Saturday, July 06, 2024

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Doubts In The Donor Class"

"Doubts In The Donor Class"

Ever since the last "debate", I and millions like me are walkin' on 
sunshine because finally, at long last, the mask is finally off. After 
that classic episode of Must-Not-Unsee TV, there's no getting around 
the fact that our ruling class is entirely incompetent, that democracy 
and the "rules-based order" are s sham, and that Amerika and the West 
have fallen and can't get up.

MSNBC, CNN and the New York Times are boiling with Liberal panic and 
denial right now — panic and denial so thick you can smell it through 
the TV set — and I can't pretend I'm not enjoying it. Joe Scarborough 
was priceless; dude was shouting — like, really yelling — about how 
insanely awesome Joe Biden is, how he could leap tall buildings and 
has x-ray vision and rescued the economy and is the only thing 
standing between us and fascism, yelling so loudly that you could hear 
the echo in the studio; absolutely hilarious. You could almost see the 
little wisps of cartoon steam coming out of his ears.

In the "weighing how to respond" department, I hear that most rich-ass 
DNC donors have been upping their day-drinking game when lacking the 
cajones for suicide.

Mike Flugennock, Political Cartoons:
Mike's press kit:

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