
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ron Evry salutes Don Martin

Virginian comics historian Ron Evry wrote in today to highlight his podcast of readings of copyright-free fiction:

Today I posted the THIRD annual Gorilla Suit Day story in Mister Ron's Basement (links to the previous two are on the page), in celebration of Mad Cartoonist Don Martin's holiday gift to the American people...

The link to the story is at:

It is called "Gorilla Romance" and was written by W. L. Alden back in 1893.

1 comment:

  1. Mister Ron's BAsement has moved, lock, stock, and Gigabytes to a new host, as Slapcast has gone out of the hosting business.

    Our new address is

    Type the word "Gorilla" in the search field and all three (so far) Gorilla Suit day stories will pop up.
