
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Big Planet Comics U St moved

From Jared Smith on Facebook.

So about a month ago I noticed the store two doors down from us had suddenly closed after 32 years. I called the landlord the next day and he said they were about to put it on the market through a realtor that morning but was I interested instead? After much debate we went for it! We had a month and a half to move.

We estimated 20 bookcases and 120 boxes of books. We booked a moving company for a Monday a month later. I tried to set up a city inspection but they contacted the wrong person and cancelled. A week later I tried again and we mostly passed. 

That Thursday the came to install the security system at the new place. While drilling into the wall, there was a fritz and the AC stopped. Next week was all in the 90s+, and the move was Monday. Could they fix it before then? The tech was trapped in Florida by the floods!

The next Sunday night we closed at 5 and two people came to help the three employees pack. We got everything done in less than 4 hours (after running out of boxes).

The next morning we would close and they would move the Internet, then the movers in the afternoon. 

When I arrived, the tech was already fixing the AC. Luckily it was a simple fix!

Then the Internet guy came and started installing. While that was happening, I got several unknown calls I ignored. A knock on the door. "We're the movers, we're here early at noon!"

The three of them began moving in the crazy heat. Only two of us were there to unpack. I finally insisted they take a lunch break, and got them some water too. They finished up in 4 hours, a great job. 

We worked another 3 hours unpacking as much as we could. 

I stayed 2 more hours to try to clean up our mess a bit. So many boxes to recycle now!

We got all the boxes in the right sections of bookshelves but about half was still unpacked. 

The next morning we opened again for business and I drove off on vacation! 
Sorry manager! 

I will return next week. 

New location at 1524 U St open! Party Saturday July 20!

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