
Friday, May 31, 2024

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Live From Rafah"

"Live From Rafah"

Except for the occasional break to smear and low-key threaten the 
anti-genocide movements, MSNBC has been almost wall-to-wall with 
coverage of the trial of former El Presidente Donald Trump for paying 
off a porn actress to keep quiet about an affair.

Yep, that's it — not anything he was responsible for in Bolivia, or 
Syria, or Yemen, or Venezuela, or for militarizing the southern 
border, or for the piss-poor Covid response, or the instigation of 
fascist violence, or basically for any actual serious crimes that the 
Democrats happily funded, helped him out with and cheered him on as he 
did it — just the hush money for the porn actress.

And, as one could predict by now, MSNBC's punditocracy — and the US 
media at large — has been creaming its panties in front of god and 
everybody nearly non-stop since last night.

Mike Flugennock, Political Cartoons:
Mike's press kit:

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