
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Missed Molly Crabapple in person, and this interview too

Somehow I missed this article by Darona Williams - "Sexy Sketchy: Molly Crabapple," Express (February 26, 2007) and thus her appearance in DC, but read the interview anyway.

Here's another interview as well - "Someone's Sketchy" by Adrian f. Zettlemoyer, Broken Frontier (February 26, 2007).

1 comment:

  1. Well, I missed the article because they didn't actually publish it - it's only online. There was a picture of her in the paper, but one is supposed to realize that because it's in a section marked "" that one is supposed to go to their website and dig around until one finds the article. No wonder newspapers are losing money (well, not making as much as they would like to).
