
Monday, November 12, 2007

Charlotteville's Sorenson in top 10

Daryl Cagle reported on the top ten cartoonists on his syndicate's site, and Jen Sorenson was on the list:


We have a great new system that allows our readers to subscribe to any cartoonist on the site and receive an e-mail with that cartoonist's most recent cartoon, whenever we post a new cartoon from each cartoonist. It has been running for about three months now. Take a look, it is pretty cool. Subscribe to as many as you want, it is FREE.

I just got stats on the individual artist newsletters for the first time and I was a bit surprised to see who the most popular cartoonists are with our reader/subscribers. Here is the top ten list, with the most popular first (I blush, but my name is plastered on everything so I don't know that my being on the list means much):

1. Daryl Cagle
2. Pat Bagley
3. Eric Allie
4. Monte Wolverton
5. Matt Bors
6. Andy Singer
7. Brian Fairrington
8. Shannon Wheeler
9. Clay Bennett
10. Jen Sorensen


  1. Oh hey, thanks! Nice to see I fall within the radius of DC comics coverage.
