
Monday, September 22, 2008

Late posting of Baltimore Comic-Con guest PR

There's a few cancellations, so I rescued this from my list of 11,141 unread emails (seriously).


Baltimore, Maryland - September 15, 2008 - The countdown has begun! In just under two weeks, the 9th annual Baltimore Comic-Con kicks off, starting Saturday, September 27th! Do you have your tickets yet?

We've spent the past few months telling you about our guests, exclusives, vendors, and exhibitors, and we're not done yet!

We've announced guests from all walks of the industry already, including stars such as Brian Michael Bendis, Jeff Kinney, Jim Lee, Bernie Wrightson, Tim Sale, Darwyn Cooke, Mike Mignola, Steve Dillon, Guy Davis, and Geoff Johns, just to name a handful.

We regret to announce a few cancellations: David Finch (whose wife is having a baby), Gene Colan (back problems), John Romita Sr. (conflict), and Mike Grell (conflict) are unable to attend this year.

But don't despair! The Baltimore Comic-Con is proud to welcome Mike McKone (Fantastic Four, Green Lantern), C.B.Cebulski (X-Men: Divided We Stand, Avengers Fairy Tales), Dan Slott (Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers: The Initiative), Tom Brevoort (Marvel Comics editor), Walt Simonson (Thor, Fantastic Four), Bernard Chang (Wonder Woman, The Rules of The Game), Sean Chen (Iron Man, Salvation Run), Mike Hawthorne (Salem, American Splendor), Paul Storrie (Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, Star Trek: Aliens), Nelson Blake II (G.I. Joe, The Ride), Jamal Igle (Superman's Reign, Supergirl), Greg LaRocque (Power Man and Iron Fist, Marvel Team-Up), Afua Richardson (Pilot Season: Genius), Richard Starkings (Elephantmen), Andy MacDonald (NYC Mech), and Allison Sohn (Star Wars trading card artist).

"What an unbelievable group!" beamed show promoter Marc Nathan. "Mike McKone will be over from England for his first trip to our show. It's always great to have Walt, Bernard, Sean, Paul, Mike, Andy, and the Marvel gang in as well. We'll see some more new faces in Nelson, Afua, and Jamal (who had to cancel last year), and Greg and Allison are back too! Where are we going to put them all?!"

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