
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

PR: New stuff at Game On! Comics!

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Game On! Comics Weekly Digest

Come  Visit Us!
February 22, 2012
In this issue
:: New Titles this Week
:: New Game
:: Game Nights
Game ON logo Dear Mike,


Welcome to Game On! Comics

Sorry there hasn't been an update for a little bit!

We are coming up on our 3 month anniversary!  Thank you so much to all of you for coming in since we have been open.  We honestly appreciate your business. 

CHANGE IN OUR HOURS:  Tuesday and Thursday closing at 7pm instead of 8pm

SUBSCRIBERS:  Please make sure that you come in and pick up comics at least once per month.  Thanks!!!!

Please tell your comic/game friends about our shop, we would appreciate their business.
Please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us!!

Like us on Facebook

Please tell your friends about us, we would love their business!


New Comic Book titles this week 2-1-12


Best Discounts in the area

dark knight 6

Comic of the Week

Dark Knight #6 



All Star Western #6

Alpha & Omega Cry Wolf (Patr. Briggs) #5

Alter Ego #107 ($6)

American Vampire #24

Aquaman #6

Atomic Robo Ghost Of Station X #5 (L)

Avengers Academy #26

Avengers Solo #5 (L)

Batman The Dark Knight #6

Blackhawks #6

Bulletproof Coffin Disinterred #2

Captain America And Bucky #627

Chew #24

Cobra Ongoing #10

Comic Shop News #1288

Danger Girl Revolver #2

Dark Horse Presents #9

Dead Rising: Road To Fortune #4 (L)

Deadpool #51

Deadpool Max 2 #5(Delayed)

Dr Who Magazine #443

Dresden Files Fool Moon (Jim Butcher) #5

Fantastic Four #603

Flash #6

Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #6

GFT Alice In Wonderland #2

Godzilla Legends #4

Green Lantern New Guardians #6

I Vampire #6

Incorruptible #27

Infestation 2 Dungeons & Dragons #2 (L)

Jennifer Blood (Garth Ennis) #9

Jurassic Strike Force 5 #2

Justice League Dark #6

Knights Of The Dinner Table #183

Last Zombie Neverland #1

Li'l Depressed Boy #9

Magneto Not A Hero #4 (L)

Mighty Thor #11

Mondo #1

Morning Glories #16

Nazi Zombies #1

New Mutants #38

No Place Like Home #1

Prophet #22

Rasl #13

Ray #3

Red Sonja / Witchblade #1

Savage Hawkman #6

Secret Avengers #23

Sixth Gun #19

Soulfire Vol 3 #7

Spawn #216

Spider-Man #23

Star Wars Dark Times Out/Wilderness #4

Superman #6 (Delayed)

Teen Titans #6

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #7

Transformers Robots In Disguise #2

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #7

Uncanny X-Force #22

Venom #13.3

Victorian Secret Winter Wardrobe 1-Shot

Voodoo #6

War Of The Independents #2

Wolverine And X-Men #6

X-Men #25

X-Men Legacy #262






Archie #630 (Archie Meets KISS Pt 4 )

Dorothy And Wizard In Oz #5






Chronicles Of Kull TP V5 Dead Men/Deep

DC Universe Secret Origins HC

Gi Joe Movie Prequel TP

Iron Man 2.0 TP V2 Asymmetry

MMW TP Incredible Hulk V2 DM Ed 39

Quasar Classic TP V1

Superior Prem Hc

Wolverine And Captain America TP






Do you want to get the same comic titles month after month?




Do you want to get them at a discounted rate?


Then get a comic subscription box with Game On! Comics!  We will hold comics for you on a weekly basis based on the comics that you want.  The more comic titles you have the more of a discount you will get.


We have the best discounts in the Washington DC area. 


Number of Regular Titles Subscribed: 10-19 Comic titles 10% off
20-39  Comic titles 15% off
40+  Comic titles 20% off

All you have to do is respond to this email with the titles that you would like and we will create a box for you.



New Game
Nexus Ops--- 


 nexus ops


Nexus Ops is a light-medium science fiction war game. The game boasts a hexagonal board that is set up differently every time, as well as (in the Avalon Hill edition) cool "glow" miniatures and lots of combat. Players control competing futuristic corporations that battle each other for control of the moon's Rubium Ore. By winning battles and fulfilling Secret Missions, you can obtain victory points.

Units are composed of various alien races and have stats similar to those used in the Axis & Allies series. Combat is also similar. Players who lose battles are compensated with Energize cards which grant them special powers later. Players can also obtain Energize cards by controlling the Monolith, a raised structure in the center of the grid. The first person to reach the required number of victory points wins the game.


COST: $60




Game Nights 


Tuesday Nights 7pm-11pm

D and D

We may change our D&D night to Saturday.  If you have mentioned that you are interested in playing then look to get an additional email this week.  C


Come play D&D at the store.  We are currently ready to start a new campaign for 1st level characters.  If you have never played before this is your time to start.  Because each story has limited space you must email us and let us know that you would like to join.  We will be starting with just 6 people.


WE ONLY NEED 2 more PLAYERS to start!!




Wednesday Nights 7-9pm

Magic the Gathering

Come in tonight for casual play.


Friday Nights 7-9pm

Hulk Heroclix 


















Heroclix this Friday, February 24th, at Game On! Comic, buy two boosters from the venue (they have several different sets in stock) and build a 500 point force from the contents. Modern Age tournament!



The Quest for the Infinity Gauntlet continues! 

Congrats to last weeks winners:


1st: Greyson

2nd: Giahn

Fellowship: Donovan



Saturday nights 7pm-??
Board and Card Games




NoVA Jacks night from 7pm to LATE NIGHT!  We have about 20-30 people that come in to play board and card games.  You can come and bring your own game or join one of the other games.  We often preview the newest games that come out. 


Last weeks winners:
-7 Wonders (played 3 times, last 2 with Leaders Exp):  Andy; Aeta; and Apechow
-Age of Empires:  Pat
-Ascension:  Apechow
-Dominion Seaside (played twice):  Aaron; and Laura
-For Sale:  Osmotic Ferocity
-Money:  Apechow
-No Thanks (played 4 times):  Josh (twice); and Barry (twice)
-Penny-Arcade: Gamers vs Evil:  Aeta
-Power Grid (played 3 times):  Josh; Matt (Korea Map); and Patrick (France Map)
-Puerto Rico (played 3 times):  Brian R.; Josh; and Andrew
-Race for the Galaxy:  Andrew
-Samurai Card Game:  Chris
-Siedler Von Nurnberg:  Barry
-Unexploded Cow:  Osmotic Ferocity







Rex Zombie Killer


We have a few copies left available of the Preview issue of REX, ZOMBIE KILLER signed by the creator, Rob Anderson!  Get your copy by reserving the REX One Shot NOW!  Email or call to reserve your copy today!



02-14-2012 00:17:00 AM

Full disclosure 1: I am not an animal person. Never have been. Not that I don't like animals, mind you, but I get too close to a furry critter and I start sneezing and worry if I can stop.Full disclosure 2: I don't like zombies. Not in the they-scare-me way, but in the roll-my-eyes-not-THAT-again kind of way. Like vampires, I just feel that, despite their inability to actually jump, zombies "jumped the shark" right about the time they started. Just not a fan.Knowing those two things, then it stands to reason that REX, ZOMBIE KILLER is not my kind of book. REX is the story of a genetically modified canine who fights zombies alongside a cat, a gorilla, and two more dogs.  While on the surface the basic premise may not be my cup of tea, I am happy to tell you that I very much enjoyed this book!REX is by Virginia's own Rob Anderson, a GAME ON! subscriber and participant in our grand opening signing. Rob is a great guy, and thanks to a former volunteer gig at a Charlottesville animal shelter, brings a special knowledge of one of the major themes in his book. No...not the zombies.Rob skips the standard contrivances of zombie tales (tails?) and hooks you with a peek at a major event in Rex's past that drives the major story premise: a group of laboratory and mistreated animals looking for a safe haven following a zombie apocalypse.Art for the story is by GRIMM FAIRY TALES veteran Dafu Yu, whose art is clean and crisp, unhindered by much of the superfluous line work that tends to follow dark horror books.  Yu doesn't try to over-anthropomorphise the characters, and his work is bright enough that he doesn't have to. The art is a very nice companion to Anderson's story, which despite the dark nature in the subject is ultimately a story of hope that Yu expresses in the characters to great effect.I will admit that I don't know enough about dogs to be able to say how well Anderson has brought breed-specific behaviors to his characters, but I am familiar enough with the basic tendencies of the various species in his story to say that he has crafted a very appealing cast of characters that exhibit themselves in the manner you would expect them to behave in such a predicament. There were several times I found myself laughing at the interactions between the lone feline, Snowball, and Kenji the gorilla.Another review gave REX the best possible tagline, and I totally agree: it's HOMEWARD BOUND meets WALKING DEAD. However, one of the reasons this book works is that yes, there is a link to both works, but REX is far more than that Hollywood-pitch style description. And, for a fifty-plus page story it reads fairly quickly and effortlessly. It's a very enjoyable journey, and without spoiling anything I will say that you will be disappointed that this is only a one-shot.That's where you come in. I am a big advocate of buying small press books as much as possible for several reasons. For one, more often than not small press books are published completely out of pocket by the creators. They make little or no money in their venture, and hope that with every book they get approval to publish will lead to more readers and an easier time getting the NEXT book out. Also, every creator in the mainstream that is considered a major player started small somewhere. John Byrne, Brian Bendis, and Mark Waid all started small and worked their way to the success and popularity they now enjoy.Give REX a try. And if you enjoy it, let folks know. I know Rob as a customer and all around good egg, but I hope to be able to call him a success at what he loves to do: creating comics.


If you contact us in the next two weeks, Rob will give you a signed copy of the preview book for the REX, ZOMBIE KILLER one-shot. I can tell you that even if I didn't know Rob, and even though I might not be a fan of the two primary themes of the book, I still would have given REX a shot and I was not at all disappointed. Hopefully I have given you enough of a taste of what to expect to make REX a success and give Rob another chance to tell us another great story...and if once you get to the last page of the REX one-shot, you'll hope as I do that it's REX #2!Click HERE for our post on a special REX, ZOMBIE KILLER offer! - J. R....»


Thank you so much for your support of our new comic and game shop.  We look forward to taking care of all of your comic and game needs.

Dave, J.R., and Louis
Game On! Comics



10% off any Graphic Novel.  Please print out this email to redeem.

Can only be used once per customer and can not be used in conjuction with any other discount.
Offer Expires: 2/29/12

Game On! Comics | 310 Dominion Rd. NE | Vienna | VA | 22180

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