
Friday, October 23, 2009

Cartoons & Cocktails high seller NOT from DC (corrected)

Mark Streeter*** had the high-selling cartoon last night. His eulogy for Ted Kennedy went for $1,750.

There seemed to be a pretty good crowd there last night. I went as Nate Beeler's date* and saw Justin Dembicki (formerly of the NY Observer) whose work sold well, and Steve Breen -- the three did a jam cartoon of Obama holding a pit bull on one leash and Cheney on another. Matt Wuerker's pieces went for more than I could afford. David Hagen was there too with his wife, but they had to leave early for the long drive home. The mysterious #123 bought by far the most cartoons - I'm guessing at least 1/3 of what was offered.  I'm missing other people, but I'm still pretty tired. I got 4 pieces of art in the silent auctions, so I appreciate Nate's kindness** at asking me to go along.

*He's not a great date folks. First he was at least 1/2 hour late; then he kept rushing away and leaving me standing alone on the dance floor, and then I did cadge a ride home, but he dropped me off blocks from my house.

**This is the true footnote. Nate's a generous guy and an excellent cartoonist and you should all pick up the Examiner regularly to check out his work. He's got it all on his work blog too.

***my thanks to Clay Jones for the correction from Wuerker to Streeter. I shouldn't write these things when I'm tired. My apologies to anyone I misled.


  1. Libby said I can take you as my date next year if you and Nate aren't together in a year...
    I think the fact that they didn't have cheesecake this year bummed her out.
