
Thursday, May 05, 2016

Alliance Française de Washington cartooning contest extended to May 20

The Alliance Française de Washington is launching its first "Bubble Factory" festival – "La Fabrique à Bulles" – dedicated to graphic arts. The festival will encourage and promote the emergence of new talents in this contest for graphic artists.
The idea of a "Factory" emphasizes the power of the mind and creativity of the young artists while "Bubbles" refers to, as in English,  "Speech Bubbles."
When? The contest will  start on Monday, February 8,  2016 and will end on May 20, 2016.
The awards ceremony will take place in Washington on May. We will announce the location soon.
What? The theme for this first year's contest is:"Résister!" "Resist!" (in English).
How? There will be two parts to the contest:
– One for teenagers: From 12 years old to 16 years old.
– One for Adults: More than 16 years old.
Contestants will be required to submit 1 "ledger size" panel (11 x 17) by April 22, 2016 (must be postmarked by 04.22.16).

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