
Sunday, July 30, 2023

That darn Frazz

Listen, my children, and you shall hear the truth [Frazz letter; online as Listen, and you shall hear the truth]

Barney Gorin, Gaithersburg

Washington Post July 29 2023: A17.

Something that makes me sad is our population's ignorance of our nation's history. It makes me even sadder when that ignorance is spread nationwide in the "Frazz" comic strip.

On July 4, Caulfield began the strip with "Today we celebrate summer while we also commemorate basically starting a war." Perhaps as an 8-year-old, he should be forgiven that our educational system is failing, but why does Frazz not correct him?

Simple fact: The small battle that began the Revolutionary War occurred "on the 18th of April in '75," or more than a year before July 4, 1776, when a group of brave men chose to add their names to an explanation of why the war — and by then it was a full-scale war — was being fought.

We celebrate that explanation, the courage of the men who signed that truly revolutionary document, and the sacrifices of the thousands of others who fought and suffered and died to separate the 13 Colonies from Britain. Were we to celebrate "basically starting a war," we would do so on April 18.

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