
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Post censors Tom the Dancing Bug - AAEC breaking news

At tonight's Cartoonapalooza session, Reuben Bolling said the Post won't be running this week's Tom the Dancing Bug strip on Dick Cheney. It's not online yet, but enjoy last week's excellent King George strip, a clipping of which I got signed by Bolling tonight. Bolling showed the censored strip which was of Cheney killing his aides when they brought bad news. The Post has a pattern of censoring comics more than other pieces as I reviewed here a few months ago.

Links, more description of the event and fuzzy pictures to follow.


  1. This is shocking to me! Especially that you blogged about it so quickly.

  2. Yes, shocking!

    I didn't want to forget. We should get t-shirts made quickly that say "Free the Cheney Bug!"

  3. Or "Nanobots Reassemble!"
