Sunday, July 01, 2018

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "BREAKING: DNC 2020 CAMPAIGN ART LEAKED"

From DC's anarchist cartoonist Mike Flugennock:

"BREAKING: DNC 2020 Campaign Art Leaked!"

Just going to leave this here...

On pondering the "I'd like to speak to the manager" mindset popular among Liberals these days. Seems to be your basic Liberal style of activism, about as radical as they get -- when they aren't busy calling the cops on kids for running a lemonade stand without a permit or something.

via @rdsathene Robert D. Skeels, JD:
"I love how all these 'white, privileged, straight…' #StillWithHer Liberals are claiming that until Cinnamon Hitler is out of office, they're each and every kind of oppressed minority. That is… until the cops show up. Or they need to speak to the manager."

via @davidthesame David
"Those limousine liberals know one method of resistance: asking to speak to the manager."

-Grateful Dead

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