Saturday, March 16, 2024

WaPo on female artists, aka cartoonists, losing jobs

Cavna has an excellent article here, building on DD Degg's building on reporting about a meme (iirc). Also WaPo editors seem to be allergic to the word cartoonist (at least its headline writers), leading to an inaccurate impression - there's actually a lot of good illustration artwork appearing in the paper, much of it by women.  

For the record, I counted 4 female cartoonists in today's Saturday paper - Donna Lewis w/ Reply All Lite, Hilary Price w/ Rhymes with Orange, Heart of the City by Steenz, and Mark Trail by Jules Rivera. That's 4 out of 41 strips / panels, or 10%. There are 3 Black creators - Ray Billingsly w/ Curtis, Steenz, and Darrin Bell's Candorville. There are 3 Hispanic creators with Hector Cantu and Carlos Castellanos' Baldo, and possibly Jules Rivera.There are 2 Danes creating WuMo. The Post's comics page editor, Hannah Good is a woman. 

Female artists are disappearing from print comics at chain newspapers. Creators are thriving in other mediums. Are print comic strips nearing the end? [in print as Female artists are being erased from chain newspapers]

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