
Saturday, May 25, 2024

That darn Michael Ramirez

the May 7 editorial cartoon (Michael Ramirez/Las Vegas Review-Journal for The Washington Post)

Another reason to be up in arms

Michael Ramirez's May 7 editorial cartoon, "A never-ending cycle," copied M.C. Escher's artwork "Drawing Hands" (with "apologies" to Escher as a credit). Escher emphatically rejected a letter from the Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger, requesting a drawing for an album cover. My opinion is he would not appreciate Ramirez's use of his work, either. But what was Ramirez's point?

I am unaware of President Biden making a dramatic increase in civil service employees. I guess Ramirez was satirizing aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. As most of that money buys weapons and ammunition made in the United States to send to foreign destinations, this circle provides profit for U.S. arms manufacturers and jobs for Americans, which I thought were conservative ideals. What's not to like, Mr. Ramirez?

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