Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Kismet, Man of Fate - Volume 2 Patreon

Formerly local comics historian and writer A. David Lewis has a new campaign to bring the second volume of his book series,  Kismet, Man of Fate.

David would like you to know a bit about the series and consider funding the second volume:

Critically acclaimed, Kismet, Man of Fate - Volume 1 (2018) brought the very first Muslim superhero back into action after decades M.I.A. He returns as an activist, an advocate, and an anti-fascist. But that was only half the story. To finish the story, David has announced a uniquely crowdsourcing campaign. Rather than resorting to Kickstarter or IndieGoGo or GoFundMe, Lewis has arranged an atypical Patreon campaign: rather than supporting him, all pledges are directed to his art team and to accelerating the next volume's progress."This is a challenging time for a lot of people," says Lewis, "and I hate to press them for some big donation. This way, many hands make light work. For the cost each month of one comic book being purchased, they can contribute each month to a comic book being made."

I enjoyed the first book, and signed up to help fund the story's conclusion, and keep the artists employed. Sign up at

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