
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3 bits quickly

According to Dave Astor at E&P Online, Mark Tatulli of Lio will be on the Washington Post chat at 1 pm on Friday, February 29th.

Italians have discovered Cul de Sac even though it doesn't appear to be available in Italian. BTW, Italians have a very rich comics tradition, but almost none of it has been reprinted in the US - just Diabolik and a Tex Willer book by Joe Kubert, I think. Oh, and a lot of Disney stories.

Today's Post chat was on "TV Week: The Return of George of the Jungle: Back In the Swing" with Tiffany Ward, Executive Producer (and Jay Ward's daughter), Tuesday, February 19, 2008.

1 comment:

  1. Tatulli's a very nice guy, sharp & opinionated. Ask him how he feels about Beetle Bailey.

    And dang, I meant to ask Jay Ward's daughter about a story I heard; that Jay W was so shy he didn't attend her wedding, but sent a mannequin in a tux with a tape recorder in it that kept repeating "Hi, I'm Jay Ward! This wedding's costing me a fortune!" Jeez, I hope it's true.
