
Monday, October 15, 2007

Small Press Expo 2008 photos

Steve Hamaker and Claire

Steve Hamaker

Kevin Greenlee of Fantagraphics

Kim Deitch

Raina Telgemeier and Claire

Raina Telgemeier and Claire

Steve Hamaker, Bone colorist and Fish n Chips cartoonist

Matt Wagner and Big Planet Comics co-owner Greg Bennett

Voice of America - Indonesia doing interviews

Voice of America - Indonesia doing interviews

Roger Langridge, smiling even before I bought three pages of art from him

Kim Deitch, drawing a clown

Matt Wagner drawing in his new book, The Art of Matt Wagner

Jeff Smith congratulating and buying a book from an Ignatz nominee

Matt Wagner

Matt Wagner

Matt Wagner

Here are some pictures I took - higher resolution ones can be downloaded at If I spelled anyone's name wrong, please let me know.

Pictures by Bruce Guthrie should be appearing here soon -


  1. I had a great time on Saturday, but was completely bummed to not bump into Nick Abadzis. I had foregone the Big Planet signing on Thursday when I found he'd be at SPX, but his signing apparently didn't start until 4, and real life took precedence. I had some GREAT Marvel UK titles for him to sign that would have undoubtedly elicited a chuckle from him. Ah well...If I get to posting my SPX sketches any time soon, I'll follow this post up with links...

  2. I went to the Wagner signing and figured I'd catch Abadzis at SPX. Didn't happen. Bah.

  3. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I believe that's Rene Taiglemeir, and not Jeff Smith, signing the Baby Sitters' Club graphic novel.

    Nice pics, by the way!

  4. Tyra, you are absolutely correct (it's Raina though). Thank you! I've got to stop doing these things late at night. There are pics of Jeff Smith and Claire - they're linked in the Bruce Guthrie photos post.

  5. Very cool, Randy. I think you deserve a post all to yourself - ok?

    I bought 3 pages from Langridge. Bad photos to follow at some point.

  6. Let me get the rest of these sketches posted (I'm sneaking in a couple a day at this point and there's a few more yet to go). Here are more:

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: Wolverine by Jeffrey Brown

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: Wolverine by Jamie Tanner

  7. And finally...

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: The Hulk by Fred Chao

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: The Hulk by James Kochalka

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: Spider-Man by Dean Trippe

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: Red Skull by Rob G

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: Tigra by Tim Fish

    Anything Marvel Book 2 :: The Hulk by Kim Deitch

    I noticed last night that some of these scans are pretty dim (you can barely see the colored pencils in Kim Deitch's sketch) or cutting off some of the sketches, so I might get around to re-doing them, but you can at least see the what they basically are now...enjoy!
