
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Al Goodwyn becomes the latest editorial cartoonist to upset a newspaper

Al's a personal friend of ComicsDC, and while I personally may not agree with his politics and cartoons,* he's a good guy, not a troll, and was doing a cartoonist's job in raising issues via a comic. I think the newspaper should have had the courage of its convictions to stand by him since the editors knew they hired a conservative cartoonist, and this cartoon isn't any more extreme than others they've run from Al.

I've included the note that he sent to the Daily Cartoonist too.

Newspaper Apologizes For Divisive Cartoon

1 comment:

  1. The cartoon is something that I cannot fully think through. The issue, the theme of the Democratic Party as abusers of African-Americans by promising everything and coming through with little is a legitimate issue, to say the least. Yet somehow, in being reduced to an editorial cartoon it becomes offensive.
    I should note tangentially that something similar can be claimed about the GOP where, after decades of promises and being the dominant, controlling party, little has been actually provided. Xtians have finally been given some crumbs in the last few years and what little the base is given is actually harmful to them and the nation. (See, Dying of Whiteness.)
