
Sunday, June 02, 2024

Comics journalism in Sunday's WaPo

An illustrated guide to pigs around the world

March 10, 2024  (in print on June 2 2024): F6.

From farmlands to rainforests to tropical islands, hogs of all kinds exist all over the globe. Illustrator Cat Willett has made a list of some of the most fascinating pigs, including the tiniest and the hairiest, to celebrate our hoofed friends.

D.C.'s pool season is upon us. Here's what we overheard opening weekend. [in print as What we overheard opening weekend for D.C.'s pools].

Memorial Day may be the unofficial start of summer, but it's the official start of swimming season in D.C. Nearly 22 outdoor pools reopened over the holiday weekend to dozens of residents and near-perfect weather. We headed to Banneker Pool, one of the city's most popular swimming holes, to soak up the vibes and eavesdrop on our neighbors.

Outdoor pools are open every Saturday and Sunday until June 24, when they will begin operating six days a week (schedules vary).

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