Sunday, August 01, 2021

Catching up with the Lily's comics

I lost friendships in the pandemic. Here's why it's not all bad.

I have new hopes and worries as the world opens back up

I lost friendships in the pandemic. Here's why it's not all bad.
(Maritsa Patrinos for The Washington Post)

How I'm rejecting the pressure to be 'ladylike'

I'm done conforming to gender expectations

How I'm rejecting the pressure to be 'ladylike'
(Hyesu Lee for The Washington Post)

Coming out in the year of staying in

I never felt like I could claim the label 'queer.' Quarantine gave me the opportunity.

Coming out in the year of staying in
(Lara Antal for The Washington Post)

I thought meditation just wasn't for me. These 3 tips helped me ease into it.

It was difficult, but I learned to be patient with myself

I thought meditation just wasn't for me. These 3 tips helped me ease into it.
(Megan Wang for The Washington Post)

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