
Monday, October 21, 2024

MAGA, Memes and Momala: Political Cartoonists take on 2024

Matt Wuerker, editorial cartoonist and illustrator, POLITICO
Ann Telnaes, editorial cartoonist, The Washington Post
Michael Ramirez, editorial cartoonist, Las Vegas Review- Journal

Join us as we celebrate freedom of speech and our right to satire with a freewheeling look at a wild campaign year, as seen by some of the nation's and world's best political cartoonists.
Cartoonists have long lived on the front lines in the fight for freedom of speech. The US Supreme Court used cartoons to codify our right to lampoon our political leaders in the seminal case, Hustler Magazine v. Falwell. Decline of local newspapers, explosion of social media, political polarization and global trends toward populism, nationalism and authoritarianism shape today's challenges.

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