Sunday, June 23, 2024

Storybox Comics Fair day 2 pictures

 It was a mighty hot day in DC, but you could get a cold beer with your indy comics at Storybox's day 2. I don't drink beer, but I did chat with cartoonists. Unfortunately I hadn't realized that exhibitors on day 1 would not be at day 2, so I missed all of them. 

Pictures below the PR. 

 From the press release:

The second day of the fair is a comics mini-expo taking place at Third Hill Brewing Co. in downtown Silver Spring. Featuring 19 DMV-region cartoonists,illustrators and makers, with book signings by our special guests and workshops led by DC-based autobio-cartoonist Athena Naylor, Washington Post comics editor Hannah Good, and Ray Orr, Former Design and Comics Editor of The Lily for the Washington Post Style Section. Special Guests: Sierra Barnes, Ben Claassen III, Dana Jeri Maier 

Exhibitor List (Sunday 6/23): All the Old Posions, Carolyn Belefski, Kat Brenowitz, Hannah Good, Hobbes Holluck, Art Hondros, Paul Hostetler, Erin Lissette, Alex Lupp, Athena Naylor, Ray Orr, Nami Oshiro, Karly Perez, Perilous Adventure Studios, Dale Rawlings, Christine Skelly, Shannon Spence.   

 Sunday, June 23rd, 12-4pm Third Hill Brewing Co, 8216 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring MD 20910 (closest to Bonifant-Dixon Garage) 

1pm: Make a Collage Comic w/ Hannah Good and Rachel Orr 

2pm: “Main Character Energy” Workshop with Athena Naylor 

3pm Special Guests Book Signings 

*$10 Admission. 

Dale Rawlings

Art Hondros

The floor

Also the floor

Joe Carabeo of Curls Studio

Alex Lupp

Perilous Adventure Studios

Dana Jeri Maier

Paul Hostetler

Ben Claassen III

Erin Lissette

People's Book table

Kat Brenowitz

Athena Naylor

Karly Perez

Hannah Good

Kat Brenowitz

Shannon Spence

Ray Orr

Hobbes Holluck

Athena Naylor

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