
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cartoonist ads in World War II's Look Magazine (Updated)

Yesterday we published some articles on cartoonists from World War II-era Look Magazine. Here's some advertising from the same issues. I can't identify the cartoonist for Aunt Jemima (although the style appears to be lifted from Jimmy Hatlo's They'll Do It Every Time strip) or the Briggs tobacco ads which are signed "F". They're not by Clare Briggs because he was already dead.

Updated 11/23/2017: The Aunt Jemima artist was Dudley Fisher, who did a regularly syndicated single-panel cartoon, “Right Around Home,” featuring multi-generational family members and neighbors in multiple brief conversational exchange against a usually large outdoor (say, neighborhood) setting. Speakers were usually paired; even a dog and cat, or two birds might be interlocutors. —Arthur Vergara

Not Jimmy Hatlo? 12/15/1942

Not Jimmy Hatlo? 4/6/1943

Paul Webb, drawing hillbillies, 4/6/1943

Keith Ward, 2/23/1943. Was Ward only an advertising cartoonist?

R. Taylor, 2/23/1943

Otto Soglow, 2/23/1943

Rube Goldberg, 4/6/1943

Rube Goldberg, 2/23/1943

Richard Decker, 2/23/1943

Richard Decker, 12/15/1942

Briggs tobacco, but not by Clare Briggs, 4/6/1943
Briggs tobacco, but not by Clare Briggs, 2/23/1943

Review of William Steig's book, 2/23/1943

1 comment:

  1. Those top two Aunt Jemima ads I can tell you who did them. Dudley Fisher, who also created the popular 40s newspaper comic strip "Right Around Home."
