
Friday, January 13, 2012

Napoleon Dynamite cartoon review in today's Express

A new Napoleon Dynamite cartoon is reviewed in today's Express on page 25. It's credited to Hank Steuver and the Post where it will probably appear on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. That show is complete garbaage. They took that g rated bullshit and put it on sunday night fox? Are you kidding me. That is possibly the worst animated series I've ever seen. Allen Gregory was hilarious and had edgier humor with homosexuality and inappropriate rance between a student and teacher. Jonah hill is waaay better than Napoleon dynamite. Pimple cream that makes you mad? Really that is the best plot you could come up with. How did fox sit down in a room and go.... Hey pimple cream with side effects and a secret underground fighting ring of farmers is brilliant television. Let's not just do that... Let's not add any swearing, no racial or sexual humor. Complete and utter garbage. Cartoon network should pick this up for Saturday mornings. But idk if even 5 year olds would like it
