
Monday, June 05, 2017

Jim Berryman Drawing for a Nash car dealership

by Scott Alan Stewart

This drawing by Jim Berryman, son of Clifford Berryman (both worked for the Washington Star and each won the Pulitzer for cartooning), was given to my grandfather, Earle O. Baker, who had a Nash dealership in Georgetown from 1930 to 1963. The building later became the Biograph Theater and now is a CVS -- located on M Street across from the Four Seasons hotel. Progress.

The dealership was called Williams and Baker after my grandfather and his partner Preston Williams. Despite being the nation's capital, DC was in many ways a very provincial town and it was common to do business with well-known people. Among my grandfather's customers were members of congress, John Willard Marriott (whose first root beer stand was on 14th street), and a number of Washington Senators and Redskins. This was before air conditioning was widespread, which later led to a population boom in the 1970s and beyond to our current city's sprawl.

The car in the drawing looks to be a 1946-1947 Nash Ambassador.

Wiki entry for Berryman: James Thomas Berryman (June 8, 1902 – August 12, 1971) was an American political cartoonist who won the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning. Born in Washington, D.C., Berryman was the son of Clifford Berryman, also a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist. The two Berrymans are the only parent-child pair to win Pulitzer Prizes in the same category.

11/12/2019: updated to add author's middle name, and the name of his grandfather

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