Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Local webcartoonist Kerry G. Johnson profiled

The Writer's Block Interviews: Kerry G. Johnson
by Raychelle Muhammad
Raychelle Writes blog March 5, 2012

His website is and his webcomic Harambee Hills is at


Raychelle Muhammad said...

I am honored that Kerry allowed me to showcase his work. His talents should be shared with the world!

Mike Rhode said...

Thank you for highlighting his work AND his location. These days, it's hard to tell when someone is working just a few miles from you.

Unknown said...

Mike: I too want to give a heartfelt shout-out to Raychelle Muhammad for allowing me to participate on her artists and writer profile page. And yes, Mike I do reside in the Metro DC/Baltimore area. Thank you for the mention.

Mike Rhode said...

Kerry - keep me posted on your projects and I'll highlight them on the blog.


Anonymous said...

Great to read about Kerry whose work is outstanding and a shining example for all artists!