
Monday, May 15, 2023

WaPo doesn't understand comics 2: Sunday's biz section mess

Jeff Stein and Vreni Stollberger may have created a perfectly good comic strip about the debt ceiling. Certainly the teaser image and text on the front page of Sunday's business section looks appealing.

However, when you open the page, instead of seeing one broadsheet comic of a basic ten panels, it's broken up into two black and white panels per page, for five pages, totally interrupting the rhythm and flow of the strip.

Presumably, they were more concerned about how it looked online, where it would work easily as a vertical scroll. Ah, yes it does. But it would be nice if they would show a little respect to both their creators, and the readers of their print publication, which is probably still subsidizing most of the electronic paper, by not giving us this bastardized unreadable mess.


  1. I was confused, as I thought it looked great— online.

    Seeing the print version is disappointing.

  2. Thanks, John. Yes it looks fine online ... if quite a bit dumbed down for Post readers who presumably know what the debt ceiling is and why a bunch of numbnuts are putting the country at risk.
