
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's done!

And this isn't the cover! Although the photo by Gary Dumm may end up being the cover - that's the idea at the moment. But I sent the manuscript of Harvey Pekar: Conversations in to the University Press of Mississippi today and sometime in about a year (slightly longer than human gestation apparently) a book should pop out.

The Conversations books are collections of interviews over the career of cartoonists. You've got a couple of days left to get other books in the Conversations series in this website sale.

I've got almost all of the comics and cartoon books listed on the site.


  1. Congratulations! Does Harvey Pekar know about this? And can I preorder my copy now?

  2. God, this would have been done earlier if this one jerk could have gotten his act together.

    Congrats Mike!

  3. Yes, Harvey's been very helpful and appreciative. And Scott A. Rosenberg's got a fun interview in the book and was by no means holding up.

  4. Very cool! When's the expected publication date?

    (I have a great photo of Harvey from a few years back at SPX. My son Adam crawled to Harvey who's sitting on at bench inside the ol' Holiday Inn eating a muffin and Harvey actually cracked a smile! Who said he's a curmudgeon!)

  5. Big congrats, Mike! :)

  6. Thank you all. Fall 2008 is when it should be out. Details will follow of course.
