Friday, July 07, 2023

Khary Randolph and Joanne Starer from Glass Eye Studios in the Smithsonian

from their newsletter...


On June 23rd, Cellphone: Unseen Connections officially opened at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. In their words:

Cell phones are the most iconic technology of our age. For the first time in history, telecommunications connect people at a truly global level, rapidly transforming not only human culture but also humans themselves. Despite their ubiquity, and the intimacy in which cell phones are situated in our daily lives, their complicated life histories remain hidden from their most avid consumers. Through authentic artifacts, immersive and digital experiences, and data visualization, Unseen Connections illuminates the world of cell phones at the intersection of science, art, technology, and society.

It was an incredible moment for us. Pictures really can't convey how massive this thing actually is. We spent more than a year working on this project with a group of amazing people, and to see it all come together was simply…breathtaking.

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