
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

R.C. Harvey on the Reuben, syndication, and by extension, Cul de Sac

Bob Harvey talks about what it takes to win the National Cartoonist Society's Rueben Award, which Our Man Thompson is up for this year. Harvey gets his opinion of the strip in too - "Thompson’s quirky stylistic mannerism is a good part of his strip’s charm, which is considerable. I like his work, both art and comedy, a great deal; some say his strip is the new Calvin and Hobbes, and while it embodies an active imagination as a vital part of childhood, I wouldn’t go so far as to say Thompson is the new Watterson. Thompson’s comedy is different; ditto his take on childhood."


  1. I think I'll keep my head down and my mouth shut. That's the way I look best and make the most sense.

  2. I think it's only polite in this case too, although I personally like your smile.
