Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


By John Judy

ACTION COMICS #877 by Greg Rucka and Eddy Barrows. Nightwing and Flamebird versus Ursa, Round Two. Expect twists that will actually make you care about Nightwing and Flamebird. Because Rucka really is just that good.

BLACK PANTHER #4 by Reginald Hudlin and Ken Lashley. Morlun, Devourer of Totems is back to mess with the Black Panther and eat your tiki bar! Hope Spidey doesn’t find out because of all that radically altered Spidey continuity biz!

CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI13 #13 by Paul Cornell and Leonard Kirk. More vampiric intrigue among the British super-set. Continually better than it has a right to be with strong characterizations and clever twists adding life and undeath to a bunch of folks who have never really popped like this before. Well-worth checking out.

DARK REIGN: HAWKEYE #2 of 5 by Andy Diggle and Tom Raney. Already well on its way to being a seriously guilty pleasure this mini focuses on the bloodthirsty assassin Bullseye not really even half-trying to pass himself off as the iconic archer of the Avengers. Recommended.

DARK REIGN: YOUNG AVENGERS #1 of 5 by Paul Cornell and Mark Brooks. I would normally not give this title a look, but it’s by Paul Cornell who’s doing such interesting things over in CAPTAIN BRITAIN. Anyway, “Evil kids take over the franchise from the good kids.” Let’s see what Cornell and company do with this.

DARK TOWER: THE FALL OF GILEAD #1 of 6 by Peter David, Robin Furth and Richard Isanove. Roland kills his mom over a grapefruit. It’s a magic grapefruit, you see… Stephen King really knows his stuff but why did he have to call it “Maerlyn’s frickin’ Grapefruit?” It just kills the moment, y’know?

FINAL CRISIS AFTERMATH: ESCAPE #1 of 6 by Ivan Brandon and Marco Rudi. Wonder Woman’s boyfriend is being tortured, but when you’re Wonder Woman’s boyfriend that’s not so bad. Nope, not so bad at all….

LOCKJAW AND THE PET AVENGERS #1 of 4 by Chris Eliopoulos and Ig Guara. Somebody at Marvel lost a serious bet. Was a short straw involved? Will this result in mandatory drug-testing at Marvel? Questions and more questions….

PUNISHER FRANK CASTLE MAX #70 by Duane Swierczynski and Michel Lacombe. Frank really needs the antidote to that poison he’s been dosed with. It would be quite a shame if an army of punks, gangsters and lowlifes were to find themselves between Frank and his object of desire, would it not? Recommended, especially if you’ve ever lived in Philadelphia.

SECRET SIX #9 by Gail Simone and Nicola Scott. Two of our group join the Battle for the Cowl. They want to be the new Batman, you see. It’s sort of like Sarah Palin wanting to be President. Fun to watch.

THOR: TALES OF ASGARD BY LEE AND KIRBY #1 of 6 by A Couple of Guys Named Stan and Jack. Collecting the legendary back-up stories from JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #97-104, re-mastered with new coloring and six new covers by red-hot THOR artist Olivier Coipel.

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #132 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. MJ versus Kitty. Girl-fight at the end of the world.

UNWRITTEN #1 by Mike Carey and Peter Gross. The story of a guy who may or may not be a world-famous fictional boy wizard. Fun stuff but contains some of that famous Vertigo adult content.

WALKING DEAD #61 by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. The zombie comic that urges you this month to “have a bit of priest!” Yum!

WOLVERINE #73 by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. NOT!!! It’s actually a “70th Anniversary Issue” in honor of Wolverine’s first appearance in 1939. Okay, really “Old Man Logan” is taking a two issue hiatus to make room for two two-parters, one by Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert and the other by Daniel Way and Tommy Lee Edwards. I am torn on this because I hate fill-in issues and Daniel Way but I have a complete fan-crush on Jason Aaron. Recommended. Mostly…

Monday, May 04, 2009


By John Judy

AGENTS OF ATLAS #4 by Jeff Parker and Gabriel Hardman. A tale of two times: 1958 and the present day with the Agents throwing down hard in both eras. And one of them’s starting to lose his calm center. Recommended.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #593 by Mark Waid and Mark McKone. Okay, so last issue’s last panel probably had you scrubbing your eyes with lye. Now we find out how Spidey deals with the fact that Aunt May still has “a woman’s needs.” This never happened in the Lee-Ditko Era. Back then it was all wheat cakes and heart attacks…

ANGEL: BLOOD AND TRENCHES #3 written and drawn by John Byrne. An entertaining romp that succeeds in capturing the spirit of the much-missed TV show. It also begs the question of whether vampires ever fought on behalf of non-Germans in either World War. Y’know, except for good vampires…

ASTRO CITY: THE DARK AGE BOOK THREE #1 of 4 by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson. Kurt and Brent continue their epic saga of the Williams brothers, one a thug with a good heart, the other a conflicted cop. Oh, and there’s superheroes too. Recommended.

THE BEATS: A GRAPHIC HISTORY HC edited by Paul Buhle. What it sounds like: A history of the beat poets told in graphic form. Contributors include Harvey Pekar, Joyce Brabner, Peter Kuper and Trina Robbins among many others. Recommended, daddy-o!

BLAZING COMBAT HC by Archie Goodwin and a Pantheon of Sixties Art Gods. Collecting all four issues of the war comic that was so good it got put out of business by people who were afraid it would end the Vietnam War. Kudos to Fantagraphics for putting this together. Highly, highly recommended.

BOYS #30 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. A bonus cover by Jim Lee marks the Big Three-Oh for our heroes as they each regroup in their way after the apocalyptic events of last issue. Not for kids. Recommended.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #25 by Doug Petrie and Georges Jeanty. This story is titled “Living Doll” but don’t worry. It focuses on Buffy’s sister Dawn and is NOT an awkward promotional tie-in with A Certain TV Show of Which We Do Not Speak.

CREEPY ARCHIVES VOL. 3 HC by Various Creators, including Frazetta Toth, Orlando, Morrow and Torres. The third in this series of superb horror reprints from Dark Horse Comics. Recommended.

DESTROYER #2 of 5 by Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker. Destroyer destroys stuff before he is destroyed. Hey, it’s still got more heft than the Wolverine movie! Give ‘er a look!

FIN FANG FOUR RETURN #1 by Scott Gray and Roger Langridge. Admit it, you’d want to know what Triple-F, Elektro, Googam and Gorgilla were up to even if it wasn’t hysterically funny. Me too. Recommended.

FINAL CRISIS AFTERMATH: RUN #1 of 6 by Matthew Sturges and Freddie E. Williams II. The story of the costumed moron who taped the murder of the Martian Manhunter on his cell phone. Meet the Red Flame. Everyone hates him so now he’s got to RUN!

FLASH PRESENTS REBIRTH #2 of 5 by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver. Barry Allen! Still fast and still not dead! Gotta look!

HUMAN TORCH COMICS 70th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL by Scott Snyder and Scott Wegener. My heroes have always been flaming Golden-Age androids so I kind of have to have this. Comes with a new story and a classic reprint. And two covers to signify twice the awesomeness.

LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN CENTURY #1 (1910) by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill. The lads are at it again. Hopefully they got their game back after BLACK DOSSIER. Significantly, this is the first LOEG from Top Shelf Productions, with Moore having now completely divorced himself from DC/Wildstorm/ABC. Gotta look.

MARVEL ZOMBIES 4 #2 of 4 by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker. The Hood’s gonna make everyone zombies unless the Marvel monsters can stop him. There. A story. Nice and straightforward. Respect.

NEW MUTANTS #1 by Zeb Wells and Diogenes Neves. It’s a reunion of the old crew as done by people whose names make me suspect that they too are mutants. Zeb and Diogenes? Right, suit up and to the Danger Room with you! PS- Four covers!

POWER GIRL #1 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Amanda Conner. Um, I read it for the articles….

SUPERMAN WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON #3 of 12 by James Robinson, Greg Rucka and Pete Woods. Superman’s a grunt in the Kryptonian Army, but he’s a sassy one! Expect to see Private El peeling a lot of potatoes. Hoo-yah!

Y: THE LAST MAN: DELUXE EDITION VOL. 2 HC by Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra and Others. Collecting issues #11-23 of this groundbreaking series in a beautiful oversized format. Recommended.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


By John Judy

ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #15 by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard. Wolfie goes nuts in prison. How can this not be great? Also Vol. 2 SC is out, collecting issues 8-12 and his crossover with INVINCIBLE.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: THEATRE OF WAR: BROTHERS IN ARMS #1 by Paul Jenkins and John McCrea. If you miss the real Cap, here’s him back in WWII, fighting Nazis and taking one of them captive behind enemy lines. Tough gig.

DARK AVENGERS #4 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato. Crazy Norman Osborn makes some adjustments to the roster. Ouch.

FINAL CRISIS: LEGION OF THREE WORLDS #4 of 5 by Geoff Johns and George Perez. Yes, I know FINAL CRISIS ended months ago and this title’s kind of taking its sweet time coming out. But the villian’s the Time-Trapper so you have to expect this sort of thing. Recommended anyway.

GARTH ENNIS: BATTLEFIELDS: TANKIES #1 of 3 by Ennis and Carlos Ezquerra. In WWII Normandy a lone British tank crew struggles to rejoin their mates while keeping one step ahead of the ratzis. Ennis war comics remain top of the line, but not for younger kids.

GREEN LANTERN #40 by Geoff Johns and Philip Tan. Hal Jordan must battle the leader of the Orange Lantern Corps, “the most disgusting, filthiest, vilest being in the universe!” It’s Green Lantern vs. Ann Coulter! To the death!

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #26 by Geoff Johns and Dale Eaglesham. Stargirl’s having a birthday. Party-crashers beware!

LITERALS #1 of 3 by Bill Willingham, Matthew Sturges and Mark Buckingham. A tough one to jump into if you’re not already up to speed on the whole FABLES universe. Put another way, this first issue is chapter 3 of 9 of “The Great Fables Crossover.” But if it’s what you like…!

MODERN MASTERS, VOL. 20: KYLE BAKER SC by Eric Nolen-Weathington. Certain artists in this series from Two Morrows Publishing arguably may not quite warrant the term “Modern Master.” And then you have Kyle Baker for whom the term is an understatement. Any collection of his work must rate a Highly Recommended.

PREVIEWS by Marvel and Diamond Comics. Comics and stuff in your future! It ain’t all on-line yet, kids!

RASL #4 written and drawn by Jeff Smith. Our interdimensional alkie art-thief has hard choices to make or else the lizard-faced killer will make them for him. From the award-winning creator of BONE and SHAZAM: MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL. Recommended.

SECOND THOUGHTS GN written and drawn by Niklas Asker. A story about a brief encounter between a novelist and a photographer and the repercussions in both their lives. Not exactly a Big Fight, but nothing’s perfect. Recommended.

SHERLOCK HOLMES #1 by Leah Moore, John Reppion and Aaron Campbell. Alan Moore’s daughter and her husband present their take on Arthur Conan Doyle’s most famous creation. From the folks who brought you ALBION and WILD GIRL.

SUPERMAN #687 by James Robinson and Renato Guedes. Mon-El learns how hard it is to fill the Man of Steel’s big red boots.

THUNDERBOLTS #131 by Andy Diggle and Bong Dazo. Deadpool and the T-Bolts have a Big Fight! Bong Dazo!

ULTIMATE WOLVERINE VS. HULK #5 of 6 by Damon Lindelof and Leinil Francis Yu. Ultimate Betty She-Hulk is in the mix! Could get awkward! Can’t believe this thing is actually coming out! Monthly too! Excelsior!

UNCANNY X-MEN #509 by Matt Fraction and Greg Land. It’s a mutant soap-opera on ‘roids and it’s working! Yes, this book is rapidly becoming the most consistently entertaining X-book on the stands. Who’da thunk it? Recommended.

WONDER WOMAN #31 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti. Between Achilles and the creature called Genocide, our heroine has used up all her time-outs. Action-packed!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #592 by Mark Waid and Mike McKone. Quite a few surprises awaiting Spidey when he gets home, mostly courtesy of the Jameson family. Featuring an extra cover that looks like an issue of WOLVERINE as rendered by Salvador Dali. Recommended anyway.

ASTONISHING X-MEN #29 by Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi. Are you ready for the secret of the Ghost Box? Well, you’d better be, because Warren Ellis waits for no man!

AVENGERS INITIATIVE #23 by Christos Gage and Humberto Ramos. Your monthly Big Fight is served up here.

BUCK ROGERS #0 by Scott Beatty and Carlos Rafael. It’s back to the future with comics’ original time-tossed spaceman! Guaranteed Gil Gerard-free!

DAREDEVIL #118 by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. Lotsa people want to kill the Kingpin. That’s always good for some laughs. Plus another Wolverine variant cover. Oh well. Recommended.

DC LIBRARY: BATMAN THE ANNUALS, VOL. 1 HC by Various Creators. Collecting the first three Bat-Annuals from the early sixties. Classic stuff!

DETECTIVE COMICS #853 by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert. Part two of “Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?” Recommended.

EX MACHINA #18 by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris. In which we begin to learn the true source of Mayor Mitchell Hundred’s power over machines. And our hearts…

FREAKANGELS VOL. 2 SC by Warren Ellis and Paul Duffield. Collecting the second arc of Ellis and Duffield’s post-apocalyptic web-comic for old people who like paper.

HELLBLAZER #254 by Peter Milligan and Goran Sudzuka. John Constantine plus The Wrong Girl equals reliable entertainment.

HULK #11 by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. Your other Big Fight can be found here. Along with four variant covers, one of which features Sir Cuts-a-lot, him, the one with the movie coming out. Sigh…

IGNITION CITY #2 of 5 by Warren Ellis and Gianluca Pagliarani. Mary Raven has made it to the IC in search of more info on her dead space-hero dad. There’s folks who don’t want that and they’ve got cool, retro zap guns. Good-looking comic.

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #25 by Duane Swierczynski and Travel Foreman. What?! No Wolverine variant cover?! What kind of rip-off is this?! I don’t care if he’s not in the story! I just want him on the cover of…. EVERYTHING!!!!

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #32 by Dwayne McDuffie and Frederico Dallocchio. Starbreaker wants what he wants when he wants it, especially when it’s a cosmic source of unimaginable power. Understandable really.

KICK-ASS #6 by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. It does, you know. “Kick ass.” In its own special way. But it really needs a Wolverine variant cover.

MARVELS: EYE OF THE CAMERA #5 of 6 by Kurt Busiek and Jay Anacieto. This is a good, smart comic with characters I believe in and relate to. On the other hand its variant cover is merely black and white. No Canadian, serial-killing mutants. It’s like Marvel doesn’t even care anymore…

MIGHTY AVENGERS #24 by Dan Slott and Rafa Sandoval. So after the big reveal last issue about “The Scarlet Witch” things start to get very interesting. Great character work by Slott as usual. Recommended.

NEW AVENGERS #52 by Brian Michael Bendis and Billy Tan. You know the economy’s getting bad when even the Sorcerer Supreme is getting laid off. Worse yet, they’re making him train his replacement. I hope ol’ Doc Strange steals a ton of office supplies.

QUESTION, VOL. 4: WELCOME TO OZ SC by Dennis O’Neil, Denys Cowan and Other Talented Folk. Collecting issues 19-24 of this iconic eighties zen noir series, featuring fights, philosophy and facelessness. Worth a read even if you weren’t even born in the eighties and think Ayn Rand was nuts.

SCALPED #28 by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera. In which we finally learn who greased those two FBI Agents in 1975. Must! Have! Highly recommended.

SCALPED, VOL. 4: THE GRAVEL IN YOUR GUTS SC by Jason Aaron, Davide Furno and R.M. Guera. Collecting issues 19-24 in which we learn exactly what Chief Lincoln Red Crow will and will not put up with in his quest for absolute power. Glorious stuff but not for kids.

THOR #601 by J. Michael Straczynski and Marko Djurdjevic. Thor’s out. Balder’s in. But will anyone care about the monthly adventures of The Mighty Balder?

VIKING #1 by Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein. A couple of 9th century Viking brothers decide they want to move up in the world. Think “Goodfellas” meets NORTHLANDERS. Cool.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Note the Herbie collection - Mike

By John Judy

ACTION COMICS #876 by Greg Rucka and Eddy Barrows. Ursa enters. Breaks stuff, burns stuff, gets sassy. Bad Ursa. Being named after a bear is no excuse.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #591 by Dan Slott and Dale Eaglesham. Big changes are afoot and Spidey’s unmasking is just the start!

CAPTAIN AMERICA #49 by Ed Brubaker and Luke Ross. Sharon Carter, the woman who “killed” Captain America, is having bad dreams. Go figure.

HERBIE ARCHIVES VOL. 3 HC by Shane O’Shea and Ogden Whitney. The final volume collecting issues 15-23 of the sixties cult series about Herbie Popnecker, the Fat Fury, and his supernatural lollipops! It was the sixties, gang….

INCOGNITO #3 by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Introducing the lovely and talented Ava Destruction! You can tell Ed and Sean had themselves a ball with this series. Highly recommended!

RAMPAGING WOLVERINE #1 by Various Creators. It is a Wolverine first issue and it is in black and white. Contains no ads!

THE STAND: AMERICAN NIGHTMARES #2 of 5 by Mike Perkins and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. Randall Flagg’s rockin’ the apocalypse, Trashcan Man shows up and Larry Underwood faces the long, dark Lincoln Tunnel. Highly recommended.

SUB-MARINER COMICS 70th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL #1 by Will Everett, Roy Thomas, Mark Schultz, Mitch Breitweiser and Al Williamson. Featuring Prince Namor’s first appearance, a new Roy Thomas story with Nazis and more. Three stories, three covers, no waiting. Fun for all ages unless you like Nazis. Then you’ll be a little put out. Fair warning, goose-steppers. “Imperious Rex!”

UNCANNY X-MEN #508 by Matt Fraction and Greg Land. Fraction’s throwing sub-plots around like the love-child of Chris Claremont and Grant Morrison! Greg Land is tracing the porn! Put ‘em together and somehow… it just works. Plus there’s a Wolverine/Vincent Van Gogh variant cover that’s so good it may need to become a poster. Recommended.

WALKING DEAD #60 by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. Rick and the gang are surrounded by a zombie horde. No time-outs. Recommended as always.

WOLVERINE NOIR #1 of 4 by Stuart Moore and C.P. Smith. Logan’s a Bowery detective in 1937. You like this stuff or you don’t.

X-FACTOR #42 by Peter David and Valentine DeLandro. Madrox still has that annoying M tattoo/brand on his face. That’s really gotta go.

X-MEN LEGACY #233 by Mike Carey and Scot Eaton. Professor X faces the sentient danger room robot he once enslaved. Again. Because telling that story once simply was not enough. Featuring another artsy Wolverine variant cover.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


By John Judy

ALL-NEW SAVAGE SHE-HULK #1 of 4 by Fred Van Lente and Peter Vale. Okay, she’s got grey skin and Thundra’s old clothes and she’s from another dimension. On the surface this would appear to be a huge glowing Gamma Bomb of screwed up continuity, but it’s written by Fred Van Lente and it’s only four issues. Gotta look.

CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI13 #12 by Paul Cornell and Leonard Kirk. Super-Limeys fight Dracula! Nuff said!

DARK REIGN: HAWKEYE #1 of 5 by Andy Diggle and Tom Raney. Yes, HAWKEYE mini-series are traditionally forgettable filler on our nation’s proud comic racks but this one’s by Andy Diggle and it’s actually about the Evil, Homicidal, Psychotic Fake-Hawkeye, a.k.a. Bullseye so it should provide gruesome amusement to beat the band.

GREEN LANTERN #39 by Geoff Johns and Philip Tan. GL meets the villainous Agent Orange whose power is fueled by greed. But isn’t greed good? GL’s not going commie, is he?

HARVEY COMICS CLASSICS, VOL. 5: THE HARVEY GIRLS SC edited by Leslie Cabarga. The best adventures of Little Audrey, Little Dot and Little Lotta from the years 1952-1962. All-ages fun providing keen insight into the society that screwed up your mothers and grandmothers.

IGNITION CITY #1 of 5 by Warren Ellis and Gianluca Pagliarani. “Where did the space heroes go to die?” The answer’s in this retro sci-fi noir series set in 1956 where the rockets are cool and the laser pistols are hot. Published by Avatar Press so you know you’re not paying for pesky frills like publicity and updated websites.

MARVEL ZOMBIES 4 #1 of 4 by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker. This never gets old! Not for kids.

NORTHLANDERS #16 by Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly. The final chapter of “The Cross and the Hammer” in which we discover whatever became of little Brigid. Recommended.

PUNISHER: FRANK CASTLE MAX #69 by Duane Swierczynski and Michel Lacombe. Frank’s still dying and the bad guys are still trying to hurry things along.

SECRET IDENTITY: FETISH ART OF SUPERMAN’S CO-CREATOR JOE SHUSTER HC by Craig Coe. Exactly what it sounds like. Not for kids but highly recommended anyway.

SECRET SIX #8 by Gail Simone and Carlos Rodriguez. So what do you do to unwind when you’re a loose-knit band of renegade spandex baddies being hunted by heroes and villains alike? Does the word “inappropriate’ even mean anything at that point?

SUPERMAN: WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON #2 of 12 by James Robinson, Greg Rucka and Pete Woods. Superman and Zod fail to bond. Go figure.

TIMESTORM 2009/2099 #1 of 4 by Brian Reed and Eric Battle. You know what would make those old 2099 heroes really awesome? A re-boot! Hey, it worked for the New Universe. A little. When Warren Ellis took a shot at it. A few years ago… For all you 2099 completists out there.

ULTIMATE WOLVERINE VS HULK #4 of 6 by Damon Lindelof and Leinil Francis Yu. After three-years the big pay-off is… Ultimate She-Hulk! Now sure, this She-Hulk may be Ultimate, but is she All-New and/or Savage?

WOLVERINE: WEAPON X #1 by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. The comic so awesome it needed five separate covers, not counting whatever they whip out for second and third print-runs! Seriously, this one re-unites the WOLVERINE Dream Team of Aaron and Garney, the last guys to regularly deliver Wolverine stories that did not uck-say uge-hay. Recommended.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


By John Judy

AGENTS OF ATLAS #3 by Jeff Parker, Clayton Henry and Gabriel Hardman. Fighting commies back in The Day and everyone else in the Here and Now, these vintage super-folk just don’t know when to quit! A must for all aficionados of robots and talking gorillas!

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #590 by Dan Slott and Barry Kitson. Lots of doings in the Spider-verse, with a guest appearance by the Fantastic Four!

ANGEL: BLOOD AND TRENCHES #2 written and drawn by John Byrne. Oddly enough, both the best Angel story and best work from John Byrne in quite a while. Reminiscent of the TV show in all the ways his latest series isn’t. Good stuff.

AVENGERS/INVADERS #9 of 12 Alex Ross, Jim Kreuger and Steve Sadowski. Still coming out.

BATMAN: BATTLE FOR THE COWL: MAN-BAT #1 by Joe Harris and Jim Calafiore. Between you and me, that cowl ain’t gonna fit.

BLACK PANTHER #3 by Reginald Hudlin and Ken Lashley. While T’Challa heals the mysterious new lady Panther continues her quest to even some scores.

THE BOYS #29 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The dark secret of the G-Men is exposed at last! Not for kids.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #24 by Jim Krueger and Cliff Richards. A Faith/Giles titanic team-up! Here’s hoping they take down the Dollhouse!

CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS 70th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL #1 by Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, James Robinson and Marcos Martin. A look back to Steve Rogers’ pre-Super Soldier days and a classic tale from Cap’s legendary creators. Recommended!

THE DESTROYER #1 of 5 by Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker. Legendary WWII hero Keen Marlowe (swear to god) is dying and with a name like “The Destroyer” he’s kind of obliged to take as many nefarious nogoodniks with him as he can. From the creator of WALKING DEAD and MARVEL ZOMBIES so you know it’s gonna be a twisty ride. Gotta look!

FLASH: REBIRTH #1 of 5 by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver. Barry’s back. Must Have!

GLAMOURPUSS #6 written and drawn by Dave Sim. For anyone interested in tracking CEREBUS creator Dave Sim’s inexorable path to the rubber room.

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #25 by Geoff Johns and Jerry Ordway. At last! The big smack-down with Black Adam and Mighty Isis!

MY MOMMY IS IN AMERICA AND SHE MET BUFFALO BILL HC by Jean Regnaud and Emile Bravo. The English translation of the award-winning French graphic novel about the postcards a young French boy receives from his mother who’s off “traveling the world.” Recommended for readers age ten and up.

PREVIEWS by Diamond and Marvel Comics. To help you plan what to do with your bail-out money!

SCALPED #27 by Jason Aaron and Francesco Francavilla. Ladies and Gentlemen: FBI Agent Baylis Earl Nitz! May want to wear a rain poncho because this one’s gonna get wet! Highly recommended. Not for kids.

SEAGUY: THE SLAVES OF MICKEY EYE #1 of 3 by Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart. And speaking of “wet” here’s more of the cartoon madness that is Grant Morrison. Hey, it’s only three issues. I mean, “Darn it!”

Sunday, March 22, 2009


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #589 by Fred Van Lente and Paulo Siqueira. Spidey’s old foe The Spot is breaking into the murder-for-hire biz. Don’t judge. It’s a bad economy and we’ve all gotta go where the work is.

AMERICAN JESUS, VOL. 1: CHOSEN SC by Mark Millar and Peter Gross. From the Department of Things That Can (and probably will) Go Horribly Wrong, it’s the story of a twelve year-old boy who discovers he’s the returned Jesus Christ with all the perks and liabilities. Did I mention it’s written by the guy who wrote ULTIMATES and KICK-ASS? Gotta look! (Especially if you’re from a right-wing fundie censorship organization!)

CAPTAIN AMERICA #48 by Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice. Bucky America, the Sub-Mariner and the Black Widow continue their unauthorized covert aggression against the Chinese super-scientist who done ‘em wrong. Guest-starring the original dead Human Torch.

DAREDEVIL #117 by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. Daredevil returns to his own comic book and the Kingpin returns to the Big Apple! DD’s and KP’s latest gal-pals just got all messed up so there’s bound to be some tension. Recommended.

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #24 by Duane Swierczynski and Kano. Bad as all get-out kung-fu mayhem as only an artist with one name can draw it!

MIGHTY AVENGERS #23 by Dan Slott and Khoi Pham. A new Avengers line-up is revealed in the traditional manner: Big Fight!

NEW AVENGERS #51 by Brian Michael Bendis and Billy Tan. As Sorcerer Supreme it appears ol’ Doc Strange just hasn’t been cutting the mustard as of late so it’s time for a big old magical Ruckus Royale to find a new one. Look for lots of gobbledy-gook, magic-looking letter fonts. Don’t strain your eyes, just assume it rhymes and sounds cool if Ian McKellen’s reading it.

THUNDERBOLTS #130 by Andy Diggle and Bong Dazo. Screw the comic book, don’t you wish your name was “Bong Dazo?”

TOP TEN SPECIAL #1 by Xander Cannon and Da Xiong. It’s a little courtroom drama in the City of Super-Heroes. Recommended even without Alan Moore scripting.

WOLVERINE SAGA #1 by No Credits. It’s the story of the fast-healing mutant Canucklehead James Howlett/Logan/Wolverine/Patch or whatever he’s calling himself today and get this: It’s Free. No charge. On the House of Ideas. You’d almost think there was a big-budget action movie someone was trying to promote…

WOLVERINE: FIRST CLASS #13 by Peter David and Ronan Cliquet. Okay, so “Ronan Cliquet” is no “Bong Dazo” but it’s up there. Are these the Sarah Palin kids nobody talks about?

Zadzooks and Bennett's Best

Zadzooks is on toys again - "Zadzooks: Predator: The Cleaner and Darth Vader's T.I.E. Fighter," Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times Wednesday, March 18, 2009.

And Greg recommends some old DC, a new Vertigo title and Humbug -

"Bennett's Best for the week of March 15," By Greg Bennett, Zadzooks Blog March 20 2009.

"Bennett's Best for the week of March 8," By Greg Bennett, Zadzooks Blog March 19 2009.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


New Gaiman/Vess!

By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #588 by Marc Guggenheim and John Romita Jr. The conclusion of the “Character Assassination” storyline with lots of fights and Goblin-critters.

AMERICAN FLAGG DEFINITIVE COLLECTION. VOL. 2 SC written and drawn by Howard Chaykin. Collecting issues 8-14 of Chaykin’s signature work, plus never before published material.

BLUEBERRY GIRL HC by Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess. The creator credits on this make it a Must-Have but if you need a taste try this: “Ladies of Light and Ladies of darkness and Ladies of never-you-mind. This is a prayer for a blueberry girl.” And it’s all drawn by Vess. Highly recommended for anyone who has or has been a daughter.

COURTNEY CRUMRIN, VOL. 4: MONSTROUS HOLIDAY SC written and drawn by Ted Naifeh. The latest supernatural adventures with Courtney and her Uncle Aloysius.

DARK AVENGERS #3 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato. Morgan LeFay is still pretty hot and bothered about Sentry ripping her head off last issue. Did she not understand these were the DARK Avengers? Fun stuff, perhaps a bit much for the youngers.

HELLBLAZER #253 by Peter Milligan and Giuseppe Camuncoli. John Constantine must confront the demons of his past. Wow, is it Every Day of the Week again?

ULTIMATUM #3 of 5 by Jeph Loeb and David Finch. All the heroes what ain’t drownded have to go after Ultimate genocidal bug-bat Magneto. Straight up.

UNCANNY X-MEN #507 by Matt Fraction and Terry Dodson. Crazy parallel storylines of mutants fighting! Classic X-book action! And it looks swell.

WATCHMENSCH by Rich Johnston and Simon Rohrmuller. A two-fisted parody/satire that requires almost no knowledge of Yiddish to enjoy! “Hurm!” Recommended!

WOLVERINE #71 by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. “Old Man Logan” continues as a T-Rex wearing a Venom symbiote enters the scene. A must-have for all T-Rex/Venom Symbiote aficionados!

X-FACTOR #41 by Peter David and Valentine De Landro. Sentinels! The giant purple robot rumble starts here!

Monday, March 09, 2009


By John Judy

30 DAYS OF NIGHT: 30 DAYS TIL DEATH #4 written and drawn by David Lapham. So it looks like vampires and self-control don’t always go hand in hand….

ACTION COMICS #875 by Greg Rucka and Eddy Barrows. Traditionally Superman comics without Superman have not been very good. But this is written by Greg Rucka so it will be as good as it can possibly be.

ALAN MOORE’S LIGHT OF THY COUNTENANCE GN by Moore and Felipe Massafera. A new tale from the creator of WATCHMEN about television, ghosts and old gods. Contains no giant blue phalluses that we know of.

BATMAN BATTLE FOR THE COWL #1 of 3 written and drawn by Tony Daniel. Lotsa people fighting to wear Bruce Wayne’s old undergarments. I think it should be Bucky!

CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI 13 #11 by Paul Cornell and Leonard Kirk. It takes a certain brass to write stories in which Dracula trades catty remarks with Doctor Doom on his secret vampire moonbase before going off to fight limey superheroes. It’s something you don’t see everyday and thus evokes a sense of “Gotta Look.” Make of this what you will.

EX MACHINA SPECIAL #4 by Brian K. Vaughan and John Paul Leon. More weirdness from Mayor Hundred’s superhero past comes creeping into the present day. A political thriller with jetpacks. Recommended.

GHOST RIDER #33 by Jason Aaron and Tony Moore. After everything blowed up real good last issue it is time to reassess. Do Ghost Riding and Vengeance Spiriting really have a future in today’s economy? And, based on previous Ghost Riders’ experiences, is it really something you’d want to pursue in the best of times? Maybe community college ain’t so bad….

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #23 Duane Swierczynski and Travel Foreman. Our heroes are getting their asses kicked in the Eighth City of Hell. And that, ladies and gentlemen is how you tell a Great Kung-Fu Story! Recommended.

LOSERS BY JACK KIRBY HC written and drawn by “The King.” Collecting OUR FIGHTING FORCES #151-162 and featuring the adventures of Johnny Cloud, Captain Storm, Gunner and Sarge. Stories influenced by Kirby’s own service in WWII. Featuring a foreword by Neil Gaiman.

NORTHLANDERS #15 by Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly. The penultimate issue in which we learn of Magnus’s past and what has made him so relentless in his vendetta against the Viking invaders. Great stuff. Recommended.

PERRY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP ALMANACK HC written and drawn by Nicholas Gurewitch. The final volume collecting the comic strips that claim such diverse fans as Jim Woodring, Scott McCloud, Tony Millionaire and the woman who wrote “Juno.”

PUNISHER: FRANK CASTLE MAX #68 by Duane Swierczynski and Michel Lacombe. Frank’s got three hours left to live and most of Philadelphia is still breathing. This will not do!

SCALPED #26 by Jason Aaron and Davide Furno. A stand-alone issue spotlighting Diesel, the rogue FBI, wanna-be Indian and his adventures behind bars. Among the best comics being published today. Highly recommended.

SPECIAL FORCES #4 of 6 written and drawn by Kyle Baker. Okay, so this title comes out about as often as Boo Radley. It’s still Kyle Baker so it’s gorgeous, clever and edgy as all get out. If the Iraq War and its accompanying military recruitment policies still have you mad you need to be reading this book. Highly recommended.

THE STAND: AMERICAN NIGHTMARES #1 of 5 by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Mike Perkins. The second arc of this amazingly high-quality graphic adaptation begins here. The super-flu has destroyed the world and now the survivors have to cowboy up and keep living. Turns out there’s a guy named Randall Flagg in town and they’re gonna have to choose a side. Recommended.

THE STAND: CAPTAIN TRIPS PREMIERE HC by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Mike Perkins. As noted above, Aguirre-Sacasa and Perkins have brought Stephen King’s epic to vivid life. This collects the first five issues to whet your appetite for what’s yet to come.

SUPER HUMAN RESOURCES #1 of 4 by Ken Marcus and Justin Bleep. A humorous look at a world-class super-team through the eyes of a temp worker. Hopefully no one tries to set the building on fire…

TOP 10 SEASON TWO #4 of 4 by Xander Cannon and Gene Ha. A jail-break in Neopolis, the city of science heroes. Now that’s how you wrap up a mini-series! Recommended.

WALKING DEAD #59 Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. After the past couple of issues it’s kind of a relief to see some old-fashioned “drive over the zombies with a big car” action. Not for kids or otherwise squeamish folk.

X-MEN NOIR #4 of 4 by Fred Van Lente and Denis Calero. Wrapping up my favorite X-MEN mini-series in years: The X-Men re-imagined as hard-boiled pulp fiction characters from the thirties. Crackling dialogue with danger and double-crosses on every page. Highly recommended!

Sunday, March 01, 2009


By John Judy

AGENTS OF ATLAS #2 by Jeff Parker and Carlo Pagulayan. This funky little fifties retro comic continues to be way cooler than it has any right to be. For readers who like the odder corners of the Marvel Universe. Recommended.

BATMAN CACOPHONY #3 of 3 by Kevin Smith and Walter J. Flanagan. If you like your Joker gay and your comics bi- (monthly) then Kevin Smith has a comic for you!

BLACK PANTHER #2 by Reginald Hudlin and Kan Lashley. The Black Panther is a girl now. This is the sort of stunt I usually hate but Hudlin is making it work so far. That cover by J. Scott Campbell has got to go though. Dr. Doom with a big “D” belt buckle? Please. Is this the Big Bad of the Marvel Universe or a Texas pimp?

THE BOYS #28 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Wee Hughie’s undercover gig starts going seriously pear-shaped. Not for kids.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #23 by Drew Z. Greenberg and Georges Jeanty. Buffy and Andrew together on a mission to Italy. What’s Italian for “Kill me now?”

DAREDEVIL #116 by Ed Brubaker and David Aja. So what’s the Kingpin been up to lately? From the Dream Team who revamped IRON FIST into a readable title. Recommended.

GOON #32 (10th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE!) written and drawn by Eric Powell. “Okay, you drunken miscreants, it’s the Goon’s birthday and we’re gonna make it a good one, see!” Featuring pin-ups by Mignola, Jeff Smith and Bernie Wrightson! Recommended!

SECRET SIX #7 by Gail Simone and Nicola Scott. After last issue’s big betrayal and twisted revelation the only possible follow-up is a Seriously Big Fight. Guest-starring everyone. Recommended.

SOLOMON GRUNDY #1 of 7 by written and drawn by Scott Kolins. The hulking monster of Slaughter Swamp teams up with his alter-ego Bruce Banner to… oh, wait…

SUPERMAN WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON #1 of 12 by Greg Rucka & James Robinson and Pete Woods. Not a hoax, not a dream, not an imaginary story! The Last Son of Krypton (except for those 100,000 other guys, give or take) is going to spend a year screwing around on the other side of the sun with all the other Last Sons and Daughters of K-Town. Expect lots of intrigue and punch ‘em ups, starting here. And what about Zod?

ULTIMATE WOLVERINE VS HULK #3 of 6 by Damon Lindelof and Leinil Yu. I hesitate to mention this book until all six issues have been published and collected in trade paperback but… three years after issue two hit the stands… IT’S BACK! A big, hopelessly outdated by continuity fight between, well, y’know, it’s in the title. Gotta look. Too violent for younger kids.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Zadzooks on Afro Samurai and Bennett's best

"Zadzooks: Review of Afro Samurai, the video game: Hip-hop hero seeks vengeance," Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times Thursday, February 19, 2009.

And "Bennett's Best for the week of February 8," By Greg Bennett, Washington Times' Zadzooks Blog February 20 2009 is on Gaiman's Batman and Thor 600.


By John Judy

AVENGERS INITIATIVE #22 by Christos Gage and Humberto Ramos. The New Warriors reunite to kill Ragnarok, the evil Thor Cyber-Clone. Why can’t “Heroes” be this good? Ever?

CAPTAIN AMERICA #47 by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. Bucky America’s still in China, still trying to rescue the remains of his old pal, the original Human Torch, who is still dead. Or is he….?

EERIE ARCHIVES, VOL. 1 HC by Many God-Like Talents. If you thought dark Horse was gonna stop the Warren reprint madness with CREEPY ARCHIVES, well, it looks like you were pleasantly mistaken. For fans of horror, sci-fi and fantasy done up as only the best comics creators can do them. Recommended.

FANTASTIC FOUR #564 by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch. This issue has a Norman Rockwell tribute cover. It’s for their “very special Christmas issue” which we are (ha-ha) seeing in Almost March, so maybe that’s what’s so very-special about it. Also the Rockwell painting they’re tributing is called “Freedom from Want” or “Thanksgiving Dinner” so that makes it even funnier for a “very special Christmas issue.”

GARTH ENNIS BATTLEFIELDS: DEAR BILLY #2 of 3 by Ennis and Peter Snjeberg. So how screwed is that Japanese POW now that Nurse Vengeful is on his case?

GREEN LANTERN #38 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. GL and Sinestro duke it out with the blood-puking Red Lanterns! They’re powered by Rage and need extra iron! Plus, a new Green Lantern Law is revealed! (“Thou shalt not ‘go commando’ in thy skintight uniform?”) Recommended.

HULK #10 by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. The Defenders reunite to fight four losers calling themselves “The Offenders.” This issue has three different covers, no less. Sadly, none of them feature President Obama.

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #24 by Geoff Johns and Jerry Ordway. Now that they’re done chasing the stupid gray giant all over Africa and fighting each other, the JSA gets to scrap with Black Adam and Isis for control of the Rock of Eternity. Who will fall and who will get a piece of The Rock? And what about Dark Mary Marvel?

LARRY MARDER’S BEANWORLD BOOK 1: WAHOOLAZUMA! HC written and illustrated by Larry Marder. Collecting the first nine issues of this offbeat humor title that ran from 1985 to 1993. Marder has announced plans to pick up where he left off with new stories for today’s audiences. This one’s been getting praise from sources as diverse as Entertainment Weekly and The Village Voice. For fans of the off-beet.

MARVELS: EYE OF THE CAMERA #4 of 6 by Kurt Busiek and Jay Anacleto. Dying photographer Phil Sheldon continues his chronicles of the Marvel Universe even as everything seems to be going bad. Like Jim Shooter-Era bad…

MIGHTY AVENGERS #22 by Dan Slott and Khoi Pham. It’s Hank Pym’s Avengers versus Evil Possessed Quicksilver! Man, that guy’s always going Evil! Big fight!

MOUSE GUARD WINTER 1152 #5 of 6 written and drawn by David Petersen. The penultimate issue in the latest adventures of warrior mice from the middle ages. Kind of like Robin Hood meets the Rats of NIMH. Neat stuff.

NEW AVENGERS #50 by Brian Michael Bendis and Billy Tan. New Avengers versus Dark Avengers! Duck!

NO HERO #4 of 7 by Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp. The latest bit of ultra-violent, quasi-corporate anti-heroics from that nice Mister Ellis. Not to be read for half an hour after eating.

PREVIEWS by Marvel and Diamond Comics. What you’ll be spending your stimulus check on in three months!

STARMAN OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC by James Robinson and Many Fine Artists. This one collects issues 17-29 of the adventures of collector nerd turned legacy super-hero Jack Knight, along with a few other goodies. If you like the last few years of JSA adventures you have STARMAN to thank for reinvigorating DC’s entire Golden-Age catalogue. Great stuff. Recommended.

THUNDERBOLTS #129 by Andy Diggle and Roberto De La Torre. Oh no! The Green Goblin’s throwing pumpkin bombs at our new President! He must listen to Hannity and Rush! Loser! Fun stuff.

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #125 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. Ultimate Spidey meets Ultimate Hulk just in time for the end of the world.

WONDER WOMAN #29 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti. WW’s still getting it together after the drubbing she received from Genocide, who by the way needs to marry Doomsday and have lots of freakish, chalky-skinned, hero-smacking babies.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Montgomery on new Swamp Thing collection

My old comic-collecting buddy Robert chimes in on DC's new Swamp Thing collection, which has Alan Moore's first issue reprinted for the first time: DC is finally reprinting Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run in hardcover. So, of course, having waited for this for some time, I bought the first volume. When it arrived, first thing I noticed is that DC printed it on the same paper used in the trade paperbacks. Was I annoyed. I expected a high-quality product and basically got a trade with a hard cover. What the hell is DC thinking?

After I noticed the paper issue, I checked reviews on Amazon and people had the same reaction. They also complained about the cover being sticky - one person claimed they printed it on the wrong type of paper. The cover on my copy is a little sticky but don't know if I'd noticed it w/o having read the reviews.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

March 10: Laughing Ogre Comics staff speaks

This tip is from Herschel Kanter, from the Fairfax Bibliophiles list:

10 March, 7:30 PM in the City of Fairfax Regional Library

Norah Curry is the Promotions Director at Laughing Ogre Comics (, a family of three comic book stores. She has an BA in Art History and History from the University of Iowa , and an MA in the History of Art and Architecture from the University of Pittsburgh . She is a life-long comic book fan.

This program will discuss comic books, graphic novels and manga. We will look at the differences and similarities between the three and how they were developed. We also will discuss how they are all interconnected with each other and their continuing importance in the US and abroad.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Zadzooks reviews bad guys' comics

"Zadzooks: Reviews of Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy and Skaar: Son of Hulk," Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times Thursday, February 12, 2009.


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #587 by Marc Guggenheim and John Romita Jr. On election night Spidey must face 30 of his deadliest foes. That probably means we’re going to see Fancy Dan and the Gibbon. I mean, “Top 30?” You know some riff-raff’s gonna get past the rope…

DARK AVENGERS #2 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato. Morgan le Fey comes gunning for this latest group of Avengers, seemingly unaware that these guys are psychos who gun back. On the other hand she could end up being their Scarlet Witch. It’s THUNDERBOLTS done up Bendis-style. Recommended.

GARTH ENNIS BATTLEFIELDS, VOL. 1: NIGHT WITCHES SC by Garth and Russ Braun. Collecting the first in a series of Ennis war stories, a hard-hitting tale of female Soviet pilots resisting the Nazi invasion. Graphic brutality. Not for kids.

GHOST RIDER #32 by Jason Aaron and Tan Eng Huat. It’s the final chapter in the battle of the Ghost Rider Corps! Or Legion of Substitute Ghost Riders! Or Spirits of Variant Action Figures! It’s a Ghost Rider-palooza! Crazy fun stuff. Go with it.

GI JOE: ORIGINS #1 by Larry Hama and Tom Feister. Leading up to yet another fabulous big-screen adaptation we get to meet Duke, Hawk, Stalker, Scarlett and some guy who’s not talking to anyone. Could it be Chris Brown?

HELLBLAZER #252 by Peter Milligan and Giuseppe Camuncoli. It’s John Constantine versus The Scab! Good to know JC is pro-union.

PUNISHER: FRANK CASTLE MAX #67 by Duane Swierczynski and Michel Lacombe. Frank’s been dosed with poison. That leaves him only a few hours to find and kill whoever did it. Be nice if there was an antidote somewhere but whatevs…

SOLOMON KANE #5 of 5 by Scott Allie and Mario Guevara. The Pulverizin’ Puritan starts hacking his way through some serious Kraut demonosity! Bout time! This has been a neat little series of Old School pulp adventure. Recommended.

UNCANNY X-MEN #506 by Matt Fraction and Terry & Rachel Dodson. The bad old days of 20 million sub-plots in one X-book are back! At least it’s purty.

X-FACTOR #40 by Peter David and Valentine De Landro. After the horrific (and somewhat hard to believe) events of last issue, Madrox goes looking for his dupe that went into the preacher biz for answers. Yeah, that’s gonna end well.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Arlington County's Central Library has a stand-alone graphic novel section now

Arlington County's Central Library has a stand-alone graphic novel section now - I found this out a few weeks ago and was quite surprised. There's a decent selection here too - let's name the titles in the comments. I'll start off here.

300 by Frank Miller, Breakdowns by Art Spiegelman, Shooting War, Late Bloomer by Carol Tyler, Jimbo in Purgatory by Gary Panter...




Kerry James Marshall featured in Sunday's Post

A fine artist who uses comic book motifs is featured in Sunday's Post, including a new piece commissioned by the paper - see "Coloring Perception: Kerry James Marshall Thinks the Old Masters Have Room for a New Face: His Own," BY BLAKE GOPNIK - WASHINGTON POST STAFF WRITER, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2009.