
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hondros changes career for comics

Local cartoonist Art Hondros is making a career change, ditching his job of more than 15 years at an iconic nonprofit scientific and educational institution in D.C. to focus more on making comics (He'll also work part time at a local hardware store). It's particularly gutsy for a 53-year-old man with a family. At the same time, Art's been garnering kudos for his work on various mini comics and submissions to the likes of Magic Bullet and the Washington Post. He's working with former Maryland writer/cartoonist Scott Mills on a webcomic/minicomic about Ivan the Terrible, and Art has also teamed with a local journalist on another project they are preparing to pitch to a publisher. Still, Art says he knows it won't necessarily be an easy transition. "I'll be living leaner by doing so. In other words, I don't expect my income to go back up right away by doing this," he tells ComicsDC.

In case you missed it, here's an interview with Art by ComicsDC editor Mike Rhode in the Washington City Paper last summer.

Courtesy of Art Honduras

1 comment:

  1. hey, I did that! It's lots of fun (and savings accounts are highly overrated)
