
Friday, October 19, 2018

A 'lost' Newseum book and exhibit of New Yorker cartoons (in 2007)

Every once in a while, you run across something you've never seen. Such as this New Yorker-related book:

Fortunately, there's usually someone else to ask. In this case, I turned to Michael Maslin, New Yorker cartoonist and historian, and writer of the excellent Ink Spill blog.

I have stumped Michael before, notably with a book of New Yorker cartoons collected for a celebration of George Washington University's president Stephen Trachtenberg. He's got a copy of that now though...

To this one, he wrote back, "Wow, completely new to me! Great find!"

I complained from a bibliographic point of view about the book having a completely different second title page.

Michael cut back to the chase, noting the useful information, "Also of interest in the intro is that some of the cartoons were exhibited. So both the book and the exhibit were under my radar," and he continued, "This is exactly why the Spill was created (one of the main reasons anyway): to catch things like that. The stuff that tended to slip by, known only to the folks that were part of it," also summing up why ComicsDC exists as well.

Now I have to find a second copy for him, and a third for Michigan State's Comic Art Collection...

In unrelated news, at the same library sale, I found a copy of the only Gary Larson-signed Far Side book that I've ever seen:

Reader, I bought it.

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