
Monday, July 14, 2008

Jason Rodriguez's insane roadtrip to San Diego Comic-Con

Jason just wrote in:

Tomorrow I hit the road. I'm driving 2,700 miles from Washington DC to San Diego ComicCon. I'm taking 9 days to do the trip and stopping in 17 cities to visit 25 comic shops and chat with a little over 20 comic creators, bloggers, and fans. I'm looking into the impact of rising comic sales and mainstream acceptance in the cities and towns situated between the coasts. My progress will be tracked at DCist ( in a series of dispatches entitled Coast-to-Coast Comicdom. I will be checking in several times a week and supplying some coverage from the convention.

DCist has freed up my own tag in case you're interested in following my progress but not as interested in the daily happenings around and about the DC area. Just go here:

My first article, Coast-to-Coast Comicdom: A Briffit in DC, is already up here: It features some original artwork from the talented Scott White.

That's all - I hope to see most of you in San Diego; I pull into town on the 23rd.

Jason Rodriguez

Well, that's nuts, but good luck!


  1. All roadtrips are insane, you know that, Mike.

  2. Yeah, but this one sounds nuttier than most.

  3. Nutty, yes. But if this first day is any indication it's going to be...informative. And drunken.

    No, seriously though. I had some great conversations today. I'm more energized tonight than I was last night even after 520 miles of driving and four stops to chat with comic folks.
