more discusses the second book in his 'The Fifth Quarter' series.

Alex Dueben

September 20, 2022


Surfside Girls: Kim Dwinell

By Sheena McNeil

September 12, 2022


Doughnuts and Doom: Balazs Lorinczi

By Sheena McNeil

September 5, 2022


Order of the Night Jay: Jonathan Schnapp

By Sheena McNeil

September 19, 2022


Irma Kniivila and Tri Vuong launch "Everyday Hero Machine Boy"

By Paul Lai | September 19th, 2022


INTERVIEW: Melanie Gillman Chats About Craving Queer Community in Other Ever Afters

  Emily Lauer September 20, 2022


Melanie Gillman's "Other Ever Afters" Part 2: On Craft & Building New, Queer Fairy Tales

By Elias Rosner | September 20th, 2022


Our favorite queer comics creators recommend the best queer indie comics

Where to start in comics' fantastic, growing world of queer fantasy, sci-fi, drama, YA, and erotica

By Tasha Robinson@TashaRobinson Sep 20, 2022


The moon—it's for the birds

Michael DeForge's new graphic novel paints a human-free utopia.

by Megan Kirby September 20, 2022


Dan Jurgens swings in with an all-new Tarzan series, 'Lord of the Jungle'

Chris Coplan

September 20, 2022


Megan Huang unpacks her sequel 'Rangers of The Divide II: Into the Depths'

David Brooke

September 22, 2022


Grappling with the 'Flash': Jeremy Adams talks wrestling shenanigans in #787

David Brooke

September 23, 2022


Declan Shalvey talks genres and heroes in 'Old Dog'

Chris Coplan

September 22, 2022


Chuck Brown dissects the violence and healing at the heart of 'Flawed'

Chris Coplan

September 20, 2022


With 'Ducks,' the creator of Hark! A Vagrant reveals her shadow side

September 22, 2022

Etelka Lehoczky


How Kate Beaton Paid Off Her Student Loans

"Ducks," the Canadian cartoonist's new graphic memoir, chronicles two years she spent working in the Athabasca oil sands, in northeastern Alberta.

By Sam Thielman

September 23, 2022


'Firebuds' Gives a Face to Emergency Workers, and Their Vehicles

A new Disney animated series aims to instill helpfulness, commitment to service and a sense of community in its young viewers.

By Laurel Graeber

A version of this article appears in print on Sept. 23, 2022, Section C, Page 15 of the New York edition with the headline: Emergency Workers Drive Into Children's TV.


Into the raunchy, violent danger zone of 'Archer'

Glen Weldon, Stephen Thompson, Kathy Tu

Pop Culture Happy Hour September 19, 2022


Patton Oswalt's Fall 2022 Comics Recommendations!

Andrew Sumner  Sep 22, 2022

Forbidden Planet TV


The Weird and Wonderful History of Marvel Theme Park Rides

Marvel's theme park rides have often been out of left field for legal reasons, but Guardians of the Galaxy's success was a game-changer for Disney.

  By Gavin Jasper | September 23, 2022

Friday, September 23, 2022

PCHH on Archer

The Post's obit for Diane Noomin

Diane Noomin, the underground cartoonist behind DiDi Glitz, dies at 75 [in print as Artist behind DiDi Glitz challenged boys club of underground cartoonists]

She challenged the boys club of underground comics with a character who endured sleazy men, bad hookups and hangovers but loved gossip and cocktails and decorated excessively

NPR reviews Beaton's Ducks

With 'Ducks,' the creator of Hark! A Vagrant reveals her shadow side

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Comics Research Bibliography citations update, 9/22/22


Urasawa Naoki: An 'Adult' Since He Was Young

Natsume Fusanosuke | September 22, 2022


Don Simpson Has A Few Things To Say About Rob Liefeld's WhatNot Cover

September 21, 2022

by Rich Johnston



Brigid Alverson on September 21, 2022


Yoruba superhero to be turned into TV cartoon series [Roye Okupe, YouNeek, Iyanu]

Bola Mosuro

Focus on Africa 20 September 2022


Drawing Us Together: Public Life and Public Health in Contemporary Comics: Bibliography for the Exhibition Library

Meg Rotzel

Harvard Radcliffe Institute 2022


Drawing Us Together: Public Life and Public Health in Contemporary Comics Opening

Hillary Chute, Joel Christian Gill, and James Sturm

Harvard Radcliffe Institute


Is Marvel Unlimited Worth It?

Chris M. Arnone Sep 22, 2022


Comic Book Club: Matthew Rosenberg, Phil Jimenez, Chris Gilberti And Giles Clarke

Sep 13, 2022


Comic book pioneer and journalist Orrin C. Evans

P+P: John Gallagher on 9/23

John Gallagher - Max Meow Series - at Conn Ave - Art All Night: Van Ness Main Street 2022

Upcoming Event
Friday, September 23, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Art All Night returns to Van Ness Main Street on Friday, September 23rd, 2022!

Click here to learn more about Art All Night.

Join Politics and Prose from 6-7:30 PM to see author and illustrator John Gallagher demonstrate mini comic illustrations from his Max Meow series.

Van Ness Main Street's Art All Night 2022 will be an evening filled with local music, dance, film, art and community all along Connecticut Ave in Van Ness, Forest Hills and Wakefield. Free. Outdoors. Metro accessible.

The 2022 Art All Night Festival is funded by the DC Commission on Arts and Humanities and is made possible by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development. Our VNMS host sponsors are the University of the District of Columbia, Calvert Woodley Fine Wines and Spirits, Superlative Events, Argus Events and Bread Furst. Special thanks to I'm Eddie Cano and the Italian Bar for sponsoring our AAN Social Media contest.

New from YouNeek's newsletter

Over the weekend, Malika - Warrior Queen won comic book of the DECADE at the Lagos Comic Con event.


To say I'm honored is an understatement.

Also, I did a really cool interview with BBC News where I talked about all things Iyanu (the comic books, the Cartoon Network / HBO Max / Lion Forge Animation animated series, and more.)

New Webtoons comic from Joe and Laurel Sutliff

Joe let me know, " My daughter Laurel and I are doing a webtoons comic - she came up with the idea and is doing all the writing, and I'm trying to teach myself anime and keep up. You can see what we have so far on Webtoons here:

Or the website where we will eventually post more stuff -"

They were at SPX this weekend and I picked up their intro mini.