Listed because cartoonist Jason Little is married to Ms. Goldberg, and I like her work.
Myla Goldberg
Sunday, May 5 at 1 p.m.
Goldberg made an unforgettable literary debut with Bee Season. Goldberg has gone on to write two more novels as well as essays and work for children. In Feast Your Eyes: A Novel, she profiles the fictional Lillian Preston: "America's Worst Mother, America's Bravest Mother, America's Worst Photographer, or America's Greatest Photographer, depending on who was talking." Narrated by Lillian's daughter and framed as the notes from an exhibition catalogue, the book is a collection of memories, stories, interviews with Lillian's friends, and excerpts from her journals, all centering on the artist's notorious 1955 show, which included partially-nude photos of herself and her daughter.
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