
Sunday, April 22, 2007

One of my favorite cartoonists was in Sunday's Post Magazine...

...although I'm pretty sure that Guy Billout doesn't even consider himself a cartoonist. He began as a children's book illustrator as far as I know and now does illustration work. He did the illustration for "Hearts and Bones" in the centerfold of the magazine today. The drawing's not online, but the article is about a couple who bought an old house to renovate, only to find out that the man has a heart condition. Billout's drawing is of a building with smoke rising from it and the smoke forms a dividing line in the trees on the horizon. Check out his website to see more images, many of which were published in the Atlantic before their recent makeover. He also did work in the late 1990s for Reader's Digest which is why you can find me flipping through them at times.

1 comment:

  1. Billout is a master of elegant visual puns & impossiblilities. From what I've seen, all his originals are the same size as the printed versions. Unless maybe he's doing it all digitally now.
