
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Storybox Comics Fair day 1 pictures

 I missed getting Sierra Barnes using a washing machine as a podium, but she was commanding while doing so. I'm afraid I also missed the cartoonists set up with booths. Tomorrow!

 Here's the press release with my photos below:

STORYBOX Comics Fair Brings Local Comics Creators Together for a Second Year

SILVER SPRING, MD— DWIGHTMESS Cartooning & Comic Arts, a gallery and arts compound devoted to experimental and cutting-edge independent comics and illustration, is proud to announce the 2024 STORYBOX Comics Fair, now in its second year of convening of capital-area comic creators. Events will take place on  Saturday, June 22nd at Dwightmess, and on Sunday, June 23rd at Third Hill Brewing Co. from 12-4pm. Admission to Saturday’s event is free. 
Admission to the expo at the brewery on Sunday is $10.

The first day of events will be led by our Special Guests; DC-based artist Sierra Barnes, author of “Hans Vogel is Dead,” released by Dark Horse Comics; DC-based Dana Jeri Maier, New Yorker Shouts artist and author of “Skip to the Fun Parts: Cartoons and Complaint About the Creative Process” and Baltimore-based artist Ben Claassen III, former Washington City Paper cartoonist of the long-running comic, “Dirt Farm.”
Visitors can expect to encounter a selection of exhibitors showcasing their self-published comics, illustrations and swag, and participate in discussions and workshops surrounding the craft of making comics. Events include a show of Dana Jeri Maier’s illustration in our secret tiny gallery, an opening reception & BBQ for SWAMP MESS, the gallery’s annual DC-comics creator summer show, featuring artwork by Ben Claassen III, Andrew Cohen, Chris Combs, Liam Crooks, Brandon Geurts, Art Hondros, Marcie-Wolf Hubbard, John Kinhart, and Dale Rawlings, plus an opening reception for Halcyon Scene, our vintage boutique offering sleek 1980’s furniture and decor. (IG: @_halcyon_scene_)

Ben Claassen III


Ben Claassen III & Adam Griffiths



Adam showing the layout sheet he uses, which he got from Paul Karasik.

The non-Claassen parts of the exhibit:


Marcie-Wolf Hubbard

Dana Jeri Maier's chat with Adam:

Dana and Adam went to MICA at the same time, and Believe it or not, neither of them studied sequential or comic art!

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