
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "What If He Loses?"

"What If He Loses?"

For the past month or so, MSNBC has been clutching every available 
pearl over how Donald Trump and his deformed minions will handle the 
possibility of losing the "election". Will they pitch a fit, scream 
"fraud" and try to lay siege to Capitol Hill to disrupt the electoral 
vote count and stage a putsch as they did in '21?

Personally, I can't help asking the same question about the 
Donkeycrats: how will THEY handle losing to a dude who resembles a 
villain from an old "Columbo" episode and whose followers are some of 
the most intensely stupid beings walking upright on Earth; how will 
THEY roll with a well-deserved ass-paddling at the polls after 
spitting in the faces of every Muslim-American and every American who 
actually cares about piddling shit like genocide.

Will the Democrats, on facing defeat, do some institutional 
soul-searching, self-examination and self-evaluation, accept 
responsibility and get to work on solutions or — as they've always 
done — pitch a fit, scream "fraud", blame the Left, blame Russia, 
create a climate of good old-fashioned McCarthyist bullying, fear, 
suspicion and suppression and try to litigate and investigate their 
way into power, as they did in '17?

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha hah, d'ahh, hell, man; who are we kidding?


"Trump's planned visit to Springfield, Ohio: An incitement to 
violence", Patrick Martin at World Socialists Web Site 09.20.2024

"As protests mount, Cornell University VP of Student Life rejects 
Momodou Taal's appeal of suspension", Kevin Reed at World Socialists 
Web Site 09.26.2024

"Happy Putsch-aversary!" editorial cartoon by Mike Flugennock, 

"The Democrats' Baggage" editorial cartoon by Mike Flugennock, 

Mike Flugennock, Political Cartoons:
Mike's press kit:

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