
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Beheaded Baby"

As always, we run anarchist cartoonist Mike Flugennock completely unedited. YMMV. Mine does.

"Beheaded Baby"

So, like any halfway-decent vile-ass racist early-stage war hysteria, 
the mouth-frothing claims of rape and baby-killing always get the most 
mileage — as always, all the way back to the goddamn Lusitania.

You can imagine my total lack of anything resembling surprise, of 
course, when the claims turned out to be total bullshit served up by 
some IDF lackey who'd already been involved in some skanky-ass shit in 
the settlements.

So, finally, the CNN "journalist" responsible issues a public apology 
— for being caught lying on the air, AGAIN... but not after the likes 
of Gropey Joe Biden, the New York Post, MSNBC, Fox News, Rupert 
Murdoch's rags, and everybody and their goddamn uncle have blasted it 
all over the goddamn world — and in the same fashion that US and 
Western media have always lied to promote their wars, whether it's the 
Tonkin Gulf, Kuwaiti Incubator Babies, Weapons Of Mass Destruction, 
Yellowcake Uranium, Russiagate, the Mariupol Theatre Bombing, the 
Uyghur Muslims, and now this horseshit.

Oh, and of course, our gal at CNN was "misled" — always, always, 
they've been "misled", like the Representatives and Senators who 
jumped aboard the Iraq War bandwagon back about 20 years ago, and had 
themselves a big ol' party, thinking they had an easy win until all 
their shit went sideways on 'em, and suddenly they were cryin' in the 
media about how they were "misled". They knew it was a metric 
shit-tonne of lies and bought into it anyway — then got their asses 
busted, and suddenly they were "misled", the cryin'-ass losers.

But, sure, I'M the one who's spreading "disinformation".


"CNN journalist Sara Sidner issued a public apology after declaring 
that Palestinians beheaded babies & children on live TV", MintPress 
posts on Facebook, 10.14.2023

"Propaganda Blitz: How Mainstream Media Is Pushing Fake Palestine 
Stories", Alan MacLeod at MintPress News, 10.13.2023

"White House walks back Biden's claim he saw children beheaded by 
Hamas", Al Jazeera 10.12.2023

"LA Times retracts allegations of rape & concludes 'such reports have 
not been substantiated'..." Muhammad Shehada, @muhammadshehad2 on 
Twitter, 10.10.2023

"China detaining millions of Uyghurs? Serious problems with claims by 
US-backed NGO and far-right researcher 'led by God' against Beijing" 
Ajit Singh and Max Blumenthal at The Grayzone, 12.21.2019

"Was bombing of Mariupol theater staged by Ukrainian Azov extremists 
to trigger NATO intervention?" Max Blumenthal at The Grayzone, 

"WHO Hired the PR Firm Behind the Kuwaiti Incubator Babies Lie?" Kevin 
McCauley at Anti-Empire, 07.28.2020

"Public Relationships: Hill & Knowlton, Robert Gray, and the CIA", 
Covert Action Quarterly, Spring 1993

Mike Flugennock, Political Cartoons:
Mike's press kit:

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