Thursday, December 18, 2014

An award for tying science to superheroes

 Photo courtesy of University of California, Riverside

The Reston, Va.-based American Association of Engineering Societies is giving its prestigious Norm Augustine Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communications to a California university research professor who uses superheroes to explain science.

Suveen Mathaudhu, 39, an assistant professor in the mechanical engineering department and materials science and engineering program at University of California, Riverside, will be in Washington, D.C., on April 20 to receive the award. It is given to individuals who speak with passion about engineering, allowing the public to better understand the field and better appreciate how engineers improve our quality of life.

Previous winners include military leaders, a congressman, a Secretary of Defense and astronauts, including Neil Armstrong.

Mathaudhu helped to create a museum exhibit called Comic-TaniumThe exhibit, which is on display through Jan. 5 at the ToonSeum in Pittsburgh, combines the real world of materials science and the fictional worlds of comic book heroes, such Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man and Batman. The exhibit was previously shown in San Diego and Washington, D.C.

The society and Mathaudhu are updating the exhibit so that it would include video and also modules that could be used by elementary school teachers teaching science and math.

Click for full press release

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Actually it is "NaNaNaNa Man Drink" by Ric Garcia, acrylic on canvas, $1300 although one can buy a print for $275.

Spotted today at The Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. The post-Civil War hospital was built on Pennsylvania Ave, SE and 8th St, and is now a community center.

Dean Haspiel, SPX and the Library of Congress

Independent Comix Art & Mini-Comix

 May 8, 2013

A discussion by comics creator Dean Haspiel on the new Small Press Expo (SPX) collection of the Serial & Government Publications Division. The collection of mini-comics -- "small in size but impressive in cultural impact" -- will contain, among other worthy selections, past and future Ignatz Award nominated works.

Christmas with Richard Thompson

After one buys The Art of Richard Thompson, one can tip-in the cards to the appropriate section that they weren't reprinted in. Because there wasn't enough room for everything...

Big Planet Comics 20% off everything New Year's Day sale!

Jared Smith invited you to Big Planet Comics 's event   20% off everything New Year's Day sale! Thu Jan 1, 2015 at 12:00pm to Fri Jan 2, 2015 at 5:00pm   Join     Maybe     Decline   It's time for our annual New Year's Day sale! 20% off everything! Extra bonus sales! All 4 Big Planet stores! One day only! Big Planet Comics of Washington DC Big Planet Comics of College Park Big... Joel Pollack and 11 others are also in the guest list.             Pending Invites (2) Block invites from Jared?    

20% off everything New Year's Day sale!
Thu Jan 1, 2015 at 12:00pm to 5:00pm
It's time for our annual New Year's Day sale!

20% off everything! Extra bonus sales!

All 4 Big Planet stores! One day only!

Big Planet Comics of Washington DC
Big Planet Comics of College Park
Big Planet Comics of Vienna
Big Planet Comics of Bethesda

Start 2015 off right with a pile of comic books!



Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Submissions: 'Artists against Police Brutality' comics anthology

Local publisher Bill Campbell (Rosarium Publishing) is teaming with local writer Jason Rodriguez and artist John Jennings to edit a comics anthology called APB: Artists against Police Brutality. Proceeds will go toward the Innocence Project, which provides resources for prisoners who can be cleared of conviction with new DNA evidence. They are seeking submissions. See info below:

"APB: Artists against Police Brutality is a comic book anthology with one primary goal: show pictures and tell stories that get people talking. We are looking for artists across the disciplines to lend their talents and critical eye for this artistic examination of the US justice system and its treatment of communities of color. We are looking for personal stories, biographies, sociopolitical and historical analysis that shed a light on shared experiences across these communities, not just to act as an echo chamber, but to be used to change minds outside of these communities.

"APB will be a black and white book that collects these stories. While primarily a comic book project, we will also consider following: One- and two-row comic strips
, Pin-ups and spot illustrations 
Prose stories (whatever the genre; up to 1,500 words) and analytical essays (personal, sociopolitical, historical; up to 2,000 words).

"The main goal is to encourage people to talk about the persistent problems facing this country in terms of race and the justice system in an accessible and powerful medium.

APB: Artists against Police Brutality will be edited by Bill Campbell (Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond), John Jennings (The Blacker the Ink: Constructions of a Black Identity in Comics and Sequential Art), and Jason Rodriguez (Colonial Comics: New England, 1620-1750) and will be published by Rosarium Publishing. 

For more information, go to; join the Facebook group,; or email

Super stockings

One of the more unique comics-related items at this weekend's Grump holiday show at Artisphere in Arlington, Va., were superhero Christmas stockings and pillows by local theater costumer designer Theodore Stumpf. Although he doesn't read comics, Stumpf said he enjoys the pop culture aspect of comics, which inspired him to make the items. Check out his Etsy shop for more stockings, if you're interested in buying one or two (most are priced at about $15).

(Below, photos of Stumpf's table at Grump)

(Below, images from his Etsy shop)

Comic Riffs talks to Clay Bennett about his Berryman award

Chattanooga's Clay Bennett is 'thrilled' to win the 2014 Berryman Award for editorial cartooning

By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog December 15 2014

The Post reviews American Cornball

The things we used to think were funny ['American Cornball: A Laffopedic Guide to the Formerly Funny,' by Christopher Miller]

By Elizabeth McCracken
Washington Post December 16 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

Art Hondros demonstrating on Capitol Hill

Art Hondros is demonstrating against gun violence in schools right now, on Capitol Hill. Swing by for a free copy of his comic book, if you prefer not to read his sandwich board.

Updated - here's more pictures of Art's anti-gun violence protest.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Art Hondros demonstrating as Human comic book, Monday 12/15 by the Capitol

Art Hondros, who wrote a comic book story about gun violence in schools, tells us,

"I'll be wearing this sandwich-board on 1st St SE parts of the morning and afternoon, and handing out bound versions of the narrative as well.

It's been two years since the events in Newtown. I plan to behave, so I don't imagine being arrested."

Good luck, Art, and I admire your stand.

Big Planet Comics Vienna has a new look

A new, albeit landlord-supplied sign outside, and it's been rearranged inside as well since I was last there.

Looking for that perfect gift for a comics uber-scholar?

At Lulu, there's a couple of items that may be of interest:

International Journal of Comic Art 1:1

International Journal of Comic Art 1:1 (reprint)

By John Lent

Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress

Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress

By Sara Duke

Here's the 30% off message:

We're just as excited about the season as you are, so we're offering you one last chance to get 30% off all print books.

Use promo code KRBM2 now until 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 15, and get great reads for everyone you know.

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "DC Voted 'Yes', Dammit!"

Mike apparently feels strongly about the marijuana legalization vote - Mike R.

"DC Voted 'Yes', Dammit!"

Y'know that old joke about how if voting could really change things, it would be illegal? Well, check out the shit that's going down right here in DC. Go on, take a good, long, steamy LOOK.

The Democrats -- yeah, the same Democrats who bitched about having an election stolen nearly 15 years ago, and who are still bitching today -- were ready to bargain away the franchise for residents of the District Of Columbia just so they could get a budget authorized to keep the goddamn' government from shutting down.

One more time... the DEMOCRATIC PARTY on Capitol Hill was willing to turn their backs on their duty to the Constitution and REFUSE TO UPHOLD THE RESULTS OF A FREE ELECTION in order to get their goddamn' budget passed...

Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Weingarten on Shansby's new book

Science fiction/comics class at Eaton ES

Earlier this week, comics writer/editor Jason Rodriguez, comics artist Keir Lyles, Eric Suggs Jr. (president of Art Way Alliance) and the folks heading the Museum of Science Fiction project held a two-hour workshop on comics and science fiction at the John Eaton Elementary School in D.C. Suggs provided us with an overview of the program (below) for the 5th grade class.

Science fiction and comics in the classroom program summary
This program aims to pair students with a comic book writer and comic cook artist in order to get them to understand how science fiction is created and guide them in the development of their first science fiction comic strip.

In this program, a comic writer (Jason Rodriguez) will talk about different ways that students would turn a concept like the recent “Rosetta Comet Landing Mission” into science fiction. While this discussion is taking place, comic artist (Keir Lyles) will be drawing out some of these concepts, illustrating the process from science fact to science fiction idea to science fiction comic. This would give students the opportunity to understand not just the creative process, but how the science they are learning in schools informs some of the science fiction they are reading in their books and, sometimes, vice versa.

After this discussion and demonstration, the students will be asked to create their own three-panel science fiction comic strip using the writer and artist as a sounding board for ideas and execution. The comic strip that they create will allow them to not just talk about the story that they created, but the science that served as the foundation of the project.

Detailed program breakdown
30 to 45 minutes: Science fiction creation discussion and artist drawing out the concepts that are discussed. The remaining time will be used to work with the students as they create their three-panel comic strips.

Below is the link to the pics from the class:

Photos courtesy of Eric Suggs

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Cromnibus Island"

"Cromnibus Island"

Just sit right back, and you'll hear a tale -- a tale of a fateful bill...

Remember when Obummer said he backed DC on marijuana decriminalization? Me, neither.

Yesterday, Obummer stated that he disapproved of Congressional meddling in DC's ballot initiative to legalize marijuana, but that he wouldn't veto the "CRomnibus" budget bill.

You got that? He's willing to let Congress overturn a free election in the Capital of the United States if it'll get his goddamn' budget passed. He says he opposes interference with Initiative 71, but HE WON'T UPHOLD THE ELECTION.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Still standing with Hillary?

Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org

City Paper article on Brooke Allen also in print

Is in the December 11th paper, across 3 pages! Again, good work, Tim

Darrenn Canton moving out of area

Local illustrator and cartoonist Darrenn Canton posted on his Facebook page that he's moving to Louisville, KY for work. We wish him the best of luck.

Friday, December 12, 2014

New Republic's DC-based journalist talks Danish Islam cartoons

The Man Behind the Most Infamous Cartoon of All Time Danish Editor Flemming Rose defends his crusade against political correctness
By Elizabeth Winkler
December 9, 2014