
Friday, December 14, 2018

Dec 15: Mohammad Sabsaaneh art at Palestine Ctr (DC) gathering & live auction!

From their email list:
Dear friends--

This is just a quick reminder that we're joining with our friends at DC's Palestine Center/Jerusalem Fund to invite you to a festive gathering that will take place this Saturday, 3 pm - 5 pm, in their lovely space at 2425 Virginia Ave NW, near Washington DC's Foggy Bottom metro. The gathering will feature live music and yummy light eats-- along with an auction of some of the linocuts by Mohammad Sabaaneh that have been hung at their gallery since mid-November. 

Bring your family and friends to enjoy friendship and fun at a key inflection point in our nation's (and our city's) history!
If by chance you can't make it on Saturday, remember that you still have a chance to see Mohammad's work at the Jerusalem Fund Gallery today and tomorrow, between 9:30 am and 5 pm.
When the exhibition of Mohammad's linocut prints opened at the gallery three weeks ago, it attracted this review from "ComicsDC" blogger/critic Mike Rhode, who said that his favorite works were two larger pieces, "She carries remembered worlds" and "Resisting settler colonialism everywhere".

His assessment of these pieces: "Both evoke a strong sense of place and purpose."

You can see a lovely 42-minute video of Mohammad's discussions with Bro Russell at the exhibition's opening event, here.

The proceeds from Saturday's auction will be divided three ways, with equal portions going to the Jerusalem Fund's humanitarian projects in Palestine, Just World Ed's public-education projects here in the United States-- and one, of course, going to the artist himself!

I'm hoping to see many friends, old and new, at the auction/gathering! I am also eager to share the news about what JWE has achieved over the past year-- and what we have planned for the year ahead.

One of our most important 2019 projects will be starting December 27: A 22-day informational campaign about the legacy of "Operation Cast Lead", the deadly, 22-day assault that Israel flung against the overwhelmingly civilian population of Gaza exactly ten years ago.

Stay tuned for more details of our #CastLeadPlus10 campaign, much of which will be conducted online-- on Twitter and other platforms.

Meantime, I'll hope to see you at Saturday's gathering. It's probably good if you can pre-register, here. (And be sure to tell your friends about it, too!)

Stay well--


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