Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Hospital Corps Do’s and Don’t’s: The Posters of Coleman Anderson

Hospital Corps Do's and Don't's: The Posters of Coleman Anderson
Andre Sobocinski
The Grog, 6:1, Winter 2011

During World War II, artists stationed at the Naval Medical School at Bethesda, MD, produced thousands of posters, and illustrations used to train and educate Navy sailors and Marines. It may seem odd, but several of these artists served in the rating of pharmacist's mate. The following series of posters was drawn in 1945 by such a corpsmen. Before and after his brief tenure as a corpsman-illustrator in World War II, PhM2c Coleman Anderson made a name for himself as a cartoonist with the "Chester Gould Gang" in Chicago, IL. He drew more than his fair share of Prunefaces, Flattops, Gravel Gerties, and helped develop many fangled quandaries for detective Dick Tracy to fight out of long before developing the "Hospital Corps Do's and Don't's" series for the WAVES Hospital Corps School in Bethesda in 1945.

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