Showing posts with label John Judy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Judy. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2008


“Why so serious?”
By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #566 by Marc Gugenheim and Phil Jimenez. Spidey needs a little help from Daredevil to rescue his roommate from Kraven’s daughter or whoever she is. Not sure why exactly but Phil Jimenez draws everything pretty so who cares?

ASTRO CITY: THE DARK AGE BOOK 1 HC by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson. Collecting the first eight issues of “The Dark Age”, the story of Astro City in the seventies when the Silver Agent got whacked. Great stuff, too infrequently seen on the racks. Recommended.

CAPTAIN AMERICA #40 by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. Crazy 1950s Cap vs. Tortured Cyborg Bucky-Cap! For da title! And the Red Skull’s daughter does A Bad Thing.

CONAN THE CIMMERIAN #1 by Tim Truman, Tomas Giorello and Richard Corben. Conan learns you can’t go home again unless you’re willing to kill dozens of people with swords, axes, your bare hands and some ornate, twisty thing I don’t really know the name of. Great fun.

EC ARCHIVES: WEIRD SCIENCE VOL. 3 HC by The Geniuses of Their Age. Yeah, you know you want this!

FINAL CRISIS: ROGUES REVENGE #1 of 3 by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins. The Flash rogues must answer for the murder of Bart Allen. So should the guys who wrote his FLASH series but we can’t have everything. It’s Geoff Johns and he writes good Flash comics. Recommended.

GHOST RIDER #25 by Jason Aaron and Tan Eng Huat. Ghost Rider in Prison by the guy who writes SCALPED! As good as this title can get! Recommended!

HELLBLAZER #246 by Jason Aaron and Sean Murphy. It’s “Constantine Meets Blair Witch” as a bunch of hapless documentary film-makers blunder into Newcastle. A very bad place to look for Constantinalia… Highly recommended.

HOUDINI THE HANDCUFF KING SC by Jason Lutes and Nick Bertozzi. An informative episode from the life of the world’s most famous magician/escape artist. Recommended.

HOW TO DRAW STUPID SC by Kyle Baker. Sadly there is nothing in here about how to get the next issue of SPECIAL FORCES on the rack. Still recommended because Baker is a gol-darn genius!

HOWARD THE DUCK OMNIBUS HC by Steve Gerber and Many Worthy Collaborators. Great. Like Marvel couldn’t have done this while Gerber was still alive… Recommended anyway because this is really great stuff. As close to the subversion of the underground comix as mainstream super companies ever got. Very worth having.

MARVEL 1985 #3 of 6 by Mark Millar and Tommy Lee Edwards. On the basis of how badly the movie “Wanted” sucked I could justify never reading another Mark Millar book again. But everyone’s entitled to a mistake now and then and this book is actually sort of fun. Worth a look.

MIGHTY AVENGERS #16 by Brian Michael Bendis and Khoi Pham. The secret origin of “Skrullectra.” At this point you’re either into it or you’re not. Gotta look.

PUNISHER #59 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. They should kill Frank or cancel the title when Ennis leaves but they won’t. Amazing run. Bravo. Highly recommended.

SCALPED #19 by Jason Aaron and David Furno. Lots of The Sexy in this issue but being SCALPED it’s gonna have a dark twist. Why is everyone in the world not buying this title? Does it not suck enough to be popular? Highly recommended.

SPIKE: AFTER THE FALL #1 of 4 by Brian Lynch and Franco Urru. Hey, I’ll bet this is as good as ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL! What?

TOO COOL TO BE FORGOTTEN HC written and drawn by Alex Robinson. A really fun fantasy about a grown man sent back in time via hypnosis to the 1980s to relive high school. Hey, it worked for Batman in the fifties! Recommended.

UNIVERSAL WAR #1 of 3 written and drawn by Denis Bajram. Some f’reign sci-fi space opera done up in proper American, the way the Lord intended. Yee-haw!

WAR IS HELL: FIRST FLIGHT OF HE PHANTOM EAGLE #5 of 5 by Garth Ennis and Howard Chaykin. The final issue in which we learn whether the PE has gone nuts. Or if he always was… If you like Ennis war comics you’ll like this.

X-FACTOR #33 by Peter David and Larry Stroman. Lotta cross-over stuff in this issue which Peter David handles better than most.

Enjoy “Dark Knight” everybody! - JJ

Sunday, July 06, 2008


By John Judy

BOOSTER GOLD #1,000,000 by Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz and Dan Jurgens. Booster meets Peter Platinum, who is a superhero, NOT a star of a certain type of movie! So don’t even go there, pal!

BPRD: THE WARNING #1 of 5 by Matt Wagner, John Arcudi and Guy Davis. Armageddon threatens. Time for the team to punch in.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: WHITE #0 by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. Look what happens when “Heroes” gets shut down by a writers strike! (Not saying this should happen more often…)

CRIMINAL VOL. 3: DEAD AND DYING SC by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Collecting the done-in-one masterpieces we all must have in our glass-covered, climate-controlled bookcases. Highly Recommended.

DEAD SHE SAID #2 by Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson. Posthumous noir by horror’s master illustrator. IDW Publishing is doing its best to keep all knowledge of this series to itself. Don’t let them!

FINAL CRISIS: REQUIEM #1 by Peter J. Tomasi and Doug Mahnke. DC says this is “a very special FINAL CRISIS one-shot” which, given that it’s a tie-in to this year’s huge Summer cross-over series, may be code for “this one doesn’t suck.”

GOON #26 by Eric Powell. “Bill, ya can’t eat a whole bag of cookies and follow it up with a whole chocolate-covered cat! You’ll ruin yer dinner!” Also featuring machine guns and axes. Recommended!

I KILL GIANTS #1 of 7 by Joe Kelly and JM Ken Niimura. The story of a 5th grade girl and her Norse giant-killing war hammer. “Hello kitty!” Gotta look.

JOKER’S ASYLUM: PENGUIN by Jason Aaron and Jason Pearson. This is written by Jason Aaron, therefore all must read it.

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #17 by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross and Dale Eaglesham. This and ASTRO CITY are the last two projects with which Alex Ross is even tangentally associated that don’t make me want to break things and give up comics.

KYLE BAKER’S NAT TURNER HC & SC by KB. For all of us who wondered whatever happened to this title. Still recommended because Baker’s a friggin’ genius.

NEIL GAIMAN’S CORALINE GN by NG and P. Craig Russell. It was text with illustrations. Now it’s the opposite. P. Craig and Neil: ALWAYS a winning combination. Recommended.

SECRET INVASION #4 by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu. Skrulls! They kick puppies! They green-lit “The Love Guru!” They rigged the last two elections! Miley Cyrus is a dirty !@#$* Skrull!

ULTIMATE ORIGINS #2 of 5 by Brian Michael Bendis and Butch Guice. It’s Ultimate Project Pegasus! No lie! And the origin of Ultimate Captain America. No Skrulls. Yet.

WOLFSKIN ANNUAL #1 by Warren Ellis Mike Wolfer and Gianluca Pagliarani. Wolfskin. He’s Conan without the sensitivity. Plot credit to Ellis so it probably contains the requisite Depraved Indifference to Human Life we demand of such things.

Monday, June 30, 2008


By John Judy

(Good news! They’re all better than “Hancock!”)

ASTONISHING X-MEN #25 by Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi. If anyone can follow the imprisonment of Kitty Pryde in an asteroid-sized metal phallus it’s Warren “Internet Jesus” Ellis. Brace yourselves. Recommended.

ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #7 by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard. Wolfie gets outed as a murderer! And he seemed like such a nice werewolf…

AVENGERS/INVADERS #3 of 12 by Alex Ross, Jim Kreuger and Steve Sadowski. Only nine more to go til it stops.

BATMAN #678 by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. Bruce is having a bad day and only has three more issues to get it together. Or 17 if you want to count all those crossover issues of other series you don’t otherwise read. Yeah, me neither. Nice try, DC.

BILLY BATSON AND THE MAGIC OF SHAZAM #1 written and drawn by Mike Kunkel. The creator of HEROBEAR takes the reins in this out-of-continuity tale of the original Captain Marvel, picking up where Jeff Smith left off at the end of “Monster Society of Evil.” Appropriate for all ages. Recommended.

BOYS #20 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The true origins of the supers continue. Recommended. Not for the faint of gorge. Or kids. Ever.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #16 by Joss Whedon and Jo Chen. Buffy meets Fray and giant Dawn appears to be having giant cramps! Nuff said!

HELLBLAZER PRESENTS: CHAS - THE KNOWLEDGE #1 of 5 by Simon Oliver and Goran Sudzuka. Chas Chandler is a London cabbie and John Constantine’s oldest surviving friend. Can he use his knowledge of London’s streets and landmarks to defeat a Big Bad without the aid of his trench-coated pal? Gotta look.

HELLBOY: THE CROOKED MAN #1 of 3 by Mike Mignola and Richard Corben. Hellboy tries to save a man who sold his soul to a demon from West Virginia. Don’t laugh! That demon got the truck started real good!

NORTHLANDERS #7 by Brian Wood and Davide Gianfelice. It’s Go-Time for Sven the Viking as wicked Uncle Gorm decides to stop screwing around. Like “Hamlet” with less talk, more rock. Recommended.

PATSY WALKER: HELLCAT #1 of 5 by Kathryn Immonen and David Lafuente Garcia. The resurrected super-heroine has been tasked with defending Alaska from… whatever Alaska needs protecting from? Exxon-Mobil, maybe?

SQUADRON SUPREME 2 #1 written by someone who is not J. Michael Straczynski and drawn by someone who is not the guy who drew the cover. Okay, maybe they’re not all better than “Hancock.”

STEPHEN COLBERT’S TEK JANSEN #2 of 5 by People who are not Stephen Colbert. Why? Why? Why? (See above.)

TRINITY #5 by Kurt Busiek and Everyone. Okay, last issue was a big fight and a forgettable back-up story. Much as I like Busiek’s work elsewhere this is starting to smell like COUNTDOWN and it’s only issue five.

WALKING DEAD #50 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. Did Rick really kill himself? Will his son have to put him down for good? A stand-alone tale that no doubt will mess with whatever uneaten brains you have left. Recommended. NOT for kids.

Monday, June 23, 2008


By John Judy

ALL STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN THE BOY WONDER HC VOL. 01 by Frank Miller and Jim Lee. Collecting the first nine issues of this sporadically-released endeavor in which Batman swears a lot and all the women are either slutty, mean, or Irish. But I repeat myself…

AVENGERS INITIATIVE #14 by Dan Slott, Christos Gage and Stefano Caselli. It’s the return of the new 3-D Man! Only Dan Slott could make this work! Recommended!

BLACK PANTHER #37 by Reginald Hudlin and Francis Portella. T’Challa must take down Killmonger once and for all, if only for having a name like “Killmonger.”

CAPTAIN AMERICA #39 by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. Two Caps! No waiting! Recommended!

CONAN THE CIMMERIAN #0 by Tim Truman and Tomas Giorello. An impressive team launches the latest adventures of Robert E. Howard’s most famous creation. And for only ninety-nine cents! Bargain of the week!

DAREDEVIL #108 by Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka and Michael Lark. DD faces his most impossible battle yet! A death penalty appeal during an election year!

EX MACHINA DELUXE EDITION HC VOL. 01 by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris. Collecting the first eleven issues of Vaughan’s entertaining, thoughtful mix of modern politics and post-modern superhero adventures. Highly recommended.

FANTASTIC FOUR #558 by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch. Doctor Doom by Millar and Hitch. Nuff said!

FINAL CRISIS #2 of 7 by Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones. It’s action in the Mighty Morrison Manner, featuring all kinds of nifty ideas with a possible story thrown into the mix! Gotta look!

GREEN LANTERN #32 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. The Secret Origin of Green Lantern continues!

HULK #4 by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. Red Hulk vs. Green Hulk. One’s got a gun. The other is the frikkin’ Hulk! Place your bets! (And how about that movie, huh?)

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #16 by Matt Fraction and David Aja. It’s IM’s birthday. So what do you get for the man with a huge ol’ dragon brand on his chest?

MARVEL 1985 #2 of 6 by Mark Millar and Tommy Lee Edwards. In which we explore what happens when old comic book characters invade the Earth.

MIGHTY AVENGERS #15 by Brian Michael Bendis and Khoi Pham. A little back-story on how the Avengers got infiltrated by those dirty, low-down Skrulls!

NEW AVENGERS #42 by Brian Michael Bendis and Jim Cheung. In which we find out who caused the prison break that created the New Avengers! It’s Back-Story Month from the House of Ideas!

NO HERO #0 of 7 by Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp. From the team that brought you BLACK SUMMER comes …. Okay, a book that sounds an awful lot like BLACK SUMMER. I was actually hoping BLACK SUMMER would finish before now, but it’s Ellis so we must accept such things. This is from Avatar because material by leading comics creators should never be too easy to find on the web.

PREVIEWS from Marvel and Diamond Comics. Peeking three months into the future has never been so easy!

PROJECT SUPERPOWERS #4 of 7 by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger and Carlos Paul. The series that exists to make you appreciate Marvel’s THE TWELVE continues!

RUNAWAYS #30 by Joss Whedon and Michael Ryan. Hey, kids! It’s a new issue of RUNAWAYS! This must be 2008! Cool!

SHE-HULK #30 byPeter David and Val Semekis. Hercules fight!

SUPERMAN #677 by James Robinson and Renato Guedes. The creator of the modern-age Starman joins up as the new regular Supes writer with changes and guest-stars galore for the Man of Tomorrow! Recommended!

THUNDERBOLTS #121 by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato. The Green Goblin will see you now…

TRINITY #4 by Kurt Busiek and Everyone! Still weekly! Still non-sucky! How long can this go on?! The adventures of DC’s Big Three continue!

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #123 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. This issue begins the Ultimate version of “War of the Symbiotes” and ties in with the Ult-Spidey video game which Bendis co-wrote. Brace yourselves…

ULTIMATES 3 #4 of 5 by Jeph Loeb and Joe Madureira. This was originally scheduled for March 12th but was delayed for some reason. I’m hoping that reason was that someone at Marvel actually read the first two issues and said “No, we don’t want to publish stories in which iconic superhero brothers and sisters are doing things that are illegal outside of Texas, West Virginia and Utah. Please, sir, write something that explains it all away. We’ll wait.” That’s just a guess though.

UNCANNY X-MEN #499 by Ed Brubaker and Mike Choi. For the X-Men to live San Francisco hippies must die! Okay.

WALKING DEAD SC VOL. 08: MADE TO SUFFER by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. Collecting the apocalyptic issues 43-48 in which we learned “No one is safe.” Traumatic stuff even without the zombies. Recommended. Not for kids.

WOLVERINE ORIGINS #26 by Daniel Way and Stephen Segovia. In which Wolverine learns where babies come from. This issue features new artist Segovia which means Steve Dillon must have chewed off his own leg and escaped.

X-MEN LEGACY #213 by Mike Carey and Scot Eaton. Brain-damaged, exiled Professor X continues his search for clues as to why all those Star Trekkies keep staring at him.

YOUNG AVENGERS PRESENTS #6 of 6 by Matt Fraction and Alan Davis. Kate Bishop has to fight Clint Barton for the name “Hawkeye.” Then she has to duke it out with Alan Alda and Daniel Day-Lewis. Maybe she should just be “Bishop.” No one’s using that name are they?

Monday, June 16, 2008


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #563 by Bob Gale and Mike McKone. Spidey gets in a bar fight with villains, super and otherwise. Oh, Spidey! Alcohol and web-fluid don’t mix!

ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL #9 by Brian Lynch and Franco Urru. This series is officially on a par with the IDW Publishing website and the binding on their trades. “Say no more!”

ANNA MERCURY # 2 of 5 by Warren Ellis and Facundo Percio. The newest super-chick from Warren Ellis, but keep it under your hat. The folks at the Avatar Press website don’t want you to know about it.

BRAVE AND BOLD #14 by Mark Waid and Scott Kolins. The mystical city of Nanda Parbat is under siege! Its only hope lies in a guy who can shoot trick arrows really well and a guy who can’t touch anything unless he possesses the bodies of others! Green Arrow/Deadman! Because somebody, somewhere once demanded it! Probably!

CHIGGERS HC & SC written and illustrated by Hope Larson. A girl’s coming of age story set at a summer camp. By the Eisner Award winning creator of SALAMANDER DREAM and GRAY HORSES. Recommended, especially for kids.

EX MACHINA #37 by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris. Mayor Hundred must battle a masked adventurer who has it in for George W. Bush. I certainly hope Mayor Hundred prevails. Eventually…

GHOST RIDER #24 by Jason Aaron and Tan Eng Huat. Johnny Blaze gets thrown in a maximum security prison! Fish will be cooked! Recommended!

GRENDEL: BEHOLD THE DEVIL #8 of 8 written and illustrated by Matt Wagner. The big pay-off issue in which mysteries are revealed and blood flows like respectable poetry. Neat stuff but not for kids.

HELLBLAZER #245 by Jason Aaron and Sean Murphy. A two-parter in which a group of documentary film-makers attempt to learn what became of Constantine’s old punk band Mucous Membrane. You would need to read this even if it weren’t written by the creator of SCALPED. Highly recommended.

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #22 by Dwayne McDuffie and Ed Benes. Ya ever have one of those days where part of you wants a brand new chance at life but the dormant Amazo program in you wants to kill all your friends and co-workers? Well, the Red Tornado knows just how you feel.

POCKET FULL OF RAIN AND OTHER STORIES SC by Jason. Featuring 25-plus stories from the first ten years of Jason’s career, including several without talking animals! Another fine collection from the good folks at Fantagraphics.

PUNISHER #58 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. It’s the day we all feared would come: The day of the final Ennis PUNISHER story. I wonder if it will be violent… Recommended Forever.

RASL #2 written and drawn by Jeff Smith. The latest project from the creator of BONE, featuring a dimension-hopping thief and all-around ne’er do well. Entertaining but sporadically published. Good idea to reserve your copy in advance.

SCALPED #18 by Jason Aaron and Davide Furno. A rare stand-alone issue focusing on tribal policeman Franklin Falls Down. He’s getting close to retirement and how often does that work out for fictional cops? Recommended. Not for kids.

STREETS OF GLORY #5 of 6 by Garth Ennis and Mike Wolfer. Ennis’s tale of the twilight of the Wild West. Published by Avatar Press, who would rather it not get out that they actually publish comics. Recommended anyway. Not for kids.

TRINITY #3 by Kurt Busiek and Everybody. This year’s weekly DC series exploring the mysterious link between Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Oooh, I know! They’re the same person!!!

WAR IS HELL: FIRST FLIGHT OF THE PHANTOM EAGLE #4 by Garth Ennis and Howard Chaykin. The PE has the hang of this whole WWI thing, but the thrill is gone and he still has to teach some newbies how not to die. If only he had the assistance of a snarky but imaginative beagle on top of a dog house!

X-FACTOR #32 by Peter David and Valentine De Landro. Mutant-Town is dead! Long live…. Nah, let’s be honest. The place was a dump. Good to be moving on, which is what Madrox and friends are doing this issue.

Y THE LAST MAN: WHYS AND WHEREFORES, VOL. 10 SC by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra. The last volume of the last stories of the Last Man on Earth. A classic end to a series that transcended its premise. Highly recommended.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


By John Judy

ABSOLUTE SANDMAN VOL. 3 HC by Neil Gaiman and Various Artists. For all of us who don’t already have every trade collection in soft and hardcover first prints.

ACTION COMICS #866 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. Time to duke it out with Brainiac. Again.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #562 by Bob Gale and Mike McKone. Featuring a fake Spidey, compulsive gambling, and a last page gag that frustrated Marvel fans should appreciate.

ANGEL AFTER THE FALL #8 by Joss Whedon, Brian Lynch and a Host of Others. Wrapping up the first night in Hell stories in which things got problematic.

BOOSTER GOLD #10 by Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz and Dan Jurgens. Booster learns someone’s gotta die. It was really cool having “someone” back for a while….

BPRD: WAR ON FROGS #1 by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Herb Trimpe. “Down to the family crypt. Two of the frogs, formerly Cavendish brothers, were there too. They seemed to be taking their mother’s corpse into the crypt for burial – under the waters of the flooded chamber.” Good times! Recommended!

COMPLETE LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE VOL. 1 HC by Harold Gray. Collecting over 1000 of the original daily strips from 1924 – 1927. Featuring Sandy the dog, Daddy Warbucks and no pupils! Ever! “Leapin’ lizards!” Recommended.

DOKTOR SLEEPLESS #7 by Warren Ellis and Ivan Rodriguez. Remember “Desolation Jones?” Me neither. This one features a naughty nurse, so that’s good.

ETERNALS #1 by Charles & Daniel Knauf and Daniel Acuna. Continuing where Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr. left off. Best appreciated by hardcore Marvel Zombies.

GOON #25 written and illustrated by Eric Powell. “What the hell is that?” “I dunno, we found it in a ditch and slung a rope round its neck. It goes flyin’ into a fit when you throw firecrackers at it. Watch.” Highly recommended.

NEWUNIVERSAL SHOCKFRONT #2 of 6 by Warren Ellis and Steve Kurth. Someone gets killed playing football so right there you have your entertainment value. Recommended.

SECRET INVASION: WHO DO YOU TRUST? by Lotsa People. Five stories! Only $3.99! Skrulls!

SKYSCRAPERS OF THE MIDWEST HC written and illustrated by Joshua Cotter. Observations of childhood isolation and existence in the American Midwest. With giant robots. Eisner Award- nominated. Recommended.

TRINITY #2 by Kurt Busiek and a Huge Support Staff. It’s Supes, Bats, and WW! Every week! Hopefully this will wash the taste of “Countdown” out of your brain!

THE TWELVE #6 of 12 by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Weston. Lotsa action and the Origin of Rockman, Underground Secret Agent! Highly recommended!

WONDER WOMAN #21 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti. WW teams up with Beowulf and Stalker, even though Stalker was a bad guy last time I read “JSA All-Stars.” Oh well, it’s Gail Simone. She’ll make it work.

X-FORCE AIN’T NO DOG by Charlie Huston and Jefte Palo AND Jason Aaron and Werther Dell’Edera. Featuring two stand-alone stories. The first is a vicious “Frank Miller’s Sin City” type of thing starring evil sociopath Wolverine. The second is a more nuanced short focusing on James Proudstar and his moral concerns at being groomed as an assassin by evil sociopath “heroes” with Xs on their costumes. It’s by Jason Aaron who writes “Scalped” so it’s a level above most X-Force material. Summing up, this X-Force is a dog but at least it knows a few tricks.

YOUNG LIARS #4 written and drawn by David Lapham. Until the next issue of “Stray Bullets” comes out we have this.

Monday, June 02, 2008


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #561 by Dan Slott and Marcos Martin. The “Peter Parker, Paparazzi” story-line wraps up with lots of tantalizing bits about how much MJ remembers from before “Deus Ex Mephisto” knocked a million years of Spidey continuity into a cocked hat. Nice artwork by Martin, reminiscent of Tim Sale.

AMERICAN SPLENDOR SEASON TWO #3 of 4 by Harvey Pekar and Various Collaborators. “How much pain is too much?” Let’s ask Harvey! He’ll know fer sure! Great cover. Recommended.

AVENGERS/INVADERS #2 of 12 by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger and Steve Sadowski. Already looking like a long haul as Team Ross reveals Bucky to have been a “cutter.” But a cutter with a purpose! An insane purpose, but still a purpose! Grit your teeth.

BOYS #19 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Dark secrets of The Seven are revealed in the beginning of the four-part “I Tell You No Lie, G.I.” It’s Ennis so you know it’ll get darker. Recommended, not for kids.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #15 by Drew Goddard and Georges Jeanty. Buffy’s in Japan with Dracula and a slayer squad to take down some Yakuza vamps. It could happen…

CRIMINAL 2 #3 by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Seventies noir from the Femme Fatale POV! Anyone above the age of 18 who’s not reading CRIMINAL should not be allowed to vote. For anything. Ever. Highly recommended times infinity.

DUO STARS #1 written and illustrated by Ashley Wood. In the words of the writer/artist himself: “underground mech racing pretty much sums it up.” Good enough for me!

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #2 by Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca. Stane’s kid wants to get back at Tony. And from there all stories flow…

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #16 by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross and Dale Eaglesham. “Gog” starts here. Hey, he’s a grey, wrinkly giant with gold horns. What could go wrong?

KICK-ASS #3 by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. It’s like WATCHMEN except only the 40s origin flashbacks and imagine Hooded Justice as a pimply YouTube stunt moron. Like that.

MONSTER ZOO GN written and illustrated by Doug Tennapel. The story of a young boy who discovers that his local zoo may be home to… Oh, right, like I’m gonna give it away! From the creator of Earthworm Jim and Cat Scratch.

NUMBER 73304-23-4153-6-96-8 HC by Thomas Ott. A suspense story without words from Swiss artist Thomas Ott. Very creepy and very worth a look.

SECRET INVASION #3 of 8 by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu. Lotsa fights between people in spandex being provoked by dirty aliens. Sounds like the FoxNews green room…

SHOWCASE PRESENTS HAUNTED TANK VOL. 2 SC by Robert Kanigher, Joe Kubert, and Other Deities. It’s 500 pages of a WWII tank with a dead Confederate General in it. How can this not be great?

TRINITY #1 by Kurt Busiek, Fabian Nicieza and Many, Many Arists. Superman. Batman. Wonder Woman. All other trinities need not apply.

ULTIMATE ORIGINS #1 of 5 by Brian Michael Bendis and Butch Guice. The Ultimate Universe: “It’s all connected!” Whether it needs to be or not…

Monday, May 26, 2008


By John Judy

(Did I mention everything’s shipping a day late because of Memorial Day?)

ACTION COMICS #865 by Geoff Johns and Jesus Merino. Featuring the return of the original Toyman. Not a hoax, not a dream!

ALL-STAR SUPERMAN #11 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Superman is dead, but I’ll bet there’s more to it than that. This series is Pure Fun. Recommended!

ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #6 by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard. Have you ever lost control of your powers, accidentally killed a beloved superhero and then that beloved superhero’s team-mates find out? Does Hallmark even make a card for something like that? Recommended.

BATMAN #677 by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. “Batman R.I.P. the storyline that will change the Dark Knight forever” continues. And by “forever” we mean “not forever.” It’s Grant Morrison so you have to look.

DAN DARE #6 of 7 by Garth Ennis and Gary Erskine. It’s Dan and the Royal Space Navy versus that dirty Mekon and his black hole! Get your mind out of the gutter and place yer bets! Recommended.

THE DANGEROUS ALPHABET HC by Neil Gaiman and Gris Grimly. A dark romp through the alphabet with pirates, sewer-monsters, and organs in jars! Highly recommended for fans of Charles Addams, Edward Gorey and the like. Great for kids who need literacy and a good scare!

DAREDEVIL #107 by Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka and Michael Lark. A new four-parter begins as DD must make his peace with his failure to save his wife from madness. Highly recommended.

ESSENTIAL RAMPAGING HULK VOL. 1 SC by Lotsa Seventies Marvel Bullpenners. Okay, all you really need to know is that the Hulk had a black & white magazine back in the day and this book collects those issues. Sadly this volume does not include issue #23, the infamous “Bruce Banner almost gets raped in a YMCA group shower” issue. It does include RAMPAGING HULK #1-9, THE HULK #10-15, and for some reason INCREDIBLE HULK #269. We’re gonna see a lot of this stuff for the next few months so brace yourselves.

FINAL CRISIS #1 of 7 by Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones. Not a lot of detail on this other than it’s by Grant and the guy who did all the great covers on “52.” Oh, and it involves a lot of redesigns on Kirby’s Fourth World characters. Worth a look anyway.

GIANT-SIZE ASTONISHING X-MEN #1 by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday. The grand finale of the Whedon/Cassaday run in which some will live, one “won’t walk away”, and the denizens of Breakworld finally start spinning on their heads and moonwalking! Recommended!

GREEN LANTERN #31 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. Yet another re-telling of Hal Jordan’s early training by Sinestro, but this one’s by Geoff and Ivan so it should be good.

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #15 by Matt Fraction and Khari Evans. Another done-in-one Tale of Iron Fists Gone-By. I kinda like these. Recommended.

JACK KIRBY’S OMAC: ONE-MAN ARMY CORPS HC by Da King! Collecting the entire eight-issue series for the Kirby Kompletist on your list! With a forward by Mark Evanier, author of “Kirby: King of Comics.”

JUDENHASS GN by Dave Sim. The creator of “Cerebus” takes on the holocaust and its cultural and historical roots. There’s a preview on-line at and it looks extraordinary. Highly Recommended, but probably too intense for younger readers. Far and away the pick of the week.

KING-SIZE HULK #1 by Jeph Loeb, Art Adams, Frank Cho and Others! Not “Economy-Size!” Not “Family-Size!” And especially not “Super-Size!” It’s “King-Size Hulk #1” and three new tales and a bunch of reprints all to help the current Red Hulk storyline make sense! Gotta look!

MARVEL 1985 #1 of 6 by Mark Millar and Tommy Lee Edwards. It’s complicated but evidently a bunch of super-villians have invaded our world and now it’s up to a 13 year-old boy to get the heroes to saddle up after ‘em! But it’s 1985 so they’re all too busy listening to Falco and getting their MBAs! Zoinks!

NEARLY COMPLETE ESSENTIAL HEMBECK ARCHIVES OMNIBUS SC by Fred Hembeck. Thirty years of work, 900 pages, and a forward by Stan “Da Man” Lee make this a Must-Have for fans of Comicdom’s most prolific cartoon humorist.

NEW AVENGERS #41 by Brian Michael Bendis and Billy Tan. The New Avengers are doomed unless Ka-Zar can save them from 1980s Skrull versions of themselves! It’s come to this….

NORTHLANDERS #6 by Brian Wood and David Gianfelice. Prince Sven builds alliances against his Uncle. Unfortunately it involves Saxons. Recommended.

SHE-HULK #29 by Peter David and Val Semeiks. In which we learn why She-Hulk was disbarred! She authored the White House torture memo! Kidding. It was nothing that bad. If it was she’d be teaching law at Berkley…

STARMAN OMNIBUS VOL.1 HC by James Robinson, Tony Harris and Others. A hardcover edition of issues #0-16 of the series that started the Great Revival of the Golden-Age DC heroes. Highly recommended.

THOR #9 by J. Michael Straczynski and Olivier Coipel. More of Straczynski’s stories of Asgardian Gods adjusting to their new lives in Midgard. This one gets better each month. Highly recommended.

TRUE STORY SWEAR TO GOD ARCHIVES VOL. 1 SC by Tom Beland. The collected autobiographical adventures of a free-lance cartoonist living in Puerto Rico.

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #122 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. Quite a good little story about Ultimate Shocker. I’m not kidding.

UNCANNY X-MEN #498 by Ed Brubaker and Mike Choi. In which we discover the source of the psychedelic disturbance in San-Fran and a bunch of Russkies learn it’s never a good idea to mess with the X-Men. Fun stuff.

WOLVERINE FIRST CLASS #3 by Fred Van Lente and Salva Espin. Some early “untold” adventures of Kitty Pryde and Wolverine. Featuring funny animals that talk.

X-MEN LEGACY #212 by Mike Carey and Scot Eaton. The untold origin of Professor X, guest-starring Gambit. Someday X-continuity will be figured out by someone. That person should be President of the World. Forever.

All this and PREVIEWS from Marvel and Diamond Comics to boot!

Monday, May 19, 2008


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #560 by Dan Slott and Marcos Martin. Starring Peter Parker: Paparazzi! Fun stuff!

AVENGERS INITIATIVE #13 by Christos Gage and Steve Uy. Following in the large footsteps of Dan Slott/ the new creative team hands in a worthy first effort. Recommended.

BLACK PANTHER #36 by Reginald Hudlin and Francis Portela. The Panther’s back in his kingdom of Wakanda to clean house!

BRAVE AND BOLD #13 by Mark Waid and Jerry Ordway. Batman and the Golden-Age Flash fight a samurai. This could be a really short comic…

CAPTAIN AMERICA #38 by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. In which we learn the identity of “Steve Rogers.”

CASEY BLUE: BEYOND TOMORROW #1 of 6 by B. Clay Moore and Carlo Barberi. Typical teenager discovers she’s humanity’s salvation after killing a stranger with her bare hands. How many times has this happened to you?

DEAD SHE SAID #1 by Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson. The noir-horror tale of a dead detective who has to figure out who killed him. It’s Wrightson so you’d need it even if it didn’t sound this cool. Recommended.

FANTASTIC FOUR #557 by Mark Millar and Brian Hitch. Big robot fights and romance!

GHOST RIDER #23 by Jason Aaron and Roland Boschi. The author of SCALPED, WOLVERINE (the one that doesn’t suck), and THE OTHER SIDE is writing this book so you know you got to have it! Find out who gets the burning chain this issue! Recommended!

GRENDEL: BEHOLD THE DEVIL #7 of 8 written and drawn by Matt Wagner. The penultimate issue in this untold tale of crimelord/novelist Hunter Rose. A great week for Wagner fans since we’re also getting the DEVIL CHILD HC and DEVIL QUEST HC. Nice!

HELLBLAZER #244 by Andy Diggle and Giuseppe Camuncoli. Constantine’s in the Vatican. Hijinks ensue. Recommended!

INCREDIBLE HULK OMNIBUS VOL.1 HC by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and a Who’s Who of Sixties Marvel Bullpen Greatness. Collecting every Hulk story up through Hulk #102, plus extras! Highly recommended!

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #21 by Dwayne McDuffie and Carlos Pacheco. Introducing Libra and the Human Flame from FINAL CRISIS. They will be on the test.

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #15 by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross, and Dale Eaglesham. The guy behind all the hero-killings is revealed.

MARVEL MASTERWORKS: MIGHTY THOR VOL.7 HC by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Collecting THOR #153-162, featuring Loki, Galactus, Ego the Living Planet and lots more from the Silver Age of Comics!

MIGHTY AVENGERS #14 by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev. Nick Fury’s ramping up to stomp some Skrull patootie! Avengers appear also!

SCALPED #17 by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera. Bad Horse versus Diesel, Round Two as “Dead Mothers” wraps up. Highly recommended, too rough for kids.

WAR IS HELL: FIRST FLIGHT OF THE PHANTOM EAGLE #3 by Garth Ennis and Howard Chaykin. The P.E. continues to discover that World War I is not all it’s cracked up to be. Recommended.

WOLVERINE: ORIGINS #25 by Daniel Way and Steve Dillon. The final chapter of the big Deadpool fight. Plus a bonus reprint of the first appearance of Deadpool, just to remind us how completely comics can suck.

X-FACTOR #31 by Peter David and Pablo Raimondi. Mutant-Town is burning. On the plus-side a comedy club is destroyed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Click here for sweet cover art:

By John Judy

ALL-NEW IRON MANUAL #1 by Eliot Brown and Various Writers. Everything you ever wanted to know about Tony Stark and his suits of armor, right down to the schematics! Kids, don’t try this at home!

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #559 by Dan Slott and Marcos Martin. The always-readable Mr. Slott is back in the spider-rotation so this issue is filled with action and jokes that actually work. Add to that an artist who appears to have studied his Darwyn Cooke and you’ve got a very respectable issue, despite the whole Spidey re-boot being more aggravation than renovation. Recommended anyway.

BATMAN #676 by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. “Batman R.I.P.” begins here. I believe it stands for “Rolling In Profit.”

BOOSTER GOLD #9 by Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz, and Dan Jurgens. The return of the Justice League International! Too bad Kevin Maguire couldn’t guest-pencil. So awesome you almost don’t mind the OMACs. Stupid OMACs…

CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI: 13 #1 by Paul Cornell and Leonard Kirk. How do Limeys fight the Skrulls? With a stiff upper lip, boiled food, and bad dentistry! “Surrender, you rotters or we’ll thrash you with pictures of Princess Diana!” Pip-pip!

FINAL CRISIS SKETCHBOOK by Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones. A peek into what’s coming. Potentially very cool. Worth a look.

GOON #24 written and drawn by Eric Powell. In which we learn how Horse Eater’s Woods got its name. Amazing stuff. Recommended.

NEWUNIVERSAL: SHOCKFRONT #1 of 6 by Warren Ellis and Steve Kurth. Admit it, you forgot Warren Ellis was still working on the New Universe, didn’t you? It’s okay. So did he. Anyway, it’s coming out again and Ellis is writing it. Recommended.

PROJECT SUPERPOWERS #3 of 7 by Alex Ross, Jim Kreuger, and Carlos Paul. Like Straczynski and Weston’s “The Twelve” without all that pesky story and character development.

PUNISHER #57 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. As of last issue the Punisher knew he was up against U.S. Special Forces. Now we find out if they know what they’re up against. Recommended. Not for kids.

SERENITY: BETTER DAYS #3 of 3 by Joss Whedon, Bret Matthews, and Will Conrad. Mal’s getting’ tortured. Again. Stupid Fox TV.

SUPERMAN #676 by Vito Delsante and Julian Lopez. The first encounter/fight between Supes and the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Features an Alex Ross cover. A gotta-look for geeks like me.

THUNDERBOLTS #120 by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato. The Green Goblin works out some of his frustrations with the help, courtesy of that nice Mr. Ellis. Recommended for older teens and up.

THE TWELVE #5 of 12 by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Weston. (See “Project Superpowers” above. On second thought, don’t.) “The Origin of The Witness.” Highly recommended.

WACKY PACKAGES HC by Topps. A tribute to the product parody stickers that outsold baseball cards for a while back in the seventies. Featuring an interview with artist/fan/legend Art Spiegelman. Recommended.

WALKING DEAD #49 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. In the aftermath of the prison massacre “everything is different now.” Great, devastating stuff. Recommended. NEVER for kids.

WOLVERINE #65 by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. The conclusion to the best Wolverine story in many a moon as Logan finally catches up to Mystique. Hijinks ensue. Highly recommended.

WOLVERINE: THE AMAZING IMMORTAL MAN & OTHER BLOODY TALES #1 by David Lapham, Kelly Goodine, and Johnny Timmons. Three stories of Marvel’s most ubiquitous mutant, featuring occasional gouts of dialogue!

WONDER WOMAN #20 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti. Wonder Woman meets an ancient hero and it ain’t John McCain!

X-MEN LEGACY #211 by Mike Carey and Scot Eaton. Professor X delves into his own past in an effort to reconstruct his memory. Think “Memento” without all the ink.

YOUNG LIARS #3 written and drawn by David Lapham. Out of control Laphamesque mayhem. For all of us who miss “Stray Bullets!” Recommended.

Monday, May 05, 2008


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #558 by Bob Gale and Barry Kitson. I really miss J. Michael Straczynski….

AMERICAN SPLENDOR SEASON TWO #2 of 4 by Harvey Pekar and Associates. It’s an all-personal growth issue starring the Elvis of autobiographical comics!

AVENGERS/INVADERS #1 of 12 by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and Steve Sadowski. What Roy Thomas did in the seventies in four or five pages The Ross Machine’s going to do in 12 issues. Positive points: 1. The cover ink will not give you a rash. 2. By the time issue 12 comes out we’ll have a new President. 3….. Let me get back to you.

BOYS #18 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Wee Hughie vs. Blarney Cock, dead or alive! Not for kids. Recommended.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #14 by Drew Goddard and Georges Jeanty. It starts with a dead slayer and ramps up from there. Cool.

HOUSE OF MYSTERY #1 by Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham, Luca Rossi, and Lotsa Guest Artists. You like stories? We got stories! Recommended!

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1 by Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca. Just in time for the most awesome movie ever, the Golden Avenger gets a title that’s readable again. Really quite good on its own merits and maybe my favorite work by Matt Fraction yet. And that Larroca fella can scribble! Recommended! PS- Lotsa variant covers and related merchandise this week.

IRON MAN: VIVA LAS VEGAS #1 of 4 by Jon Favreau and Adi Granov. Written by the guy who directed the Greatest Movie of All Time! Hoo-hah!

LOGAN #3 of 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Eduardo Risso. The final issue of this rarity: A Wolverine series that does not suck. Smart script plus beautiful art equals “Recommended.”

MAN WITH NO NAME #1 by Christos Gage and Wellington Dias. The iconic Clint Eastwood spaghetti-western character has his own comic. Hear that whistling…?

MIGHTY AVENGERS #13 by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev. Watch out Skrulls! Nick Fury’s back and he’s got a new bunch of Howling Commandos! Some Avengers appear also.

QUESTION VOL. 2: POISONED GROUND SC by Dennis O’Neill and Denys Cowan. Collecting issues #7-12 of the adventures of the late Vic Sage. Great 80s comics. Recommended.

SECRET INVASION #2 of 8 by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu. Not so secret anymore! Big fights! De-Skrullification! Six more to go!

TOR #1 of 6 written and illustrated by Joe Kubert. Comics legend Kubert takes a fresh pass at his Silver-Age creation, a prehistoric man on a quest for answers. Gotta look!

X-FACTOR: QUICK AND THE DEAD #1 by Peter David and Pablo Raimondi. Separate from the main title this one focuses on how Quicksilver went bad/crazy. Or did he?

YOUNG X-MEN #2 by Marc Guggenheim and Yanick Paquette. If half these characters don’t turn out to be Skrulls I’m going to be very disappointed.

Friday, April 25, 2008


By John Judy

ADAM STRANGE ARCHIVES, VOL. 3 HC by Gardner Fox, Carmine Infantino, Murphy Anderson, and Others. Strange Adventures and Mysteries in Space from 1963-1967! Appropriate for all ages! Jet-packs and zap guns galore! Recommended.

BLACK SUMMER #6 by Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp. If you wish to promote your comic and are given a choice between posting info on Avatar Press’s website or standing on a crowded subway platform and shouting yourself hoarse, make sure you purchase a monthly pass. Recommended. Not for kids.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER OMNIBUS, VOL. 4 SC by Various Creators. It’s 368 pages of serious slayage by the likes of Eric Powell, Christopher Golden, Ryan Sook, and “Buffy” TV scribe Doug Petrie! C’mon, that bookshelf looks sturdy!

THE COMPLETE CHESTER GOULD’S DICK TRACY, VOL. 4 HC by Chester Gould, plus an intro by Max Alan Collins and article by Mike Price. Collecting 500 strips from July 1936 through January 1938. This is what they were reading before Superman came along, kids. Recommended.

THE COMPLETE GREEN LAMA FEATURING THE ART OF MAC RABOY HC by Mac Raboy and Others. “Om Mani Padme Hum!” It’s the first four issues of the Tibetan Buddhist super-hero from World War Two! GL seems to be enjoying a revival lately courtesy of Dark Horse, Alex Ross, and trademark expiration. Why not see what started it all? Good for all ages. Recommended for fans of Raboy’s more famous work on CAPTAIN MARVEL JUNIOR. (He was Elvis’s favorite! Seriously!)

DAREDEVIL: BLOOD OF THE TARANTULA #1 by Ed Brubaker, Ande Barks, and Chris Samnee. The barely reformed Black Tarantula wants to clean up Hell’s Kitchen but that’s even harder than it sounds. It’s Brubaker so ya gotta look.

DC: UNIVERSE ZERO by Tons o’ People including Grant Morrison, Geoff Johns, George Perez and more! Billions of supes for only fifty cents! What a bargain!

EX MACHINA #36 by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris. The Republican National Convention is coming to New York and Mayor Hundred must deal with a new female super-hero who has a problem with that. “Oh, Hillary…!”

GIANT SIZE AVENGERS/INVADERS #1 by Roy Thomas and Many, Many Artists. It’s a huge slab of re-print material but lots of fun, almost certainly more so than the 12-issue maxi-series from Alex Ross and Friends is likely to be.

GREEN LANTERN #30 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. The secret origin of Hal Jordan continues!

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #14 by Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, and David Aja. Wrapping up all the convoluted story-lines with a huge kung-fu fight. Cue the Carl Douglas!

NEW AVENGERS #40 by Brian Michael Bendis and Jim Cheung. It’s Skrully!

THOREAU AT WALDEN HC by John Porcellino. A graphic adaptation of Thoreau’s writings by the creator of KING-CAT COMICS AND STORIES, published by the always inspirational Center for Cartoon Studies. This one’s already getting good reviews from Kirkus and School Library Journal. Teens and up. Recommended.

ULTIMATE HUMAN #4 of 4 by Warren Ellis and Cary Nord. Ultimate Hulk and Iron Man punch the guy with the big head. Excelsior!

And don’t forget Free Comic Book Day next Saturday May 3rd!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


By John Judy

AVENGERS: KREE-SKRULL WAR SC by Roy Thomas, Neal Adams, and the Buscema Bros. (John & Sal). A new printing of a timeless classic coinciding with the current Marvel “Secret Invasion” storyline. Remember: If you don’t know who the Skrull is in the room, it’s YOU!

BATMAN #675 by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. Warming up for “Batman: R.I.P.” in which Bucky becomes Batman.

COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS #1 by Various Short-Straw Holders. Our long national nightmare is over.

DAREDEVIL, VOL.2: HELL TO PAY SC by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. Collecting DD #100-105 in which Matt Murdock’s life falls apart again and again. Honestly, he envies Spider-Man, the tsuris is that bad…

DEATH OF THE NEW GODS #8 of 8 by Jim Starlin and Jim Starlin. It’s the Starlinest!

HULK #3 by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. It’s the Hulk vs. the Abomination even though one’s red and the other’s dead! Hey, if it made sense it wouldn’t be Marvel! You tell the Hulk he’s not an “Autumn!” I dare ya!

HULK VS. HERCULES: WHEN TITANS COLLIDE #1 by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, and Leonard Kirk. A monograph on grain production quotas as they may affect fuel prices in former Soviet Bloc nations next quarter. Don’t let the title fool ya, True Believer!

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #20 by Dwayne McDuffie and Ethan Van Sciver. The Flash and Wonder Woman are trapped in a giant bee hive with honey being poured all over them. Years of therapy begin here!!!

MIGHTY AVENGERS #12 by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev. So what does Nick Fury think about all this Skrull “Secret Invasion” to-do? And what about the whole “Hasselhoff/Samuel L. Jackson” controversy? And if Bucky gets a bionic arm why can’t Nick Fury get a bionic eye? Or at least a good razor and some nicotine gum? Okay, I think I’ve given away enough…

NORTHLANDERS #5 by Brian Wood and David Gianfelice. It’s the secret origin of Prince Sven the Uber-Viking! Highly recommended!

PREVIEWS from Diamond and Marvel Comics.

SHE-HULK #28 by Peter David and Val Semeiks. Worth it just for the Eisner “Spirit” tribute cover by Mike Deodato. Honest.

SPIRIT #16 by Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragones, and Paul Smith. It’s murder at the movie studio and contract talks have barely begun!

THOR #8 by J. Michael Straczynski and Marco Djurdjevic. Thor-Sleepy Time is over and it’s back to work: Ruling New Asgard and bringing the hammer down on anyone who thinks looking like an eighties hair-rocker makes you a sissy! Recommended!

UNCANNY X-MEN #497 by Ed Brubaker and Michael Choi. Archangel, Cyclops, and the White Queen battle the menace of San Francisco retro clothing! Another trippy cover from the House of Ideas.

Okay, honestly while there us certainly some quality stuff out this week it’s still a little thin. Why not fill the gap by picking up the first and second paperbacks of either SCALPED by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera and/or CRIMINAL by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips?

You’ll be glad you did.

And don’t forget: Free Comic Book Day next Saturday May 3rd!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Click for some visual links (covers)

By John Judy

AVENGERS INITIATIVE #11 by Dan Slott and Stefano Caselli. “Killed in Action” wraps up here with Camp Hammond giving Camp Crystal Lake a run for its blood money! Recommended.

BRAVE AND BOLD #12 by Mark Waid and George Perez. All twelve issues have led up to this grand finale: A big fight with an evil wizard. Those are always great!

CAPTAIN AMERICA #37 by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. Cap still “dead.” Red Skull still evil. This comic still awesome anyway. Recommended.

DC WILDSTORM DREAMWAR #1 of 6 by Keith Giffen, Lee Garbett, and Trevor Scott. A cross-over between the big guns of the DCU and all those Wildstorm guys you’re not reading.

DMZ #30 by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli. Intrepid indy journalist Matty Roth gets his story rejected by all major news outlets. That’ll teach him to write about John McCain’s lobbyist girlfriend! Look! Kitty-cats with string!

GHOST RIDER #22 by Jason Aaron and Roland Boschi. The story is called “Deathrace on Ghost Cannibal Highway” and it’s written by the guy who created SCALPED. If you don’t read this you’re crazier than the guys who greenlit the “Ghost Rider” screenplay. Highly recommended for teens on up.

GRENDEL: BEHOLD THE DEVIL #6 of 8 written and drawn by Matt Wagner. If you’re being pursued by a mystical super-predator sometimes it feels really good to take out all your frustrations on the Korean mob. At least that’s what Grandma always said. Recommended.

HELLBLAZER #243 by Andy Diggle and Giuseppe Camuncoli. Bad doings at the Vatican, even worse than usual. So who ya gonna call? The start of a blasphemously fun two-parter. Recommended.

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC by Stan Lee, Don Heck, Gene Colan, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and Others. Collecting TALES OF SUSPENSE #39-83 and TALES TO ASTONISH #82, this volume has the earliest IM adventures from the bad old days of the Cold War, plus lots of extras. Great for all ages, highly recommended.

MARVEL MASTERWORKS: CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 3 HC by Jim Starlin and Others. Okay, if you buy one Captain Mar-Vell book in your life this should probably be it. This one collects issues #22-33 in which Mar-Vell went cosmic and Starlin started channeling Steve Ditko through an LSD filter. This is the stuff that defined the character and made us all kind of happy when Starlin killed him off so nobody else could screw him up. At least not for 20 years or so… Highly Recommended.

NIXON’S PALS GN by Joe Casey and Chris Burnham. The story of an LA parole officer on the super-villain beat. “Elmore Leonard meets Jack Kirby!” Not for kids but otherwise recommended!

PIGEONS FROM HELL #1 by Joe R. Lansdale and Nathan Fox. A modern-day adaptation of a classic Robert E. Howard tale about… well, y’know… pigeons. From Hell. It’s really pretty cool. Take a look.

SHOWCASE PRESENTS LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES VOL.2 SC by Jerry Siegel, Jim Shooter, Curt Swan, Jim Mooney, and Others. Classic tales from the Silver-Age of super sci-fi. Great stuff for all ages. Recommended.

SUPERMAN #675 by Kurt Busiek and Renato Guedes. Busiek’s final issue! Alex Ross cover! Galactic Golem! And Supes fights everybody! This week’s “Gotta-look!”

WAR IS HELL: FIRST FLIGHT OF THE PHANTOM EAGLE #2 of 5 by Garth Ennis and Howard Chaykin. World War I flying ace Karl Kaufman must prove his worth as a fighter before his fellow fliers discover that maybe he ain’t supposed to be there… Ennis/Chaykin level mature themes so this is recommended only for older teens and up. But highly so.

X-FACTOR #30 by Peter David and Valentine DeLandro. It’s the return of Arcade, the villain who builds giant pinball machines to kill superheroes with! How come they never do that in the movies, huh? Classic stuff.

X-MEN: DIVIDED WE STAND #1 of 2 by Lotsa People. This has mutants.

And don’t forget Free Comic Book Day coming up Saturday May 3rd at respectable comic stores everywhere!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

2008 QUARTERLY COMICS REPORT guest column by John Judy of Quick Reviews

John sent this in a couple of days ago, but it slid down my email list. Fortunately, it's still current! Enjoy.

(What’s good so far this year)
By John Judy

Everything below is recommended as among the best stuff I’ve found on the stands so far this year. Some of it may have appeared earlier, but I only lucked onto it in 2008.

Where some material is better suited to specific age groups I mention it. Other times I don’t.

My object is to identify material that could be handed to an average reader with reasonable assurance it would be enjoyed.

ALL-STAR SUPERMAN by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. This comic won the 2007 Eisner Award for “Best Continuing Series.” It comes out slowly, but one can still enjoy each issue by itself. You really have no choice at least until the whole thing’s collected in trade. There is a larger story being told but it’s not essential to getting a good read whenever the next issue hits the stands. Good for all ages.

ALL WE EVER DO IS TALK ABOUT WOOD GN written and illustrated by Tom Horacek. A collection of Horacek’s morbidly funny single panel cartoons. Definitely for fans of Charles Addams, Edward Gorey, and Ivan Brunetti. Recommended for teens and up.

AMERICAN SPLENDOR SEASON TWO. A four-issue mini-series by Harvey Pekar and Assorted Talents. The J. Alfred Prufrock of comics returns with his autobiographical shorts illustrated by Chris Weston, David Lapham, and other gifted collaborators. Recommended for teens and up.

ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL by Joss Whedon, Brian Lynch, and Franco Urru. The art here honestly isn’t great, but the story is essential for us fans of the show who always wondered what happened after the suits decided network TV might be getting too good.

ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard. The further adventures of the most conflicted lycanthrope hero on the stands today. Good stuff, somewhat graphic violence, appropriate for teens and up.

AVENGERS: INITIATIVE by Dan Slott and Stefano Caselli. A series about young heroes in boot camp. Pretty heavily tied in with Marvel Universe continuity but with mostly original characters making it easy to enjoy without being an uber-fan.

THE BAKERS: BABIES AND KITTENS HC written and illustrated by Kyle Baker, the Greatest Cartoonist of All Time. Two cats are adopted into Kyle’s home against his wishes. Hijinks ensue. Beautifully drawn hijinks. Recommended by me, my wife, and four year-old kid.

BAT LASH by Sergio Aragones, Peter Brandvold, and John Severin. Mostly for western fans but a great example of a classic cowboy story. Beautiful art by industry legend John Severin.

BLACK SUMMER by Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp. An ultra-violent, post-Iraq, anti-hero adventure featuring the assassination of an un-named U.S. President and his cabinet. Chaos ensues. Teens and up.

BONE COLOR EDITION VOL.7: GHOST CIRCLES HC & SC written and illustrated by Jeff Smith. Great stuff for all ages, hugely popular among kids according to my school librarian aunt. Seriously.

BOOSTER GOLD by Geoff Johns and Dan Jurgens. Time travel stories that don’t suck from Johns and great super-hero art from Jurgens.

THE BOYS by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The continuing adventures of a black-ops squad charged with keeping super-heroes in line. So extreme that DC Comics actually cut the title loose to a new publisher. Older teens and adults only. You’ve been warned.

BRAVE AND BOLD by Mark Waid and George Perez. Classic Silver-Age style fun from an author who lives and breathes it. Best enjoyed by long-time fans but accessible for all ages.

CAPTAIN AMERICA by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. The continuing story of Captain America’s old side-kick Bucky filling in for Cap while he’s “dead.” Probably not for the non-initiated but if you know the characters it’s great stuff.

CRIME BIBLE: FIVE LESSONS OF BLOOD by Greg Rucka and Diego Olmos. Recently collected in trade, this is the first solo series of the new Question, relentlessly seeking out a mysterious Holy Book for criminals.

DAN DARE by Garth Ennis and Gary Erskine. Space opera, zap-gun fights, a war comic in sci-fi clothing. All done up Ennis style. Good for young teens and up.

DAREDEVIL by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. Like Captain America it helps to know the back-story here, but basically it’s Marvel’s most “realistic” super-hero trying to cope with the kinds of crises that would come up when too many people know your secret identity.

DMZ by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli. A dystopian fantasy about a reporter navigating New York City after the U.S. has been torn apart by civil war. There are now four paperback collections available for anyone wishing to get up to speed. It’s worth doing.

DOKTOR SLEEPLESS by Warren Ellis and Ivan Rodriguez. A weird sci-fi misadventure about a politically subversive scientist in corruption-riddled city.

DOOM PATROL VOL. 6: PLANET LOVE SC by Grant Morrison, Richard Case, and Friends. The final volume of Morrison’s legendary run on the junkyard dogs of DC’s super-teams. Collecting DP #58-63 and DOOM FORCE SPECIAL #1. Mid-eighties weirdness from the beginnings of Morrison’s career.

EC ARCHIVES: CRIME SUSPENSTORIES, VOL. 1 HC by Feldstein, Wood, Craig, Ingels, Kurtzman, Kamen, David, and Roussos. The EC Gods of 1950-51 have willed us these 24 twisted masterpieces. The first six issues of this series are all here. Hold onto your wallets because you’ll end up wanting a complete run of these beautiful hardcover editions.

EX MACHINA by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris. The continuing story of a super-hero turned New York City Mayor who can talk to machines. Teens and up. Lots of trade collections available for starting at the beginning.

FELL by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith. The stand-alone stories of Detective Richard Fell, a cop banished from his home city for some yet-unknown breach of conduct. Teens and up.

GHOST RIDER by Jason Aaron and Roland Boschi. Pure, out of control motorcycle madness from the author/creator of SCALPED. Highly recommended, even though you hated the movie.

GREEN LANTERN by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. Simply the best version of this character yet done. An epic police procedural drama set across the universe. Helps if you know your GL history but not essential. The future’s more interesting anyway.

GRENDEL: BEHOLD THE DEVIL written and illustrated by Matt Wagner. The return of Wagner’s masterpiece character, a novelist by day and super-crimelord by night, the baddest of the bad. Except now he’s got a stalker who may be even worse. Older teens and up.

GRAVEL by Warren Ellis Mike Wolfer, and Raulo Caceres. The adventures of a “Combat Magician” out to reclaim his territory after being written off for dead. It’s John Constantine on steroids without any delusions of higher morality. Older teens and up.

HARVEY COMICS CLASSICS VOL. 3: HOT STUFF SC by Various Creators. Collecting over 100 tales of comics’ original Little Devil, the Demon in a Diaper: HOT STUFF! A perfect gateway for all age groups into hardcore Satanism! A great follow-up to the earlier Harvey collections of CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST and RICHIE RICH. All ages.

HELLBLAZER by Andy Diggle and Leonardo Manco. Speaking of John Constantine, the Diggle/Manco run is universally acclaimed for bringing coherence and edge back to the original punk magician. Older teens, etc.

HOLMES GN written and illustrated by Omaha Perez. Author Perez explains it best: “What if Sherlock Holmes is constantly out of his head and Watson’s not much better off, the Dr. Gonzo to Holmes’s Raoul Duke?” This was great fun. Older teens, etc.

I SHALL DESTROY ALL CIVILIZED PLANETS: THE COMICS OF FLETCHER HANKS by Fletcher Hanks and Paul Karasik. A collection of the weirdly brilliant Golden-Age comics of Hanks, followed by the sad epilogue in which Karasik tracks down the artist’s only surviving relative to learn of his ultimate fate. Disturbing but moving stuff.

IMMORTAL IRON FIST by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, and David Aja. A martial arts epic set in the Marvel Universe. The story wanders all over the place but if you can keep track of all the flash-backs and intrigue it’s a good ride. Helps to be familiar with the characters.

INCOGNEGRO HC by Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece. Part-Mystery, Part-History describes this story of a light-skinned Northern black man passing for white (“going incognegro”) to investigate his brother’s arrest in the virulently racist Mississippi of early 20th century America. Powerful stuff, deserving wider notice.

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross, and Dale Eaglesham. Best enjoyed by long-time fans, probably confusing to newbies. Still a great series of stories building on the legends of the original super-team of the Golden-Age.

KICK-ASS by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. A new series exploring the hideous results of a normal person trying to be a super-hero. Graphic violence, older teens and up.

KIRBY: KING OF COMICS HC by Mark Evanier. Years in the making, this is Evanier’s tribute to his former boss and long-time friend, Jack Kirby, the guy who co-created the foundations of the Marvel Universe and a lot more. Already going back to press, this book is a must for all subjects of The King. Highly Recommended.

LOGAN by Brian K. Vaughan and Eduardo Risso. A thrilling three-parter about Wolverine’s early adventures in a little city called Hiroshima.

NORTHLANDERS by Brian Wood and Davide Gianfelice. A new Vertigo series set a thousand years ago in the bleak world of a Viking village. Prince Sven, a prodigal son, returns from the Holy Land to claim his inheritance. That’s where the story begins. This is a bloody, fascinating adventure that draws the reader in with its depictions of how desolate and empty the Vikings’ world was back then and how one determined outsider could change the entire order of such a place. Not for kids.

PUNISHER by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. The final series of Ennis stories in which the Punisher is stripped down to the grim core of his character. Perfectly complimented by Gorlav’s outlandish style. Easily the best run ever of a guy who started out as an occasional foil to Spider-Man.

RUNAWAYS by Joss Whedon and Michael Ryan. My admiration of the creative team notwithstanding this book was last seen in October of 2007 so it’s kind of hard to recall who’s doing what to whom. Fun stuff if you like “Back to the Future Meets Gangs of New York Meets X-Men.” And I kinda do…. Still, I’d like my own time machine so I could travel into the future to see how this all wraps up.

SATCHEL PAIGE: STRIKING OUT JIM CROW HC and SC by James Sturm and Rich Tommaso. A fictionalized account of the legendary ball-player’s life, from his early days to the peak of his career in the Negro Leagues. Highly recommended, as are all of Mr. Sturm’s other works. A preview is available online at

SCALPED by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera. The story of F.B.I. Special Agent Dash Bad Horse’s return to the Indian reservation he thought he’d escaped forever. This is a dark crime series that quickly becomes addictive as Bad Horse stares deeper and deeper into his personal abyss. Grown-ups only. Two trades out for those needing to catch up.

SERENITY: BETTER DAYS by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, and Will Conrad. A story from the pre-Big Screen days of Captain Mal Reynolds and his crew. Y’know, back when everyone was still alive. Previews available at Dark Horse’s website.

THE SPIRIT by Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragones, and Mike Ploog. Following Darwyn Cooke’s run on Will Eisner’s most famous masked gumshoe, this is a series most enjoyable to fans of Eisner and pulp-era detectives. Pure fun, good for older kids on up.

STREETS OF GLORY by Garth Ennis and Mike Wolfer. A mini-series told in flashback about the closing days of the Wild West. Extreme graphic violence, but good for fans of Garth Ennis and Clint Eastwood. Not for kids.

STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY GN by Harvey Pekar, Gary Dumm, and historian Paul Buhle. A non-fiction account of the rise and fall of one of the most ambitious and controversial activist groups of the 1960s. For grown-ups and interested parties. Very well-timed publication.

THOR by J. Michael Straczynski and Marko Djurdjevic. An impressive revamping of the classic Marvel thunder god, exploring the meanings in myth and the question of what happens after ragnorok.

THUNDERBOLTS by Warren Ellis, Mike Deodato, and Others. Ellis’ take on a team of government sanctioned super-villains, wrapping up this year. Dark stuff, teens and up.

TRANSHUMAN by Jonathan Hickman and Jm Ringuet. A four-issue mockumentary-style comic about the creation and marketing of the world’s first superhumans by the creator of NIGHTLY NEWS, PAX ROMANA, and RED MASS FOR MARS. “Spinal Tap” Meets Supers! Very promising debut issue.

THE TWELVE by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Weston. A 12-issue series about golden-age super-heroes awaking in the 21st century and all the culture shock it would entail. Gorgeously rendered by Weston. Great for older kids and up. Already a contender for Best Book of the Year.

ULTIMATE HUMAN by Warren Ellis and Cary Nord. A four-issue mini-series where Ultimate Hulk fights Ultimate Iron Man. Hey, sometimes you just need an easy read amidst the heavy stuff.

WALKING DEAD by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. The ongoing stories of the last humans alive after a zombie plague wipes out civilization. Imagine if the Romero movies never ended. Incredible suspense and continuous surprises derived from the systematic breaking of formula. You never know who might die (or worse) next. A guaranteed gut-punch per issue. Too intense for kids, but engrossing for older readers.

WAR IS HELL: THE FIRST FLIGHT OF THE PHANTOM EAGLE by Garth Ennis and Howard Chaykin. A foppish allied aviator meets World War I in “graphic” style. Not for kids.

WOLVERINE by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. Aaron and Garney open their run on this title with a wild chase across the globe after Wolverine is tasked with the assassination of a long-time X-Men foe. Between this and LOGAN, Wolverine may be having his best creative year in a long while.

Y THE LAST MAN by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra. The series ended recently but is now available in trade paperback form. The saga of the last man on an Earth excelled past its cheesy sci-fi premise with issue one and never looked back. A real masterpiece worthy of sitting beside WATCHMEN and SANDMAN on bookshelves everywhere.

Great stuff so far and it’s only April. J

Friday, April 04, 2008


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #556 by Zeb Wells and Chris Bachalo. Creepy Mayan blood cults, snowstorms, and Spidey finds a new use for the Daily Bugle. Nuthin’ dirty but your mind, Mister Man.

BATMAN: DEATH MASK #1 of 4 written and illustrated by Yoshinori Natsume. A Prestige Format manga mini from the creator of “Toguri.” Ask your kid.

BOOSTER GOLD #8 by Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz, and Dan Jurgens. Still a really good title but the recurring presence of those stupid OMAC things is cause for concern. OMACs are the evil future clones of the DCU.

CRIMINAL 2 #2 by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Another done-in-one story featuring Teeg Lawless, patriarch of the low-rent Lawless crime family. This issue has an expanded number of main story and back-up pages and is pure Blue Magic heroin for lovers of the crime noir genre. Too rough for kids. Highly recommended for clever teens and up.

DOKTOR SLEEPLESS #6 by Warren Ellis and Ivan Rodriguez. Injury to the eye motif! Comics Code Authority turning in its grave! Avatar website still horrible. Somebody call me a Doktor!

FANTASTIC FOUR #556 by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch. Big fights with Robo-Cap in the snow. It's a ride.

GOON #23 written and illustrated by Eric Powell. Overheard outside Madame Elsa’s Burlesque: “Back off, youse mugs! I swiped this here salmon and I’m gettin’ the squeezin’s!” Recommended!

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #14 by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross, and Dale Eaglesham. Why, God, why? Why are the clouds laughing at our heroes? And why do the clouds have fangs and crows feet? It’s an Alex Ross cover and thus filled with hidden meaning. Really. Look for the word “Nina.”

MARVEL ZOMBIES: DEAD DAYS HC by Lotsa People. Featuring all those Marvel Zombie stories that didn’t appear in the two mini-series. Twisted kicks. NOT for kids.

NUMBER OF THE BEAST #1 of 8 by Scott Beatty and Chris Sprouse. It’s the Apocalypse done up Wildstorm style! Featuring the return of a hero we all thought Warren Ellis had killed off! (Okay, that doesn’t narrow it down much, I know…)

PUNISHER #56 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. The final Garth Ennis story-arc in which eight Special Forces soldiers are ordered to take out the Punisher, knowing that he won’t fire back on U.S. military and The Law. Not for kids, no-how, but highly recommended for all others.

SERENITY: BETTER DAYS #2 of 3 by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, and Will Conrad. The crew goes on vacation in the good ol’ days before fan favorites died horribly on the big screen.

TITANS #1 by Judd Winick and Ian Churchill. Looks like a return of the original Marv Wolfman/George Perez line-up so that’s a nice nod to us geezers. Gotta look.

WHATEVER GN written and drawn by Karl Stevens. A collection of short stories about life in the college town of Allston, Massachusetts. No capes, no tights, no kidding. Neat stuff.

WOLVERINE #64 by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. Crazy, bloody chase caper continues! Great fun from Aaron and Garney. Ron Garney's tears cure athlete's foot.* Recommended!

WONDER WOMAN #19 by Gail Simone and Bernard Chang. WW’s having trouble with a nasty bunch of Khunds. They’re an alien race, so help me.

YOUNG LIARS #2 written and drawn by David Lapham. If you’re missing your fix of Lapham’s “Stray Bullets” you should certainly be reading this. Nihilistic fun, but not for younger kids.

*disclaimer from the blog owner. Probably not, but Mr. Garney did write in and ask that he be acknowledged as one of the creators of the comic in response to one of Mr. Judy's recent posts.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #555 by Zeb Wells and Chris Bachalo. Gorgeous art, ninjas, Wolverine, and an official Marvel No-Prize challenge for all you kids who think you're smarter than a Marvel Editor. Start slamming your head into a brick wall to make it fair...

AMERICAN SPLENDOR SEASON TWO #1 of 4 by Harvey Pekar and Assorted Talents. The J. Alfred Prufrock of comics returns with his autobiographical shorts illustrated by Chris Weston, David Lapham, and other gifted collaborators. Recommended for teens and up.

ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL #6 by Joss Whedon, Brian Lynch, and a bunch of artists. A two-parter finally giving with the scoop about what exactly happened after the final scene of the TV series. Way cool. Recommended.

ANNA MERCURY #1 of 5 by Warren Ellis and Facundo Percio. Warren’s new superwoman who makes Jet Li and the Shadow look like Laurel and Hardy! Recommended!

BOYS #17 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Wee Hughie starts to live again. Sadly so does his old foe, The Blarney Cock! Vicious, soul-to-hell-condemning fun from Belfast’s Favorite Son. Not for kids.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #13 by Drew Goddard and Georges Jeanty. Buffy and the Scoobs fight uber-vamps in Tokyo. From the writer of “Cloverfield.”

CABLE #2 by Duane Swierczynski and Ariel Olivetti. Mutant cyborg time-travelin' action with a baby. This is what Sweeps Week looks like in Hell.

ESSENTIAL IRON MAN VOL.3. SC by Archie Goodwin, Gene Colan, and Many Others. Collecting issues #12-38 and DAREDEVIL #73. Time to get psyched for next month’s movie and bargain-priced reprints are the best place to start. Enjoy!

HOLMES GN written and illustrated by Omaha Perez. Author Perez explains it best: “What if Sherlock Holmes is constantly out of his head and Watson’s not much better off, the Dr. Gonzo to Holmes’s Raoul Duke?” This week’s “Gotta-look!”

KICK ASS #2 by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. Okay, the first issue saw our hero essentially beaten to death, sans mutant healing factor, which is good enough for me to want to read issue two! Definitely too rough for younger kids. Twisted fun for all others.

LOGAN #2 of 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Eduardo Risso. Wolverine’s back in Japan which is always good for few sword and barbed arrowhead induced laughs. Beautiful art by Risso and a comforting fix of Vaughan for those of us who still miss Y THE LAST MAN. Recommended.

PROJECT SUPERPOWERS #2 of 6 by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and Carlos Paul. The most interesting thing about this series is the fact that its cast of heroes is in play due to copyright expiration. At least one of them (Dynamic Man) is also appearing in THE TWELVE over at Marvel. And it’s tough to overcome the fact that one of the main protagonists in this “serious” adventure story is repeatedly addressed as “Yank.” Just sayin’…

SCALPED #16 by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera. Dash and Red Crow butt heads with a Nebraska sheriff. This is the title Garth Ennis calls “like a comic book written just for me!” The hardest of hard stuff for fans of westerns and noir. Highly recommended. Not for kids.

SECRET INVASION #1 of 8 by Brian Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu. SKRULLS!!!! Shapeshifting, concentric circle-eyed, ridgey-chinned !@$^@#$!!!! Time to start collecting on those bets you made with your friends. Geeky fun!

SHAZAM: GREATEST STORIES EVER TLD SC by Bill Parker, C.C. Beck, Dennis O’Neil, Gil Kane, Jack Kirby and many more. The best of the past 60+ years of the Big Red Cheese! Highly recommended for all ages!

THE TWELVE #4 of 12 by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Weston. More murders and back-biting among our time-lost Golden Age heroes! Plus, the origin of Rockman! Appointment reading, highly recommended!

WALKING DEAD #48 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. The bloody aftermath of the Governor’s raid. As Kirkman has proven: “No one is safe.” Not for kids. Recommended for older teens on up.

YOUNG AVENGERS PRESENTS #3 of 6 by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Alina Urusov. Wiccan and Speed search for their lost mama, the Scarlet Witch!

YOUNG X-MEN #1 by Marc Guggenheim and Yanick Paquette. Cyclops is gettin' the band back together. If you liked "Young Justice", "Young All-Stars", "Youngblood", "Young Guns", "Young and the Restless", and Young MC.... well, you have OCD and you're not going to feel right if you don't buy this comic. PS - The kitchen floor is covered with germs.

ZORRO #2 by Matt Wagner and Francesco Francavilla. “The Fox” versus the brutal Gonzales in the new adventures of the original Man in Black!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


By John Judy

ALL-STAR SUPERMAN #10 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. This comic won the 2007 Eisner Award for “Best Continuing Series.” Next issue will win the award for 2009. Technically that counts as “Continuing.” The trick to enjoying Grant Morrison comics is to treat the existence of each issue as an unexpected delight and never expect another one. It works, so help me.

APOCALYPSE NERD SC written and drawn by Peter Bagge. Kim Jong Il has nuked Seattle (just go with it) and now software engineer Perry and his friend Gordo struggle to survive in the aftermath. Dark humor and adventure from the creator of HATE and THE BRADLEYS. Recommended.

ASTERIX OMNIBUS VOL. 1 & 2, HC & SC by Rene Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. Have you ever wished you could have three of those skinny ASTERIX books bound into one volume? How about six into two? Well this is your week, my friend. Recommended for all ages. Enjoy!

BLACK PANTHER #34 by Reginald Hudlin and Francis Portela. T’Challa and Storm leave space behind to settle some business at home. Battles Royale ensue.

CLOUDS ABOVE SC written and illustrated by Jordan Crane. A book-length, all-ages adventure of a boy and his cat. Originally a HC release in 2005 this paperback edition contains five pages of new material. Very cool. Recommended.

DAN DARE #5 of 7 by Garth Ennis and Gary Erskine. As the Mekon makes his move Dan takes command of the fleet. Great stuff for fans of space opera, war comics, and Ennis/Erskine.

DAREDEVIL #106 by Ed Brubaker and Paul Azaceta. DD grapples with the finality of his wife's madness. Punks beware! Recommended.

GRAVEL #2 by Warren Ellis Mike Wolfer, and Raulo Caceres. Combat Magician versus stampeding, blood-thirsty ghost horses! Didn’t Casper have one of those? Yeah, “Nightmare the Ghost Horse.” She was sweet….

GREEN LANTERN #29 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. A flashback to the early days of Hal Jordan’s GL career and the beginnings of Sinestro’s obsession with “Darkest Night.”

HELLBLAZER #242 by Andy Diggle and Leonardo Manco. Constantine’s enemies team up to get him! Will they ever learn…?

JACK KIRBY’S FOURTH WORLD OMNIBUS VOL. 4 HC written and illustrated by The King! The final volume of the Forever People, New Gods, Mister Miracle, and lots of extras!

MIGHTY AVENGERS #11 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley. It’s Bagley’s last issue featuring a diabolical dust-up with Doctor Doom!

NEW AVENGERS #39 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack. KABUKI creator David Mack illustrates Echo versus the Skrulls.

PREVIEWS from Diamond and Marvel Comics. Who knows where we’ll all be in three months? Only Marvel and Diamond Comics.

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: BOOSTER GOLD VOL. 1 SC by Dan Jurgens, John Byrne and others. Collecting the first 25 issues. Why not?

SPIDER-MAN: WITH GREAT POWER #3 of 5 by David Lapham and Tony Harris. The early days of Spidey’s wrestling career when Uncle Ben still lived and life sucked anyway. This comic doesn’t. Great art. Great fun.

SPIRIT #15 by Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragones, and Mike Ploog. Featuring action, laughs, and diamond smuggling! Recommended!

TRANSHUMAN #1 of 4 by Jonathan Hickman and Jm Ringuet. A mockumentary-style comic about the creation and marketing of the world’s first superhumans by the creator of NIGHTLY NEWS, PAX ROMANA, and RED MASS FOR MARS. “Spinal Tap” Meets Supers! Yowza!

ULTIMATE HUMAN #3 of 4 by Warren Ellis and Cary Nord. More sock ‘em ups with Ultimate Cannibal Hulk and Ultimate Drunk Iron Man!

WOLVERINE FIRST CLASS #1 by Fred Van Lente and Andrea Di Vito. Could the co-creator of ACTION PHILOSOPHERS possibly be giving us that rarest of creations, a WOLVERINE comic that does not suck? Signs point to “Maybe.” Guest-starring Kitty Pryde and the X-Men.

WORLD WAR HULK: AFTERSMASH: DAMAGE CONTROL #3 of 3 by Dwayne McDuffie and Salva Espin. This has been a funny, clever little mini-series even if the title screams "Marvel Zombies Only!" Worth a read now or in trade.

X-MEN LEGACY #209 by Mike Carey and Scot Eaton. Formerly known as just plain old "X-MEN" this issue features another philosophical tete-a-tete between Magneto and Professor X. There's fights and lasers too.

Friday, March 14, 2008


By John “I get paid $5500 an hour to do this!” Judy

AL CAPP’S COMPLETE SHMOO: THE COMIC BOOKS HC written and illustrated by Capp Studios. Featuring Super Shmoo, Frankenshmoo, and Fu Manshoo! If you have to ask…

ALL WE EVER DO IS TALK ABOUT WOOD GN written and illustrated by Tom Horacek. A collection of Horacek’s morbidly funny single panel cartoons. Definitely for fans of Charles Addams, Edward Gorey, and Ivan Brunetti. Recommended.

ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL #5 by Brian Lynch and Franco Urru. So he’s not a vampire anymore….?

BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE SPECIAL EDITION by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. A special hardcover 20th anniversary edition designed to torture Alan Moore by reminding him of how tied he remains to DC even though he refuses to cash their checks. Of course some of us are tortured by the knowledge that it’s been 20 years since we bought this book new on the stands… Also contains the story “An Innocent Guy” from BATMAN: BLACK & WHITE.

BRAVE AND BOLD #11 by Mark Waid and Jerry Ordway. Superman and Ultraman team up to save the day. Sorry manga fans, it’s a different Ultraman.

CAPTAIN AMERICA #36 by Ed Brubaker, Butch Guice, and Mike Perkins. Bucky continues making the role of Captain America his own. Hard.

EX MACHINA #5 by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris. Mayor Hundred is haunted by the ghosts of African slaves. And metaphors.

GHOST RIDER #21 by Jason Aaron and Roland Boschi. Pure, out of control motorcycle madness, reminiscent of the best of Garth Ennis's PREACHER. Highly recommended, even though you hated the movie.

GRENDEL: BEHOLD THE DEVIL #5 of 8 written and illustrated by Matt Wagner. Gee fights monsters! Recommended.

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #13 by Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, Tonci Zonjic, and David Aja. Okay, when the "What Has Gone Before" page starts reading like a novella you may be getting a tad challenging for new readers to get on board. Just sayin'... Pretty good comic anyway.

MARVEL MASTERWORKS: CAPTAIN AMERICA VOL. 4 HC by Stan Lee, John Buscema, Gene Colan, and John Romita Sr. Collecting CAPTAIN AMERICA #114-124, featuring the Red Skull, the Falcon, MODOK, Nick Fury, AIM, and the cosmic cube! The more things change…

OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE VOL. 38 HC & SC with your choice of covers: Marvel Villains by Mark Sparacio or Star Wars by Doug Wheatley. For some reason there also seems to be a Joe Shuster Superman cover being advertised on the net but there’s no mention of this from the publisher. Weird.

SUPER FRIENDS #1 by Sholly Fisch and Dario Brizuela. Fun for all ages, featuring smiling Batman with the yellow oval on his chest!

TANGENT: SUPERMAN’S REIGN #1 of 12 by Dan Jurgens and Friends. It’s trademark renewin’ time, kids! Alternate universe super-heroes meet their namesakes. Personally I wanna see the Just Imagine Stan Lee and Realworlds versions roll in! If you get these references you’re old.

THOR #7 J. Michael Straczynski and Marko Djurdjevic. A really great issue, among the high points for JMS and Thor in general. Setting up what will no doubt be some very interesting stories in months to come. Highly recommended.

WAR IS HELL: THE FIRST FLIGHT OF THE PHANTOM EAGLE #1 by Garth Ennis and Howard Chaykin. A heavy-hitting creative team tackles the World War I aviator’s adventures in “graphic” style. Not for kids. Highly recommended.

WOLVERINE ORIGINS #23 Daniel Way and Steve Dillon. Okay, Daniel Way is starting to win me over now that he is writing a Three Stooges comic with blood. He’s found a groove that works for him. Now let's make this non-continuity and have a ball. Not for younger kids. Seriously.

Friday, March 07, 2008


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #553 by Bob Gale and Phil Jimenez. One of the best illustrated Spidey stories in a while. Jimenez knows his stuff and “Back to the Future” screenwriter Gale is quickly learning the ropes of comics scripting. Worth a look, even if the whole Spidey-verse feels out of whack since the Deus Ex Mephisto business.

ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #5 by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard. The further adventures of the most conflicted lycanthrope hero on the stands today. Good stuff, appropriate for older kids.

AVENGERS INITIATIVE #10 by Dan Slott and Stefano Caselli. Mayhem abounds now that evil MVP clone KIA has an ultimate weapon in his hands. It’s the sort of government-run super-hero program you’d expect during the Bush years. “Heckuva job, Slottie!” Recommended.

BOOSTER GOLD #7 by Geoff Johns and Dan Jurgens. Blue Beetle’s back! But so is Maxwell Lord. And those stupid OMACs. Seriously, enough with them already…

COUNTDOWN TO MYSTERY #6 of 8 by Steve Gerber and Others. Now sadly among the last works of the great Steve Gerber who passed away recently from a smoking-related illness.

DMZ#29 by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli. A new story-arc begins as the US and Free States begin peace talks and a Che Guevara type player emerges. Also out this week is DMZ VOL. 4: FRIENDLY FIRE SC by Wood and Burchielli. A good jumping-on point for this exciting series.

FANTASTIC FOUR #555 by Mark Millar and Brian Hitch. A swell adventure story with all the bells and whistles you'd expect from the original ULTIMATES creative team. Recommended.

HARVEY COMICS CLASSICS VOL. 3: HOT STUFF SC by Various Creators. Collecting over 100 tales of comics’ original Little Devil, the Demon in a Diaper: HOT STUFF! A perfect gateway for all age groups into hardcore Satanism! Highly recommended!

LAST DEFENDERS #1 of 6 by Joe Casey, Keith Giffen, and Jim Muniz. Answering the musical question "How Often Do You Need to Publish a Title to Retain an Active Trademark?" Doo-wop, doo-wop...

MIGHTY AVENGERS #10 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley. Okay, it’s a time-travel story. Just know that going in. There’s fights too.

PUNISHER #55 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. Ennis’s final PUNISHER story begins here. Gotta have it.

SERENITY: BETTER DAYS #1 of 3 by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, and Will Conrad. A story from the pre-Big Screen days of Captain Mal Reynolds and his crew. Y’know, back when everyone was still alive. A nice preview is available at Dark Horse’s website. Recommended.

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: PHANTOM STRANGER, VOL. 2 SC by Various Creators. Bronze and Silver Age fun from folks like Bob Haney, Jim Aparo, Marv Wolfman, Mike Grell, and others. Good for all ages.

THUNDERBOLTS #119 by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato. Swordsman and Venom fight. It's awesome. Not for younger kids.

WALKING DEAD #47 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. After last issue’s shocking cast member death will Kirkman up the ante? The cover suggests he will. Devastating stuff. Recommended but NOT for kids.

WOLVERINE #63 by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. It's official: There is a WOLVERINE comic on the stands that DOES NOT SUCK!!! Thank-you, Jason Aaron! Highly recommended.

WONDER WOMAN #18 by Gail Simone and Bernard Chang. Wonder Woman fights the Khunds. They’re an alien race. Honest. Oh stop it already…

X-FACTOR #29 by Peter David and Valentine DeLandro. A nicely illustrated first chapter blissfully apart from the various cross-overs and Events currently ricocheting around the Marvel Yoo. Also contains the most deeply buried credits page I've ever seen.