
Monday, December 01, 2008

ComicsDC logo - 2nd shot

Ok, here's the second attempt.

comicsdc logo2

The photo is one from the 1890s from the National Museum of Health & Medicine - see their flickr site for the full-size image which shows the unpaved road out front of the Capitol.


  1. I liked both logos but I think this is the one I'll buy. It's a bit easier to see the full address in this one- plus it's simply a terrific photo.
    Now I just have to figure out whether to choose the mug with the amputation or the one with the soldier and his dog. Decisions, decisions!

  2. Don't get crazy, Kevin!

    Well, ok, if you insist...

    The Washington Monument mug has the address stuck on the 3rd side. If you click on the picture, I think it shows you 3 views.

    But regarding the medical mugs, you can go to the medical museum's 4 flickr site and download any pic you'd like to make a mug yourself. They're only a buck cheaper if you do it yourself, but you've got 700 pictures to choose from. OTOH, you've got 700 pictures to choose from...

  3. 700 pictures?! Get thee behind me, Satan! I looked at a bunch of them, liked most of them but- if only to make my life easier- I ended up getting the one with the soldier and the dog (and a magnet with the Washington Monument logo).
    Now I have to go over to Amazon and get the Brain Juice books and, if I read today's Cul De Sac correctly, I also have a case of head lice I suppose I should get taken care of...

  4. Kevin, you wild man! You're my first purchaser. Besides myself. I've bought a full set of ComicsDC products that I'm waiting for anxiously. Thanks!
