
Friday, September 29, 2006

Comic art articles in today's papers UPDATED

I'm not sure if I'll keep this up, but there was quite a bit on comics in today's papers. A quick rundown revealed the following articles, which are online unless otherwise noted.

Washington Post:

Two animation reviews in the lame new Weekend section format -

Hornaday, Ann. 2006.
'Season': Grin and Bear It.
Washington Post (September 29): Weekend 37

Hornaday, Ann. 2006.
Skin-Deep 'Renaissance' [French animation].
Washington Post (September 29): Weekend 37

Washington Times:

Minor bit about Trudeau at Pentagon -

Gertz, Bill and Rowan Scarborough. 2006.
Inside the Ring: Doonesbury.
Washington Times (September 29)

Two movie reviews -

Toto, Christian. 2006.
'Renaissance' puts looks first [French animation].
Washington Times (September 29)

Mayo, Jenny. 2006.
Right 'Season' ['Open Season' animation].
Washington Times (September 29)

In the paper, but not online:

Emerson, Bo / Atlanta Journal-Constitution / Cox News Service. 2006.
Humor lives as art form at New Yorker: Trademark cartoons tweak society's pretentious nose.
Washington Times (September 29): D2

and also bundled in Friday's paper:

Keel, Beverly. 2006.
Happy birthday, Dick Tracy: America's most durable cartoon crime fighter marks a milestone.
American Profile (October 1): 12-17

Washington Examiner:

Johnston, Nancy.
Pair of 'toons walk the plank [Scooby-Doo, Tom and Jerry].
Washington Examiner (September 29): 26

Truitt, Brian. 2006.
When the fur hits the fan: Animals rule the day in animated 'Open Season'.
Washington Examiner (September 29)

Washington Blade:

Moylan, Brian. 2006.
Don't get your freak on: Comedy Central's badly executed and somewhat offensive ‘Freak Show'is one lame cartoon.
Washington Blade (September 29).
online at .

and I haven't read the City Paper yet. So what do you think? Anyone like to see this continue? I'm tracking these stories for my Comics Research Bibliography, but it does take extra effort to pull them out this way.


Washington City Paper:

As Marc Singer noted in the comments, surprisingly enough the City Paper got its hands on a copy of Lost Girls -

Eiserike, Josh. 2006.
Speed Reads: Lost Girls By Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie,
Top Shelf Productions, 264 pp., $75.
Washington City Paper (September 29).
online at

and also reviewed 'Open Season' -

Bayard, Louis. 2006.
Short subjects: Open Season [animation].
Washington City Paper (September 29).
online at


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I like seeing the round up of articles, if there are enough worth rounding up, and I appreciate you effort. Maybe just do it weekly?

  2. Thanks - the idea of doing it daily is that you could run out and get a hard copy if you wanted to. For instance, the Dick Tracy insert in today's Wash Times is pretty good, graphically at least. And it's not online yet.

    The Richard Thompson? I love your stuff. I missed the chat on the Post website, but I'm going to pick up your book at Politics and Prose tonight since you said they are stocking it.

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    This week's City Paper has a brief review of Lost Girls.
