Sunday, April 07, 2024

Raven Smith interviewed at Fantom Comics

Raven is being interviewed now live and on Instagram my Jacob Shapiro at Fantom Comics about God Fell. She edited the book for Vault and the author.

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Capital Art Book Fair 2024 cartoonists in photos

 The event was today and continues tomorrow at the Eastern Market. These are only photographs of the cartoonist-type people with one ringer at the bottom because I really liked his chutzpah.

Lee Strawberry, local cartoonist

The Silver Spring member of Sun Store. Write to me!

NYC's Ferci Cipriani and her animation Learning to Float art book

NYC's Maggie Michel of Sun Store

Smogfrogg aka Leeanna Earp, Silver Spring, MD
Nami Oshiro, Falls Church, VA

Boxerbun, Washington, DC

NYC-based cartoonists Casper Manning and Ray Kao

There's some printed works from mainland China, including the 
Chinese version of the Beijing Underground. I bought 2 copies.

and finally the ringer, Bible story painter Sam Robertson. He's selling 300 copies of his illustrated Old Testament door to door, and podcasting about it at


There were several other people who's work I enjoyed including a couple from Brussels where the man, Hugo Bonamin, was working through some trauma issues by obsessively mixing pastel oil chalks in squares and seeing how they merged. He's online at

Also My Dead Aunt's Books store out of Hyattsville, MD and photographer John T. Allen of Permian Designs