
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gil Roth talks to Rosarium's Bill Campbell

"When you own the field, it's very easy to move the goalposts."

Author & publisher Bill Campbell joins the show to talk about what he's learned from running Rosarium Publishing (and how he accidentally became a publisher). We get into how having a diverse roster of authors and cartoonists is easy if you're willing to look, how independent bookstores generally don't support independent presses, and how work-life balance is something he doesn't even consider. We also talk about the impact of Rosarium's first book, Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond, the continued significance of their 2015 anthology, APB: Artists against Police Brutality, the cognitive dissonance of living in Washington, DC, his upcoming graphic novel about a Klan rally in Pittsburgh and why history equals horror, the challenges of continuing to publish during the pandemic, how lockdown taught him that he's not as antisocial as he thought, and more. Give it a listen! And go read some Rosarium books!

"Independent bookstores always say, 'Support independents,' and I say, 'Why don't you support independent publishers?'"

"The work-life balance might work if you have a 9-5, but if you're doing stuff like this, there's just no balancing any of it."

"What my novel Koontown Killing Kaper taught me was, if you're doing something that's actually controversial, people will ignore you. They just won't show you the light of day."

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