
Saturday, March 31, 2007

3/31-4/1: Washington International Print Fair - Free

The Print Fair is at the Holiday Inn Rosslyn at 1900 N. Fort Myer Dr in Arlington, today from 10-6 and tomorrow from 11-5. It's free due to their silver anniversary. I'm sure there's comics material here, and I'll be there about 2.


  1. Ok, I'm back. Not much comics material, although I did run into ex- LOC curator Harry Katz. There were some Daumiers, one lovely Rube Goldberg letter with 5 color illustrations, and one anonymous British political print. Oh, and a pen and ink political drawing of Eisenhower slaying the tentacle of corruption coming from Congress. That was by Locke iirc, and $300.

  2. Did you buy anything? What were the Daumiers? Shucks, I should go tomorrow.

  3. No, everything was expensive. The Daumiers started at $350 or so and went up to $1000. The Rube Goldberg is worth seeing though at $500 is was more than I can afford. These were at Roger Genser - The Prints and the Pauper.

  4. Whoops - the Daumiers were 2 lawyer cartoons, 1 doctor cartoons and about 3 others. The most expensive at $950 appeared to be prints while the cheaper ones were tearsheets from the newspaper.

  5. Ah, I'll just go back to cutting things out of library books like usual.
